68 Amendments of Nora MEBAREK related to 2023/0199(COD)

Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a) Whereas STEP, in order to reach its goal of structural investments in high technology industry and to avoid overlaps has to be closely coordinated with the existing EU initiatives to support the industry;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a) Whereas STEP, in order to reach its goal of structural investments in high technology industry and to avoid overlaps has to be closely coordinated with the existing EU initiatives to support the industry;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) The uptake and scaling up in the Union of deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies will be essential to seize the opportunities and meet the objectives of the green and digital transitions, thus promoting the competitiveness of the European industry and its sustainability and in the same time to further preserve economic, social, and territorial cohesion and solidarity among member states and their regions. Therefore, immediate action is required to support the development or manufacturing in the Union of such technologies, safeguarding and strengthening their value chains thereby reducing the Union’s strategic dependencies, and addressing existing labour and skills shortages in those sectors through trainings and apprenticeships and the creation of attractive, quality jobs accessible to all., as well as to reduce disparities in development of the various regions;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) The uptake and scaling up in the Union of deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies will be essential to seize the opportunities and meet the objectives of the green and digital transitions, thus promoting the competitiveness of the European industry and its sustainability and in the same time to further preserve economic, social, and territorial cohesion and solidarity among member states and their regions. Therefore, immediate action is required to support the development or manufacturing in the Union of such technologies, safeguarding and strengthening their value chains thereby reducing the Union’s strategic dependencies, and addressing existing labour and skills shortages in those sectors through trainings and apprenticeships and the creation of attractive, quality jobs accessible to all., as well as to reduce disparities in development of the various regions;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) There is a need to support critical technologies in the following fields: deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies (including the respective critical raw materials value chains), in particular projects, companies and sectors with a critical role for EU’s competitiveness and resilience and its value chains. By way of example, deep technologies and digital technologies should include microelectronics, high-performance computing, quantum technologies (i.e., computing, communication and sensing technologies), cloud computing, edge computing, and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity technologies, robotics, 5G and advanced connectivity and virtual realities, including actions related to deep and digital technologies for the development of defence and aerospace applications. Clean technologies should include, among others, renewable energy; electricity and heat storage; heat pumps; electricity grid; renewable fuels of non- biological origin; sustainable alternative fuels; electrolysers and fuel cells; carbon capture, utilisation and storage; energy efficiency; hydrogen and its related infrastructure; smart energy solutions; technologies vital to sustainability such as water purification and desalination; advanced materials such as nanomaterials, composites and future clean construction materials, and technologies for the sustainable extraction and processing of critical raw materials. Biotechnology should be considered to include technologies such as biomolecules and its applications, pharmaceuticals and medical technologies vital for health security, crop biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology, such as for waste disposal, and biomanufacturing. The Commission may, at the latest one month after the entry into force of this regulation, issue guidance to further specify the scope of the technologies in these three fields considered to be critical in accordance with this Regulation, in order to promote a common interpretation of the projects, companies and sectors to be supported under the respective programmes in light of the common strategic objective. Moreover, technologies in any of these three fields which are subjects of an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) approved by the Commission pursuant to Article 107(3), point (b) TFEU should be deemed to be critical, and individual projects within the scope of such an IPCEI should be eligible for funding, in accordance with the respective programme rules, to the extent that the identified funding gap and the eligible costs have not yet been completely covered.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) There is a need to support critical technologies in the following fields: deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies (including the respective critical raw materials value chains), in particular projects, companies and sectors with a critical role for EU’s competitiveness and resilience and its value chains. By way of example, deep technologies and digital technologies should include microelectronics, high-performance computing, quantum technologies (i.e., computing, communication and sensing technologies), cloud computing, edge computing, and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity technologies, robotics, 5G and advanced connectivity and virtual realities, including actions related to deep and digital technologies for the development of defence and aerospace applications. Clean technologies should include, among others, renewable energy; electricity and heat storage; heat pumps; electricity grid; renewable fuels of non- biological origin; sustainable alternative fuels; electrolysers and fuel cells; carbon capture, utilisation and storage; energy efficiency; hydrogen and its related infrastructure; smart energy solutions; technologies vital to sustainability such as water purification and desalination; advanced materials such as nanomaterials, composites and future clean construction materials, and technologies for the sustainable extraction and processing of critical raw materials. Biotechnology should be considered to include technologies such as biomolecules and its applications, pharmaceuticals and medical technologies vital for health security, crop biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology, such as for waste disposal, and biomanufacturing. The Commission may, at the latest one month after the entry into force of this regulation, issue guidance to further specify the scope of the technologies in these three fields considered to be critical in accordance with this Regulation, in order to promote a common interpretation of the projects, companies and sectors to be supported under the respective programmes in light of the common strategic objective. Moreover, technologies in any of these three fields which are subjects of an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) approved by the Commission pursuant to Article 107(3), point (b) TFEU should be deemed to be critical, and individual projects within the scope of such an IPCEI should be eligible for funding, in accordance with the respective programme rules, to the extent that the identified funding gap and the eligible costs have not yet been completely covered.