6 Amendments of Barry ANDREWS related to 2021/2011(INI)
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the new EU Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials and stresses that EUthe EU's trade policy can plays a key role as a vehicle for improving EU access to these materials; notes that the COVID-19 outbreak has exposed the lack of resilience of global value chains for certain key products, showing the need for more robust and resilient supply chains for critical raw materials;
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that demand for raw materialsWelcomes the Commission's flagship policies of the green and the digital transition, notes that critical raw materials have an important role to play in facilitating these transitions and that their demand is projected to double by 2050; andcknowledges that an increase in demand globally is likely to lead to an increase in price and encourages the Commission to present analysis on this point; believes that this analysis should be complemented by a strong communication strategy, explaining potential trade-offs to citizens; notes that the EU is highly reliant on non- EU countries for critical raw materials, making diversified sourcing essential to increase the EU’s security of supply; calls, therefore, on the Commission to diversify the supply sources of critical raw materials as much as possible, and reduce current reliance on a few countries; calls on the Commission to focus also on securing supplies by establishing strategic stocks and appropriate stockpiling of critical raw materials in Europe, particularly in light of the uncertainties linked to the evolution of the geopolitical situation worldwide and the potential trade tensions with rich non-EU producer countrcontinue monitoring the EU's strategic dependencies in order to identify potential vulnerabilities, and conduct a detailed analysis on the role strategic stockpiles could play in addressing these vulnerabilities;
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Underlines that future EU free trade agreements (FTAs) should include a specific focus onprovisions on critical raw materials; calls on the Commission to further enhance the enforcement of FTAs to ensure that commitments and obligations on responsible sourcing of critical raw materials are met by trading partners; calls on the Commission to strengthen cooperation on sustainable sourcing of critical raw materials with third countries, particularly with likeminded partners such as the US, under existing and future EU policies and instruments, including enlargement, neighbourhood, development and cooperation policies, as well as in its engagement at the WTO;
Amendment 65 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Underlines that a fully functioning rules-based multilateral trading system is also key to ensuring open trade flows of critical raw materials; renews its call on the Commission, in this regard, to pursuexpresses concern at the use of export restrictions on critical raw materials by some WTO Members, including China, and urges all Members to refrain from pursuing such policies; renews its call on the Commission to redouble its efforts for the modernisation, strengthening and substantial reactivation of the World Trade Organization to fight distortions of provide a stable and predictable international tradeing environment and guarantee effectivefair competition worldwide;
Amendment 68 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Recalls that the EU's trade policy consists of multilateral and bilateral engagement, as well as autonomous measures and therefore; - welcomes the Commission's public commitment to introduce a legislative proposal on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability in 2021 and insists that this legislation contribute towards addressing abuses of human rights, social and environment standards in value chains; - calls on the Commission to explore new technological solutions for improving traceability in global value chains and recalls that blockchain technology can contribute towards this goal; - welcomes also the preparatory work towards a WTO-compliant Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism which, once introduced, will further contribute to the sustainability of value chains;
Amendment 72 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. WelcomesAgrees with the Commission’s proposal toassessment that shifting EU import payments for critical raw materials from other international currencies to the euro, so as to achieve lowerwould have some advantages such as reducing levels of price volatility and help to break the dependence ofing make EU importers and third- country exporters less dependent on US dollar funding markets.