168 Written questions of Clara PONSATÍ OBIOLS
Conditions of detention and detainees’ fundamental rights in the European Union
International Mother Language Day – let’s make the European Union genuinely multilingual
Violence against women on the rise in Pakistan
Spanish Government limits free competition in telecommunication services
Compliance with the Late Payment Directive in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis
Flight cancellations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Spanish Supreme Court statement on the release of prisoners during the coronavirus emergency
Statement of VP/HR Borrell and compliance with the Commission Decision on a Code of Conduct for the Members of the Commission (2018/C 65/06)
COVID-19 apps: technology and data protection
Under-reporting of COVID-19-related deaths
Government control of the media and freedom of expression in the Member States during the COVID-19 crisis
Possible violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Spain
Discrimination against EU citizens based on their origin
Nissan's closure of its factories in Catalonia
Late payment of subsidies to employees
The LTGBI flag and other non-official flags are banned in Spanish public institutions
Lack of data on the creative and cultural sectors (CCS)
Forced labour in Uyghur detention camps in China
VP/HR Borrell’s compliance with the principles governing the conduct of Members of the Commission
Disability focal points
Disability focal points
Lack of investigation into the Spanish Crown’s implication in a money laundering case
Changes to Commission Decision (EU) 2020/2146 enabling public and non-profit organisations to combat the effects of COVID-19
Spain’s compliance with the Late Payments Directive during the COVID-19 crisis
Supplementary question about the Spanish Supreme Court statement on the release of prisoners during the coronavirus emergency
Turkey and child-soldiers
Surveillance of political opponents in Spain
Surveillance of political opponents in Spain
Mass arrest of LGBTI activists in Poland
The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Common Security Policy supports a Francoist minister
Concerns about the intended merger between CaixaBank and Bankia
True cross-border access to online content in the EU
Possible competition distortion by auditing firms in the EU
Serious concerns about the announced closure of Saint Gobain glass factory located in the municipality of l’Arboç (Catalonia)
The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
2020 Rule of Law Report
Renegotiation of the Energy Charter Treaty: alignment with the Paris Agreement before the 2021 COP and next steps envisaged by the EU
Energy Charter Treaty renegotiation: the EU’s position regarding fossil fuels protection, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism and public information
Delay in the transposition of Directive 2018/1808 in Spain
Potentially excessive costs for military equipment in Spain amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Police brutality in Spain not being investigated
The leader of the Spanish People’s Party’s boasting about his party’s influence over the Commission
The situation of Bernardo Caal, defender of human rights in Guatemala and prisoner of conscience
Coercive labour programmes in Tibet
EU Recovery Funds for regions and cities
Human rights violations in the Canary Islands
Euro coins with the effigy of former Spanish king Juan Carlos I
Privacy, malware and decryption
Allowing couples without legal documents that prove their relationship to reunite during the pandemic
The ECtHR has given another judgment against Spain for failing to investigate a case of torture of a detained person
The Vice-President / High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy calls on Russia to release Aleksei Navalny
Clarification concerning the COVID-19 vaccine supply cuts in the EU
The right to artistic freedom in Spain
European Citizens’ Initiative as a tool for citizens’ participation in the EU decision-making process
The case of Mikel Zabaltza
Torture in Tibet
Legal consequences of a denouncement by a Member State of an international agreement signed by the European Union
Regional and minority languages on the Conference on the Future of Europe multilingual digital platform
Compliance with the Late Payment Directive and companies receiving Next Generation EU Funds in Spain
Demonstrations and human rights in Colombia
Frontex’s role in illegal mass expulsions at EU borders
The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi.
On arms exports and military training from Spain to Saudi Arabia
EU certification of the very high voltage line in Girona
The Commission’s position on the CGPJ’s draft report on the Democratic Memory Law
Strengthening EU-Taiwan trade relations
Relations between China and Spain after China imposed sanctions against EU officials
The European Digital Identity and existing regional and national eIDs
Possible bottlenecks on the Mediterranean Corridor railway line crossing Tarragona’s shore
Spread of disinformation and propaganda by an EU Member State institution
Mediterranean Corridor track between Algeciras and Alicante
Alleged pressure from Spain on Vice-President Timmermans before his speech on 4 October 2017
Subject: Case 13/13 and torture cases
Cross-border cooperation in fire management
Possible leak of a European intelligence report to The New York Times
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation (Global Europe) Instrument in the Rif area
Discriminatory decision by the French Constitutional Council against speakers of regional and minority languages
Follow-up to the Commission Green Paper on Ageing
European care strategy
Effective tax rate and harmonisation of tax advantages in the EU
The impact of revolving doors on energy prices
The difference between the provisional and final budgets for the Mediterranean Corridor
The Valmuel-Tarragona-Begues extra high voltage transmission line
Closure of border crossing points in Catalonia and in the Basque Country
The seventh Spain‑Turkey Summit and the Member States’ consistent implementation of the EU Gender Action Plan III
Spain-Turkey military cooperation
Human rights in West Papua
Repression in the indigenous Amazigh region of Kabylia: the case of Nait Sid