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) Strengthening the development and manufacturing capacity of key technologies in the Union will not be possible without a sizeable skilled workforce. However, labour and skills shortages have increased in all sectors including those considered key for the green and digital transition and endanger the rise of key technologies, also in the context of demographic change. Therefore, it is necessary to boost the activation of more people to the labour market relevant for strategic sectors, in particular through the creation of jobs and apprenticeships for young, disadvantaged persons, in particular, young people not in employment, education or training. Such support will complement a number of other actions aimed at meeting the skills needs stemming from the transition, outlined in the EU Skills Agenda.45 _________________ 45 Communication on a European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, COM(2020) 274 final.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) Strengthening the development and manufacturing capacity of key technologies in the Union will not be possible without a sizeable skilled workforce. However, labour and skills shortages have increased in all sectors including those considered key for the green and digital transition and endanger the rise of key technologies, also in the context of demographic change. Therefore, it is necessary to boost the activation of more people to the labour market relevant for strategic sectors, in particular through the creation of jobs and apprenticeships for young, disadvantaged persons, in particular, young people not in employment, education or training. Such support will complement a number of other actions aimed at meeting the skills needs stemming from the transition, outlined in the EU Skills Agenda.45 _________________ 45 Communication on a European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, COM(2020) 274 final.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
(6) The scale of investments needed for the transition require a fulln intelligent mobilisation of funding available under existing EU programmes and funds, inclusive those granting a budgetary guarantee for financing and investment operations and implementation of financial instruments and blending operations. Such funding should be deployed in a more flexible manner, to provide timely and targeted support for critical technologies in strategic sectors. Therefore, a Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) should give a structural answercontribute to respond to the Union investment needs by helping to better channel the existing EU funds towards critical investments aimed at supporting the development or manufacturing of critical technologies, while preserving a level playing field in the Single Market, thereby preserving cohesion and aiming at a geographically balanced distributiondistribution of projects financed under STEP in a geographically balanced way amongst all regions of the EU of projects financed under the STEP in accordance with the respective programme mandates.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
(6) The scale of investments needed for the transition require a fulln intelligent mobilisation of funding available under existing EU programmes and funds, inclusive those granting a budgetary guarantee for financing and investment operations and implementation of financial instruments and blending operations. Such funding should be deployed in a more flexible manner, to provide timely and targeted support for critical technologies in strategic sectors. Therefore, a Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) should give a structural answercontribute to respond to the Union investment needs by helping to better channel the existing EU funds towards critical investments aimed at supporting the development or manufacturing of critical technologies, while preserving a level playing field in the Single Market, thereby preserving cohesion and aiming at a geographically balanced distributiondistribution of projects financed under STEP in a geographically balanced way amongst all regions of the EU of projects financed under the STEP in accordance with the respective programme mandates.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) In order to extend support possibilities for investments aimed at strengthening industrial development and reinforcement of value chains in strategic sectors, the scope of support from the ERDF should be extended by providing for new specific objectives under the ERDF, without prejudice to the rules on eligibility of expenditure and climate spending as set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/106055 and Regulation (EU) 2021/105856 . In strategic sectors, it should also be possible to support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs, and mid-caps which remain the focus and which can make a significant contribution to the development of less developed and transition regions, territories defined in the Just Transition Plans, as well as in more developed regions of Member States with a GDP per capita below the EU average. Managing authorities are encouraged to promote the collaboration between large enterprises and local SMEs, supply chains, innovation and technology ecosystems. This would allow reinforcing Europe’s overall capacity to strengthen its position in those sectors through providing access to all Member States for such investments, thus counteracting the risk of increasing disparities. _________________ 55 Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 laying down common provisions (OJ L 231, 30.6.2021, p. 159). 56 Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund (OJ L 224, 24.6.2021, p. 31).
