86 Amendments of Riitta MYLLER related to 2008/2015(INI)

Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls in particular the essential objectives in combating climate change and stresses the importance of setting a clear medium-term target of a 205%-340% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, as agreed in the roadmap adopted at the UN's Bali conference on climate change in 2007, and a long-term reduction target of 560%- 80% by 2050, in order to achieve a 50% probabilitymaintaining the focus ofn restricting the increase in average global temperature to 2°C over pre-industrial levels;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Agrees that the development, application and export of modern environmental technologies makes a contributiones simultaneously to fulfilling the Lisbon Strategy and meeting the EU’s Kyoto targets and other climate objectives, thus enablingand points out that, in order to achieve ambitious environmental targets and economic growth, to be realishe Lisbon strategy and the climate and energy package should be fully integrated;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Calls on the EU and its Member States to ensure the development of the European energy transport infrastructure needed to ensure diversity for the EU in terms of energy sources;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24a. Stresses that effective use of wind power and other forms of renewable energy on a wide scale will require investment in European power grids;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Considers that, if any future low-carbon energy policy must also investigate the possible contribution of nuclear power to the energy mix of the future, focusing onaimed at reducing carbon dioxide includes nuclear energy, then it must focus not only on the possible reduction in carbon dioxide emissions but also on the investment required, the security of uranium supply, the operation of the plants, technological and international safety issues and also the unresolved question of the disposal of waste, in comparison to renewable energy sources;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27 a (new)
27a. Regards combined heat and power as an effective, economical and environmentally sensible option;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28
28. Considers that research into the technological feasibility of nuclear fusion in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is the first step towards the objective of commercial utilisation of this form of energy, and stresses that the achievement of this goal is highly dependent on long-term guarantees of funding for this research and that possibilities for expanding the available resources in order to speed up the project should be investigated;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
31. Considers it essential to involve the developing countries in a long-term strategy for the development and production of biofuels, in order to examine the possibility of their economic planning and profitability, to answer the question of their environmental sustainability, and not least to permit social developments and lasting increase in earnings, as well as to ensure that developing countries receive the training needed in order to be in a position to respect the EU sustainability criteria;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Calls on the Commission to reconsider the non-binding nature of the 20% goal for energy efficiency by 2020 and if necessary to propose to the Council that this target be made binding; also stresses the need to explore the possibility of laying down interim reduction objectives;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39
39. Calls on the relevant local authorities and professional associations in the Member States to establish the criterion of energy efficiency for new buildings as a leitmotiv for architects and building engineers, with building regulations for the energy efficiency of new buildings as a possible first step in this direction;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39
39. Calls on the relevant local authorities and professional associations in the Member States to establish the criterion of energy efficiency for new buildings as a leitmotiv for architects and building engineers, with building regulations for the energy efficiency of new buildings as a possible first step in this direction, and to ensure in this context clean and healthy indoor air;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39a (new)
39a. Calls on Member States, together with relevant local authorities and professional associations, to put in place energy efficiency criteria, guidelines and regulations for new buildings and important renovation works, and stresses the fundamental role of the public authorities in encouraging the inclusion of energy efficiency requirements among the rules governing public procurement;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39b (new)
39b. Notes that renovation and improvement of energy efficiency of tower block buildings, especially in those countries where such buildings make up the biggest part of the housing market, is the easiest way to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions; calls on the Commission to revise and increase the currently existing 2% structural funds limit applicable to grants for the renovation of tower blocks;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39c (new)
39c. Notes that the long-term target in the building sector in Europe should be net zero-energy performance in new residential buildings by 2015 and in new commercial and public buildings by 2020, and considers that the target should be extended in the long term to cover renovated buildings;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 53
53. Calls on the Member States and local authorities, by means of pricing measures and other incentives, to promote a modal shift from cars to local public transport and from road to railmore environmentally friendly means of transport, and by substantial investments in the necessary infrastructure to massively expand and improve the overall service and make it more attractive, making public transport more attractive; in the intermediate period, calls for improvements in the integration of private/individual transportation with public/collective transport systems;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 59
59. Calls on the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to agree on a reduction target within the shipping industry and to set minimum standards for the use of these modern technologies in the construction of new vessels; calls on the Commission to set a reduction emission target for maritime transport, should this prove to be necessary;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 63 a (new)
63a. Calls on all Member States and the EU institutions to give all necessary support to R&D in respect of break- through environmentally friendly transport technologies, such as hydrogen, electric, fuel cells or hybrids;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 64
