2 Amendments of Michal WIEZIK related to 2021/2153(DEC)

Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Notes that the FCH2 maintained the position of “Service knowledge management” with constant assignments to interim staff for a period of around 2.5 years due to the request of the FCH2 Governing Board to enhance the role of knowledge management and that, according to the Commission’s framework contract for interim services the use of interim staff, however, is limited to office work of a one-off or temporary nature, arising from an exceptional increase in workload and/or the performance of a one- off activity, or to fill a vacant post pending the recruitment of a permanent staff member and that that the FCH2 practice is against this principle and in fact creates a permanent post, in addition to those foreseen in the staff establishment plans; notes the FCH2’s reply that the interim staff was needed to face the turnover for the post of Knowledge Management Officer between the years 2015 to 2020 and that thatwhich explains partly the need for interim staff to ensure continuity of the service, and that furthermore, the FCH2 could only ensure the consequent increased workload with interim staff, following the special request of its Governing Board; emphasises however that the use of interim staff should remain a temporary solution otherwise it could negatively affect the FCH2’s overall performance, such as the retention of key competences, unclear accountability channels, and lower staff efficiency; calls on the FCH2 to report to the discharge authority any development in that regard;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19 a. Emphasises that the Court’s finding confirmed persistent systemic errors for declared personnel costs and that in particular, SMEs and new beneficiaries are more error-prone than other beneficiaries. Highlights that these errors are also regularly reported by the ex post audits of the Common Audit Service (CAS) and its contracted auditors; emphasises therefore that streamlining of the Horizon 2020 rules for the declaration of personnel costs and wider use of simplified cost options is a precondition to stabilise error rates to below materiality level. FCH2 is also encouraged to strengthen its internal control systems to address the increased risk regarding SMEs and new beneficiaries;
Committee: CONT