Committee: REGI
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) In order to extend support possibilities for investments aimed at strengthening industrial development and reinforcement of value chains in strategic sectors, the scope of support from the ERDF should be extended by providing for new specific objectives under the ERDF, without prejudice to the rules on eligibility of expenditure and climate spending as set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/106055 and Regulation (EU) 2021/105856 . In strategic sectors, it should also be possible to support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs, and mid-caps which remain the focus and which can make a significant contribution to the development of less developed and transition regions, territories defined in the Just Transition Plans, as well as in more developed regions of Member States with a GDP per capita below the EU average. Managing authorities are encouraged to promote the collaboration between large enterprises and local SMEs, supply chains, innovation and technology ecosystems. This would allow reinforcing Europe’s overall capacity to strengthen its position in those sectors through providing access to all Member States for such investments, thus counteracting the risk of increasing disparities. _________________ 55 Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 laying down common provisions (OJ L 231, 30.6.2021, p. 159). 56 Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund (OJ L 224, 24.6.2021, p. 31).
Committee: REGI
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 18
(18) The regulatory framework for the implementation of the 2014-2020 programmes has been adapted over the past years to provide Member States and regions with additional with additional flexibility in terms of implementation rules and more liquidity to tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war or aggression against Ukraine. These measures, introduced at the end of the programming period, require sufficient time and administrative resources to be fully exploited and implemented; also at a time where Member States will focus resources on revising the 2021-2027 operational programmes linked to the STEP objectives. With a view to alleviate the administrative burden on programme authorities and to prevent possible loss of funds at closure for purely administrative reasons, the deadlines for the administrative closure of the programmes under the 2014-2020 period should be extended in Regulation (EU) No 1303/201361 and Regulation (EU) No 223/201462 . More specifically, the deadline for the submission of that final payment application should be extended by 12 months. Furthermore, the deadline for the submission of the closure documents should also be extended by 12 months. The last accounting year of the period should accordingly be extended until June 30, 2025 in order to give Member States sufficient time to finalise the processes linked to the closure of projects. In the context of this amendment, it is appropriate to clarify that distribution of food and material bought until the end of the eligibility period (end-2023) may continue after that date. In order to ensure a sound implementation of the EU budget and respect for the payment ceilings, payments to be made in 2025 should be capped at 1 % of the financial appropriations from resources under the Multiannual Financial Framework per programme. Amounts due exceeding the ceiling of 1% of programme appropriations per fund for 2025 would not be paid in 2025 nor in subsequent years but only used for the clearance of pre- financing. Unused amounts shall be decommitted in accordance with the general rules for decommitment at closure. _________________ 61 Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 laying down common provisions (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 320). 62 Regulation (EU) 223/2014 on the Fund for European Aid on the Most Deprived (OJ L 72, 12.3.2014, p. 1).
Committee: REGI
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 18
(18) The regulatory framework for the implementation of the 2014-2020 programmes has been adapted over the past years to provide Member States and regions with additional with additional flexibility in terms of implementation rules and more liquidity to tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war or aggression against Ukraine. These measures, introduced at the end of the programming period, require sufficient time and administrative resources to be fully exploited and implemented; also at a time where Member States will focus resources on revising the 2021-2027 operational programmes linked to the STEP objectives. With a view to alleviate the administrative burden on programme authorities and to prevent possible loss of funds at closure for purely administrative reasons, the deadlines for the administrative closure of the programmes under the 2014-2020 period should be extended in Regulation (EU) No 1303/201361 and Regulation (EU) No 223/201462 . More specifically, the deadline for the submission of that final payment application should be extended by 12 months. Furthermore, the deadline for the submission of the closure documents should also be extended by 12 months. The last accounting year of the period should accordingly be extended until June 30, 2025 in order to give Member States sufficient time to finalise the processes linked to the closure of projects. In the context of this amendment, it is appropriate to clarify that distribution of food and material bought until the end of the eligibility period (end-2023) may continue after that date. In order to ensure a sound implementation of the EU budget and respect for the payment ceilings, payments to be made in 2025 should be capped at 1 % of the financial appropriations from resources under the Multiannual Financial Framework per programme. Amounts due exceeding the ceiling of 1% of programme appropriations per fund for 2025 would not be paid in 2025 nor in subsequent years but only used for the clearance of pre- financing. Unused amounts shall be decommitted in accordance with the general rules for decommitment at closure. _________________ 61 Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 laying down common provisions (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 320). 62 Regulation (EU) 223/2014 on the Fund for European Aid on the Most Deprived (OJ L 72, 12.3.2014, p. 1).
