5 Amendments of Konstantinos ARVANITIS related to 2023/2138(DEC)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Notes that the Court of Auditors’ report on the implementation of the budget concerning the financial year 2022 does not contain any remarks about the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS); reiterates its call on the Court to include the annual accounts of the EDPS in its yearly audit and issue a report, prompting that, although limited, the EDPS’ budget is funded by citizens’ taxes and requires annual scrutiny and considering the importance of transparency for the proper functioning of all Union bodies, despite the low volume of transactions;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Notes with satisfaction the 2022 annual report published by the EDPS; emphasises the role of EDPS with supervising and advisnotes that compared to the 2021 final budget, EDPS’ operating budget increased by 4.12%, and ing the data processing operations of European institutions, offices and bodies (EUIs); welcomes the conference “The Future of Data Protection: Effective Enforcement in the Digital World”, organised by EDPS, bringing over 2 000 participants, discussing how to safeguard efferms of budget execution the commitment appropriations show an implementation rate of 98,23% in 2022; welcomes the implementation of the Bluebell database to establish and revise budget forecasting and to provide a refined view of all budget lines by utilizing ABAC, the financial software used in the European Commission which enables real-time forecast comparison to actual executively individuals’ rights to privacy and data proton of planned activities, better budget execution, and more efficient auditing and ex-post inspection;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. NoReiterates the order of the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Action brought on 16 September 2022 - EDPS v Parliament and Council (Case T-578/22) by which the action against the amendedEDPS’s deep concerns that Europol is now able to collect large amounts of data concerning individuals with no established link to criminal activity, and to do so retroactively; recalls that EDPS is mandated to supervise the legality of personal data processing of Europol runder Regulation was deemed inadmissible; further recalls, as regards any effects of the contested provisions(EU) 2016/794; notes that the EDPS is appealing the order of the General Court of the Court of Justice onf the EDPS’s decision of 3 January 2022, the EDPS cannot rely on them, since an administrative decision cannot affect legislative acts, or affect the content thereof; welcomes the efforts byuropean Union in Action brought on 16 September 2022 - EDPS v Parliament and Council (Case T-578/22); calls on Europol to fully address the EDPS recommendations which substantially increased in 2022;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Notes the follow-up done by the EDPS regarding the citizen’s data access request; highlights that EDPS issued a decision in the case before all facts had been checked and established; notes with concern that the EDPS decision has been challenged by both the complainant and Europol; acknowledges that the EDPS review is currently suspended due to the matter being heard by a national Court; urges EDPS to review its rules of procedure of ensuring and timely review of complaints by citizens, taking into account all relevant information and to inform the discharge authority on the progress made in this area;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6 a. Welcomes that, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, EDPS established an internal task force to monitor and assess the EU’s and EUIs’; welcomes that EDPS has been involved in activities relating to the assessment of actions, initiatives and proposals by EUIs as controllers, together with the evaluation of proposed technological solutions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the issuance of guidance for EUIs in order to assist the EUIs to adequately fight the pandemic, while ensuring compliance with data protection law;
Committee: LIBE