Activities of Pervenche BERÈS related to 2010/0115(NLE)

Plenary speeches (1)

Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (debate)
Dossiers: 2010/0115(NLE)

Amendments (3)

Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 2
(2) The Treaty on European Union stipulates in Article 3.3 that the Union shall combat social exclusion and discrimination, and shall promote social justice and protection and provides for the Union's initiatives to ensure coordination of Member States' social policies. Article 9 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that in defining and implementing its policies and activities, the Union shall take into account requirements linked to the promotion of full and decent employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection and the fight against social exclusion and all Member States should follow the principle of equal pay for equal work at the same workplace.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 10
(10) Member States should also, through their reform programmes and based on decent jobs, aim at "sustainable growth". Sustainable growth means building a resource-efficient, sustainable and competitive economy, a fair distribution of the cost and benefits and exploiting Europe's leadership in the race to develop new processes and technologies, including green technologies. Member States should implement the necessary reforms to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and use resources efficiently. They should also improve the business environment, stimulate creation of green jobs and modernise their industrial base.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 276 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex – Guideline 10 – paragraph 1
Member States" efforts to reduce poverty should be aimed at promoting full participation in society and economy and extending employment opportunities, making full use of the European Social Fund. Efforts should also concentrate on ensuring equal opportunities, including through access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services and public services (including online services, in line with guideline 4) and in particular health care. Member States should put in place effective anti-discrimination measures. Equally, to fight social exclusion, empower people and promote labour market participation, social protection systems, lifelong learning and active inclusion policies should be enhanced to create opportunities at different stages of people's lives and shield them from the risk of exclusion and provide support, in particular for those furthest from the labour market, into decent work. Therefore, minimum income schemes in accordance with different practices, collective bargaining and national law in the Member States are necessary representing 60% of the national median income and social minimum standards as well as clear targets for a reduction of poverty in particular regarding child poverty and concrete targets related to decent work and the social security systems. Unemployment insurance schemes should evolve towards employment insurance schemes, by ensuring a job, re-training or a socially useful activity to each unemployed person. Social security and pension systems must be modernised to ensure that they can be fully deployed to ensure adequate income support and access to healthcare thus providing social cohesion whilst at the same time remaining financially sustainable. Benefit systems should focus on ensuring income security during transitions and reducing poverty, in particular among groups most at risk from social exclusion, such as one- parent families, minorities, people with disabilities, children and young people, elderly women and men, legal migrants and the homeless. Member States should also actively promote the social economy and social innovation in support of the most vulnerable.
Committee: EMPL