Committee: REGI
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – title
STEP objectives and eligibility
Committee: REGI
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – title
STEP objectives and eligibility
Committee: REGI
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. To strengthen European sovereignty and security, accelerate the Union’s green and digital transitions and enhance its competitiveness, reduce its strategic dependencies, favoensure a level playing field in the Single Market for investments throughout the Union, and promote inclusive access to attractive, quality jobs, the Platform shall pursue the following objectives:
Committee: REGI
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. To strengthen European sovereignty and security, accelerate the Union’s green and digital transitions and enhance its competitiveness, reduce its strategic dependencies, favoensure a level playing field in the Single Market for investments throughout the Union, and promote inclusive access to attractive, quality jobs, the Platform shall pursue the following objectives:
Committee: REGI
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point a – introductory part
(a) supporting the development or manufacturing throughout the Union, including through establishment of new production facilities, or safeguarding and strengthening the respective European value chains, of critical technologies in the following fields:
Committee: REGI
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point a – introductory part
(a) supporting the development or manufacturing throughout the Union, including through establishment of new production facilities, or safeguarding and strengthening the respective European value chains, of critical technologies in the following fields:
Committee: REGI
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)
(ba) preserving and strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among member states and regions.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)
(ba) preserving and strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among member states and regions.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) bring an innovative, cutting-edge element with significant economic potential to the Single Market or to the region in which investment occurs;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) bring an innovative, cutting-edge element with significant economic potential to the Single Market or to the region in which investment occurs;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point b
(b) contribute to reduce or prevent strategic dependencies of the Union, its Member States and its regions.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point b
(b) contribute to reduce or prevent strategic dependencies of the Union, its Member States and its regions.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Non-associated third-country entities are not eligible for support under this regulation, i.e. legal entity that is established in a non-associated third country or, where it is established in the Union or in an associated country that has its executive management structures in a non-associated third country.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Non-associated third-country entities are not eligible for support under this regulation, i.e. legal entity that is established in a non-associated third country or, where it is established in the Union or in an associated country that has its executive management structures in a non-associated third country.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 4 b (new)
4b. By way of derogation from the preceding paragraph, a legal entity established in the Union or in an associated country and controlled by a non-associated third country or a non- associated third-country entity shall be eligible to be a recipient or subcontractor involved in an action only if guarantees approved by the Member State or the associated country in which it is established in accordance with its national procedures are made available to the Commission. Those guarantees may refer to the legal entity’s executive management structure established in the Union or in an associated country. If considered to be appropriate by the Member State or associated country in which the legal entity is established, those guarantees may also refer to specific governmental rights in the control over the legal entity. The guarantees provide assurances that participation in an action of such a legal entity is not contrary to the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Regulation.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 4 b (new)
4b. By way of derogation from the preceding paragraph, a legal entity established in the Union or in an associated country and controlled by a non-associated third country or a non- associated third-country entity shall be eligible to be a recipient or subcontractor involved in an action only if guarantees approved by the Member State or the associated country in which it is established in accordance with its national procedures are made available to the Commission. Those guarantees may refer to the legal entity’s executive management structure established in the Union or in an associated country. If considered to be appropriate by the Member State or associated country in which the legal entity is established, those guarantees may also refer to specific governmental rights in the control over the legal entity. The guarantees provide assurances that participation in an action of such a legal entity is not contrary to the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Regulation.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2
(2) The EU industry has proven its inbuilt resilience but is being challenged. High inflation, labour shortages, post- COVID supply chains disruptions, rising interest rates, and spikes in energy costs and input prices are weighing on the competitiveness of the EU industry. This is paired with strong, but not always ese difficulties are accompanied by strong, sometimes unfair, competition oin thea fragmented global market and difficulties structuring local value chains around networks of industrial stakeholders capable of carrying out projects. The EU has already put forward several initiatives to support its industry, such as the Green Deal Industrial Plan40, the Critical Raw Materials Act41, the Net Zero Industry Act42, the new Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework for State aid43, and REPowerEU44. While these solutions provide fast and targeted support, the EU needs a more structural answer to the investment needs of its industries, safeguarding cohesion and the level playing field in the Single Market and to reduce the EU’s strategic dependencies. _________________ 40 Communication on A Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age, COM(2023) 62 final. 41 COM(2023) 160 final. 42 COM(2023) 161 final. 43 Communication on a Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework for State Aid measures (OJ C 101, 17.3.2023, p. 3). 44 Regulation (EU) 2023/435 as regards REPowerEU (OJ L 63, 28.2.2023, p. 1).
