5 Amendments of Françoise GROSSETÊTE related to 2016/0084(COD)

Amendment 149 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 8
(8) Contaminants in CE marked fertilising products, such as cadmium, can potentially pose a risk to human and animal health and the environment as they accumulate in the environment and enter the food chain. Their content should therefore be limited in such productsCadmium content in cereals, vegetables, meat, fish and fisheries products, and food supplements, is strictly controlled in the EU through the maximum levels thereof laid down in Regulation (EU) No 488/2014. The content of heavy metals, such as cadmium, in phosphate fertilisers should therefore be limited by establishing harmonised limit values that take account of thresholds already in place in some Member States, and decadmiation techniques that are viable on an industrial scale. Furthermore, impurities in CE marked fertilising products derived from bio-waste, in particular polymers but also metal and glass, should be either prevented or limited to the extent technically feasible by detection of such impurities in separately collected bio-waste before processing.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 411 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – part 2 – PFC 1(B) – paragraph 3 – point a – point 2 – indent 2
- As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring threesix years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 40 mg/kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 414 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – part 2 – PFC 1(B) – paragraph 3 – point a – point 2 – indent 3
- As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring twelve years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 20 mg/kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5),deleted
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 494 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – part 2 – PFC 1(C)(I) – paragraph 2 – point a – point 2 – indent 2
- As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring threesix years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 40 mg/kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 497 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – part 2 – PFC 1(C)(I) – paragraph 2 – point a – point 2 – indent 3
- As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring twelve years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 20 mg/kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5),deleted
Committee: ENVI