1 Amendments of Valentino GRANT related to 2021/0240(COD)
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 17
Recital 17
(17) In order to ensure that only the riskiest obliged entities among those with significant cross-border operations are supervised directly at the level of the Union, the assessment of their inherent risk should be harmonised. Currently, there are various national approaches and supervisory authorities use distinct benchmarks for assessment and classification of inherent ML/TF risk of obliged entities. Using these national methodologies for selection of entities for direct supervision at Union level could lead to a different playing field among them. Therefore, the Authority should be empowered to develop regulatory technical standards laying out a harmonised methodology and benchmarks for categorising the inherent ML/TF risk as low, medium, substantial, or high. The methodology should be tailored to particular types of risks and therefore should follow different categories of obliged entities which are financial institutions in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing [OP please insert the next number for COM(2021)420]. That methodology should be sufficiently detailed and should establish specific quantitative and qualitative benchmarks considering at least the risk factors related to types of customers served, products and services offered, period of activity and geographical areas, including third country jurisdictions that obliged entities operate in or are related to. Specifically, each assessed obliged entity would have its inherent risk profile classified in each Member State where it operates in a manner consistent with the classification of any other obliged entity in the Union. The quantitative and qualitative benchmarks would allow such classification to be objective and not dependent on the discretion of a given supervisory authority in a Member State, or the discretion of the Authority.