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the Platform and measure the achievement of the Platform objectives set out in Article 2. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the Platform, mainly using existing reporting channels and data, the monitoring shall be further rationalised.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the Platform and measure the achievement of the Platform objectives set out in Article 2. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the Platform, mainly using existing reporting channels and data, the monitoring shall be further rationalised.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 3
3. The Commission shall report on the expenditure financed by the Platform. It shall, as appropriate, report on the achievements related to each of the specific Platform objectives and in particular on objective 2(1)(c) (new) to ensure that the implementation of the Platform does not harm cohesion.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 3
3. The Commission shall report on the expenditure financed by the Platform. It shall, as appropriate, report on the achievements related to each of the specific Platform objectives and in particular on objective 2(1)(c) (new) to ensure that the implementation of the Platform does not harm cohesion.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) The uptake and scaling up in the Union of deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies will be essential to seize the opportunities and meet the objectives of the green and digital transitions, thus promoting the competitiveness of the European industry, its structure and its sustainability. Therefore, immediate action is required to support the development or manufacturing in the Union of such technologies, safeguarding and strengthening their value chains thereby reducing the Union’s strategic dependencies, and addressing existing labour and skills shortages in those sectors through trainings and apprenticeships and the creation of attractive, quality jobs accessible to all.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 2
2. The annual report shall include consolidated information on the progress made in implementing the Platform objectives under each of the programmes and funds. It shall include qualitative and quantitative information on how Europe's economic, social and territorial cohesion is being reinforced.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 2
2. The annual report shall include consolidated information on the progress made in implementing the Platform objectives under each of the programmes and funds. It shall include qualitative and quantitative information on how Europe's economic, social and territorial cohesion is being reinforced.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 2
2. The evaluation report shall, provide an overview of the regions for which the programmes have been amended (including information on relevant aspects of the partnership principle), and in particular, shall assess to which extent the objectives have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of the resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, in view of their potential upscaling. It shall be accompanied by a thorough assessment of differentiated territorial impacts and effects on cohesion in the implementation of the Platform.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 2
2. The evaluation report shall, provide an overview of the regions for which the programmes have been amended (including information on relevant aspects of the partnership principle), and in particular, shall assess to which extent the objectives have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of the resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, in view of their potential upscaling. It shall be accompanied by a thorough assessment of differentiated territorial impacts and effects on cohesion in the implementation of the Platform.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) There is a need to support critical technologies in the following fields: deep and digital technologies, clean technologies, and biotechnologies (including the respective critical raw materials value chains), in particular projects, companies and sectors with a critical role for EU’s competitiveness and resilience and its value chains. By way of example, deep technologies and digital technologies should include microelectronics, high-performance computing, quantum technologies (i.e., computing, communication and sensing technologies), cloud computing, edge computing, and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity technologies, robotics, 5G and advanced connectivity and virtual realities, including actions related to deep and digital technologies for the development of defence and aerospace applications. Clean technologies should include, among others, renewable energy; electricity and heat storage; heat pumps; electricity grid; renewable fuels of non- biological origin; sustainable alternative fuels; electrolysers and fuel cells; carbon capture, utilisation and storage; energy efficiency; hydrogen and its related infrastructure; smart energy solutions; technologies vital to sustainability such as water purification and desalination; advanced materials such as nanomaterials, composites and future clean construction materials, and technologies for the sustainable extraction and processing of critical raw materials. Biotechnology should be considered to include technologies such as biomolecules and its applications, pharmaceuticals and medical technologies vital for health security, crop biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology, such as for waste disposal, and biomanufacturing. The Commission may, at the latest one month after the entry into force of this regulation, issue guidance to further specify the scope of the technologies in these three fields considered to be critical in accordance with this Regulation, in order to promote a common interpretation of the projects, companies and sectors to be supported under the respective programmes in light of the common strategic objective. Moreover, technologies in any of these three fields which are subjects of an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) approved by the Commission pursuant to Article 107(3), point (b) TFEU should be deemed to be critical, and individual projects within the scope of such an IPCEI should be eligible for funding, in accordance with the respective programme rules, to the extent that the identified funding gap and the eligible costs have not yet been completely covered.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Regulation (EU) 2021/1058
