15 Written questions of Dolors MONTSERRAT
Attacks on judicial independence by Spanish Government ministers
Tributes to terrorists in Navarre and the Basque Country in Spain
Corruption and rule of law in Spain
Russian Government disinformation interference with national governments
Transposition of Directive (EU) 2018/851
Spain’s medium-term fiscal-structural plan
Spain’s 2025-2028 medium-term fiscal-structural plan
Spain’s medium-term fiscal-structural plan
Labeling and designation of non-animal origin products
Political assault on media freedom and pluralism in Spain
The legality of the law which lays down registration obligations for Spanish hotels hotels, tourist facilities and motor vehicle rental companies
Spain’s failure to comply with the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive
Recovery and Resilience Facility and the DANA in Spain
Adapting the automotive sector to emissions targets
Commission position on Nicolás Maduro taking office for a third term