Mr Marc Lamaître’s statements in Parliament concerning Spain’s administrative management of structural and cohesion funds
Bahri ships transporting weapons to Saudi Arabia through Europe
The detention of Osman Kavala
Commissioner Reynders’s meeting with a Spanish organisation with ties to the far right
Preventing national electoral authorities from illegally banning candidates from standing in the European elections
The connection between Spanish intelligence services and the terrorist cell leader Abdelbaki Es Satty
Addressing menopause as a workplace issue and preventing discrimination of women of menopausal age
Reform of the contributions system for the self-employed in Spain
A Spanish court’s disregard for victims’ rights by overturning the decision of Barcelona City Council to withdraw an award for Franco’s provincial governor
European Union Prize for Literature and the promotion of linguistic diversity
The ongoing repression of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in Spain
Addressing energy prices and improving the resilience of EU energy infrastructure
Compliance of TEN-T Regulation on the Mediterranean Corridor between Tarragona and Barcelona
On the mysterious non‑inclusion of a Russian oligarch in the EU sanctions list
Uyghur Tribunal Judgment
On transparency regarding donations to political parties
Commissioner Reynders’s meeting with Societat Civil Catalana: non‑compliance with the code of conduct and lack of transparency in the answer provided
The Commission’s duty to give all MEPs and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views
The Commission’s powers to investigate the use of Pegasus spyware by Member States
On the meeting of Commission Vice‑President Schinas with Spanish extreme‑right MEPs
Completion of the Mediterranean Core Network Corridor in Spain
Recrudescence of the situation in Nagorno‑Karabakh through words and actions
EU Member States deficient management of EU structural funds
Police operation at the Spanish border of Melilla
LGBTIQ rights during the FIFA Qatar World Cup
The Spanish Government’s consistent refusal to allow Frontex forces to play an active role on the land borders of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla
Spanish Supreme Court’s failure to comply with rulings of the European Court of Human Rights
Severe sanitary conditions in Bahraini prisons for political prisoners and prisoners of conscience
Remarkable increase in Spanish imports of liquified natural gas from Russia in the context of the REPowerEU plan
Statements from the future EU Ambassador to China and their compatibility with the EU’s position on China
2022 Rule of Law Report: Spyware operation against Catalans
Police infiltration of civil society organisations in Catalonia on antiterrorism grounds
Ongoing closure of border crossing points in Catalonia and the Basque Country
The EU’s position on Azerbaijan’s aggression against the territorial integrity of Armenia
Spain’s violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
The dire situation of SMEs in Algeria
Improving bank account portability in the EU
The use of difenoconazole by non-EU rice producers supplying to the EU
Spying on civil society organisations and political parties
Mismanagement of Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) funds by the Spanish Government
Illegal Chinese overseas police service stations in Catalonia
Moroccan police operations within the EU
Former Spanish minister defends state terrorist activities
High imports of used cooking oil from China to Spain
Following up the West Papuan issue in the context of EU-Indonesia free trade agreement negotiations
On the alleged involvement of VP/HR Borrell in the Qatargate scandal
VP/HR’s meetings register
Alignment of the RRP and the new LPD
The human rights situation in Peru
The EU’s response to the serious deterioration of the rule of law in Guatemala and the arbitrary persecution of a former anti-corruption prosecutor
Workers suffer repression for exercising their democratic rights in Spain
Prisoner safety in Iran following protests over the death of Mahsa Amini
Use of Ceuta for Russian trade
EU action to stop Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin corridor
Syrian regime forces blockade of aid convoys of the Kurdish Red Crescent (KRC) directed to the North-West
Glorification of the fascist División Azul in Spain
Commercialisation of disinformation and electoral interference services in the EU
EU measures in view of the violation of human rights of the Tibetan minority in China
Last-minute approval of the Spanish national public procurement strategy
Exclusion of Catalan, Basque and Galician from the Erasmus+ Online Language Support platform
Accommodation and car rental providers’ obligation to provide data to the Spanish police
Addressing the serious irregular activities of the Spanish judiciary and police in the upcoming rule of law report on Spain
Discrimination against the Catalan language by the Commission’s ‘You are EU’ campaign
Spanish-Moroccan trade of Western Saharan phosphorus and phosphates
34th birthday of the Panchen Lama
Catalan independence movement classed as domestic terrorism in Spanish Attorney General’s annual report
Morocco’s removal from the Financial Action Task Force grey list and the Commission’s position
Spanish authorities continue issuing ‘golden visas’ to Russian nationals through the investor residence scheme
Commission view on proposals to ban encryption
EU actions to promote linguistic diversity in the Erasmus+ programme
Persistent increase of Russian liquified natural gas imports in the EU
European Council’s views on proposals to ban encryption
EU response to the arrest of peaceful protesters in Hong Kong
Europol EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2023
Use of Spanish harbour to circumvent EU embargo on Russian oil
Excessive use of secondments in the Spanish judiciary
Recognition of qualifications in the EU and mobility of citizens
Unsatisfactory answer to question E-001545/2023 on Spanish authorities’ continued issuance of ‘golden visas’ to Russian nationals
Ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijani threats to Armenia’s territorial integrity
Political persecution of the Catalan people by Spain omitted from 2023 Rule of Law Report