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new) – subparagraph 2
The Commission shall pay 30 % of the ERDF allocation to that priority as set out in the decision approving the programme amendment as exceptional one-off pre- financing in addition to the yearly pre- financing for the programme provided for in Article 90(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 or in Article 51(2), (3) and (4) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1059. The exceptional pre-financing shall be paid by 31 December 2024, providedafter the Ccommission has adopted the decision approving the programme amendment by 31 October 2024pletion of the mid-term review of the programs, as provided for in Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Regulation (EU) 2021/1058
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new) – subparagraph 2
The Commission shall pay 30 % of the ERDF allocation to that priority as set out in the decision approving the programme amendment as exceptional one-off pre- financing in addition to the yearly pre- financing for the programme provided for in Article 90(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 or in Article 51(2), (3) and (4) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1059. The exceptional pre-financing shall be paid by 31 December 2024, providedafter the Ccommission has adopted the decision approving the programme amendment by 31 October 2024pletion of the mid-term review of the programs, as provided for in Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5 a (new)
(5a) In order to strengthen the EU industry’s manufacturing capacities, regional and local industrial actors must have resilient ecosystems. The development of value chains comprising a large number of VSEs/SMEs is key for the reindustrialisation of Europe but a suitable approach is needed. This ecosystem of VSEs/SMEs finds it difficult to mobilise European funding instruments and access public contracts. It is therefore necessary to strengthen these local value chains and their structures, and set up local and regional platforms to support their projects and facilitate access to finance.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Regulation (EU) 2021/1058
Article 5 – paragraph 2 – point e (new) – subparagraph 1
when they contribute to the specificSTEP objective under PO 1 set out in Article 3(1), first subparagraph, point (a)(vi) or to the specific objective under PO 2 set out in point (b)(ix) of that subparagraphs referred to in Article 2 of Regulation .../... [STEP Regulation] under specific objective under PO 1, or to the specific objective under PO 2, in less developed and transition regions, as well as more developed regions in Member States whose average GDP per capita is below the EU average of the EU-27 measured in purchasing power standards (PPS) and calculated on the basis of Union figures for the period 2015-2017.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Regulation (EU) 2021/1058
Article 5 – paragraph 2 – point e (new) – subparagraph 1
when they contribute to the specificSTEP objective under PO 1 set out in Article 3(1), first subparagraph, point (a)(vi) or to the specific objective under PO 2 set out in point (b)(ix) of that subparagraphs referred to in Article 2 of Regulation .../... [STEP Regulation] under specific objective under PO 1, or to the specific objective under PO 2, in less developed and transition regions, as well as more developed regions in Member States whose average GDP per capita is below the EU average of the EU-27 measured in purchasing power standards (PPS) and calculated on the basis of Union figures for the period 2015-2017.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Regulation (EU) 2021/1056
Article 8 – paragraph 2 – new subparagraph
The JTF may also support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs contributing to the STEP objectives referred to in Article 2 of Regulation .../...65 [STEPRegulation]. That support may be provided irrespective of whether the gap analysis was carried out in accordance with Article 11(2)(h) and irrespective of its outcome. Such investments shall only be eligible where they do not lead to relocation as defined in point (27) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. The provision of such support shall not require a revision of the territorial just transition plan where that revision would be exclusively linked to the gap analysis. _________________ 65 Regulation …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council … [insert full title and OJ reference].
Committee: REGI
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Regulation (EU) 2021/1056
Article 8 – paragraph 2 – new subparagraph
The JTF may also support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs contributing to the STEP objectives referred to in Article 2 of Regulation .../...65 [STEPRegulation]. That support may be provided irrespective of whether the gap analysis was carried out in accordance with Article 11(2)(h) and irrespective of its outcome. Such investments shall only be eligible where they do not lead to relocation as defined in point (27) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. The provision of such support shall not require a revision of the territorial just transition plan where that revision would be exclusively linked to the gap analysis. _________________ 65 Regulation …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council … [insert full title and OJ reference].
Committee: REGI
Amendment 155 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)
Regulation (EU) 1303/2013
Article 24 – paragraph 1 a (new)
(1a) In Article 24 the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. By way of derogation from Article 60(1) and the first and fourth subparagraphs of Article 120(3), a co- financing rate of 100 % may be applied to expenditure declared in the final accounting year for one or more priority axes in a programme supported by the ERDF, the ESF or the Cohesion Fund. By way of derogation from Article 30(1) and (2) and Article 96(10), the application of the co-financing rate of 100 % shall not require a Commission decision approving a programme amendment. The Member State shall notify the revised financial tables to the Commission following approval by the monitoring committee. The co-financing rate of 100 % shall apply only if the financial tables are notified to the Commission before the submission of the final application for an interim payment for the final accounting year in accordance with Article 135(2)."
Committee: REGI
Amendment 155 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)
Regulation (EU) 1303/2013
Article 24 – paragraph 1 a (new)
(1a) In Article 24 the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. By way of derogation from Article 60(1) and the first and fourth subparagraphs of Article 120(3), a co- financing rate of 100 % may be applied to expenditure declared in the final accounting year for one or more priority axes in a programme supported by the ERDF, the ESF or the Cohesion Fund. By way of derogation from Article 30(1) and (2) and Article 96(10), the application of the co-financing rate of 100 % shall not require a Commission decision approving a programme amendment. The Member State shall notify the revised financial tables to the Commission following approval by the monitoring committee. The co-financing rate of 100 % shall apply only if the financial tables are notified to the Commission before the submission of the final application for an interim payment for the final accounting year in accordance with Article 135(2)."
Committee: REGI
Amendment 158 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) In order to extend support possibilities for investments aimed at strengthening industrial development and reinforcement of value chains in strategic sectors, the scope of support from the ERDF should be extended by providing for new specific objectives under the ERDF, without prejudice to the rules on eligibility of expenditure and climate spending as set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/106055 and Regulation (EU) 2021/105856. In strategic sectors, it should also be possible to support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs, which can make a significant contribution to the development of less developed and transition regions, as well as in more developed regions of Member States with a GDP per capita below the EU average. Managing authorities are encouraged to promote collective structures of VSEs/SMEs and the collaboration between large enterprises and local SMEs, supply chains, innovation and technology ecosystems. This would allow reinforcing Europe’s overall capacity to strengthen its position in those sectors through providing access to all Member States for such investments, thus counteracting the risk of increasing disparities. _________________ 55 Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 laying down common provisions (OJ L 231, 30.6.2021, p. 159). 56 Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund (OJ L 224, 24.6.2021, p. 31).
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 158 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Article 2 – paragraph 29
"(29) 'accounting year', means, for the purposes of Part Three and Part Four, the period from 1 July to 30 June, except for the first accounting year of the programming period, in respect of which it means the period from the start date for eligibility of expenditure until 30 June 2015. The final accounting year shall be from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024;5;"
Committee: REGI
Amendment 158 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Article 2 – paragraph 29
"(29) 'accounting year', means, for the purposes of Part Three and Part Four, the period from 1 July to 30 June, except for the first accounting year of the programming period, in respect of which it means the period from the start date for eligibility of expenditure until 30 June 2015. The final accounting year shall be from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024;5;"
Committee: REGI
Amendment 162 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 2 a (new)
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Article 141 – paragraph 1
1. "In addition to the documents referred to inthe Article 138, for the final accounting years from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 20245, Member States shall submit a final implementation report for the operational programme or the last annual implementation report for the operational programme supported by the EMFF."
Committee: REGI
Amendment 162 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 2 a (new)
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013
Article 141 – paragraph 1
1. "In addition to the documents referred to inthe Article 138, for the final accounting years from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 20245, Member States shall submit a final implementation report for the operational programme or the last annual implementation report for the operational programme supported by the EMFF."
Committee: REGI
Amendment 191 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point a – introductory part
(a) supporting the development or manufacturing throughout the Union, or safeguarding and, strengthening and structuring the respective value chains at local, regional and national level, of critical technologies in the following fields:
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 207 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)
(ba) strengthening Europe's economic, social and territorial cohesion and reducing disparities between the level of development of the various regions.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 243 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Non-associated third-country entities are not eligible for support under this regulation, i.e. legal entity that is established in a non-associated third country or, where it is established in the Union or in an associated country that has its executive management structures in a non-associated third country.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 244 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 b (new)
2b. By way of derogation from the preceding paragraph, a legal entity established in the Union or in an associated country and controlled by a non-associated third country or a non- associated third-country entity shall be eligible to be a recipient or subcontractor involved in an action only if guarantees approved by the Member State or the associated country in which it is established in accordance with its national procedures are made available to the Commission. Those guarantees may refer to the legal entity’s executive management structure established in the Union or in an associated country. If considered to be appropriate by the Member State or associated country in which the legal entity is established, those guarantees may also refer to specific governmental rights in the control over the legal entity. The guarantees provide assurances that participation in an action of such a legal entity is not contrary to the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Regulation.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 246 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall award a Sovereignty Seal to any action contributing to any of the Platform objectives, provided the action has been assessed and complies with the minimum quality requirements, in particular eligibility, exclusion and award criteria, provided by a call for proposals under Regulation (EU) 2021/695, Regulation (EU) 2021/694, Regulation (EU) 2021/697, Regulation (EU) 2021/522, or Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/856. In particular, the Commission shall take into account the action’s ability to strengthen and provide a structure for local networks of industrial actors, and preserve and generate employment.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 274 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 3
3. The Commission shall report on the expenditure financed by the Platform. It shall, as appropriate, report on the achievements related to each of the specific Platform objectives and in particular on objective 2(1)(c) (new) to ensure that the implementation of the Platform does not harm cohesion.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 281 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new)
(da) organisations and actors responsible for networks of industrial actors at local level that help to achieve the Platform’s objectives.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 287 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 2
2. The annual report shall include consolidated information on the progress made in implementing the Platform objectives under each of the programmes and funds. It shall include qualitative and quantitative information on how Europe's social, economic and territorial cohesion is being reinforced.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 291 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 2
2. The evaluation report shall, provide an overview of the regions for which the programmes have been amended (including information on relevant aspects of the partnership principle), and in particular, shall assess to which extent the objectives have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of the resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, in view of their potential upscaling. It shall be accompanied by a thorough assessment of differentiated territorial impacts and effects on cohesion in the implementation of the Platform.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 310 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Regulation (EU) 2021/1058
Article 3 – paragraph 1a
The Commission shall pay 30 % of the ERDF allocation to that priority as set out in the decision approving the programme amendment as exceptional one-off pre- financing in addition to the yearly pre- financing for the programme provided for in Article 90(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 or in Article 51(2), (3) and (4) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1059. The exceptional pre-financing shall be paid by 31 December 2024, providedafter the Ccommission has adopted the decision approving the programme amendment by 31 October 2024pletion of the mid-term review of the programs, as provided for in Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060.
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 320 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Regulation (EU) 2021/1056
Article 8 – paragraph 2 – new subparagraph
The JTF may also support productive investments in enterprises other than SMEs contributing to the STEP objectives referred to in Article 2 of Regulation .../...65 [STEPRegulation]. That support may be provided irrespective of whether the gap analysis was carried out in accordance with Article 11(2)(h) and irrespective of its outcome. Such investments shall only be eligible where they do not lead to relocation as defined in point (27) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. The provision of such support shall not require a revision of the territorial just transition plan where that revision would be exclusively linked to the gap analysis. _________________ 65 Regulation …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council … [insert full title and OJ reference].
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 331 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point 2 a (new)
Regulation (EU) 1303/2013
Article 24 – paragraph 1 a (new)
(2a) In Article 24 the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. By way of derogation from Article 60(1) and the first and fourth subparagraphs of Article 120(3), a co-financing rate of 100 % may be applied to expenditure declared in the final accounting year for one or more priority axes in a programme supported by the ERDF, the ESF or the Cohesion Fund. By way of derogation from Article 30(1) and (2) and Article 96(10), the application of the co-financing rate of 100 % shall not require a Commission decision approving a programme amendment. The Member State shall notify the revised financial tables to the Commission following approval by the monitoring committee. The co-financing rate of 100 % shall apply only if the financial tables are notified to the Commission before the submission of the final application for an interim payment for the final accounting year in accordance with Article 135(2)."
Committee: BUDGITRE
Amendment 332 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Regulation (EU) 1303/2013
Article 2 – paragraph 29 a (new)
In Article 2 the following paragraph is inserted: "29a. The last accounting year of the period should be extended until June 30, 2025. "
Committee: BUDGITRE