64. Calls on the Commission to draw up a report by 2010 on cabotage and other factors in the European Union which lead to unladen journeys and losses of efficiency in the Internal Market; believes that efficient and effective freight logistics, used as an integral part of the EU transport system, are the key to sustainable mobility in Europe, to economic efficiency and competitiveness, to optimal use of energy resources, to job creation, to the protection of the environment and to fighting against climate change;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after paragraph 69
Emissions Trading Scheme/Industrial emissions
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 70
70. Calls on the Commission, before it formulates further-reaching reduction targets, firstly to examine the inclusion of other industries in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) or the re-allocation of burdens between ETS and non-ETS industries, and secondly to identify real reduction potential taking account of the carbon bound in the raw materials used and to examine the special situation of companies exposed to international competition;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 210 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 70 a (new)
70a. Requires all commercial and non- commercial entities to report publicly, on an annual basis, on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions emitted, measures taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, activities undertaken to reskill employees (in the event of closure due to proven carbon leakage) and revenues gained through emission trading scheme operations; asks the Commission to monitor these activities and report to Parliament on progress made by industrial sectors to curb emissions;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 217 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 72
72. Proposes, with a view to restricting the number of CDM / JI projects, that country-specific quotas be imposed rather than a general limit value; calls on the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Climate Change to propose more stringent criteria for the approval of CDM/JI in the context of the negotiations towards a post-2012 agreement;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 73
73. Proposes, in the debate on improving the efficiency of electric drives and motors in industrial equipment, that the Commission pursue a broader concept taking into account technological potential such as adjustable speeds of a drive as a possible eco-design criterion;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after paragraph 73
CO2 capture and storage (CCS)deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 74
74122a. Considers, particularly with regard to the technological neutrality of the EU approach, that the environmentally safe use of CCS should be discussed without prejudging the outcome; advocates the promotion of international cooperation in order to encourage technology transfer, particularly with those emerging countries which still rely on local coal as a fuel; (Paragraph 76 of the motion for a resolution has been moved here in an amended form)
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 75
75122b. Takes the view that creating next- generation technologies and making possible the necessary increase in scale requires considerable financial support for long-term research and development;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 233 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 77
77122c. Urges the members of the UNFCCC to recognise CCS as a technology transfer under the CDM of the Marrakesh Agreement on the Kyoto Protocol;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 78
78122d. Calls on the EU and its Member States to take possible public scepticism or concerns about the application of CCS seriously and not to deny existing logistical difficulties;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 79
79. Calls on the Commission to consider, without prejudging the outcome, the explicit inclusion of agriculture in a future integrated European climate policy and the elaboration of binding reduction targets for the emission of greenhouse gases from the agriculture sector, exploiting all existing potential;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 239 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 79 a (new)
79a. Calls on the Commission to make provision for aid to the agriculture sector when agricultural activities are hit by extreme weather conditions and aid for those regions for which there are forecasts of a high risk of loss of agricultural revenues as a result of climate change (for example, regions threatened by desertification due to lack of water, etc.);
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 83
83. Calls for research and development ofinto new technologies including biotechnology for seed and plant breeding, in green gene technology and for plant protection to be stepped up in order to implement a climate protection policy for agriculture; also calls for research and development funding to develop new and more environmentally friendly methods of cultivation and farm management and to finance their pilot implementation, which should include seminars and educational programmes for both new and the existing farmers, in order to help agriculture to adapt to climate change;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 246 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 84
84. Takes the view that, if agricultural practice is to take account of climate change, new land- and water management know-how needs to be imparted, and that vocational training for young farmers should cover the effects of climate change or the climatic relevance of agricultural production;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 84 a (new)
84a. Recognises that growing cereals and soya as feed for livestock is responsible for substantial greenhouse gas emissions; takes the view that a move away from industrial livestock production to more near natural rearing systems should be encouraged as these require less use of cereals and soya as feed and have significant environmental benefits;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 85
85. Calls for feed rations in dairy and meat production to be reviewed, and where necessary improved, with a view to achieving a reduction in methane formation in the rumen of ruminants without restricting productivity; however, considers that dietary changes that are likely to have an adverse effect on the health and welfare of any of the animals concerned must not be introduced;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 256 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 87 a (new)
87a. Considers that the creation of an international fund for developing countries for planting trees on areas of unused land should be envisaged;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 93 a (new)
93a. Notes that, based on its life-cycle attributes wood is a 'greener' choice in construction than steel and concrete, , since it locks up carbon dioxide, requires much less energy to produce than alternatives, and its by-products can be used to produce renewable energy; notes further that using wood as a construction material would help to take carbon emissions out of the carbon cycle permanently and would replace energy- intensive materials such as concrete;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 93 b (new)
93b. Stresses that sustainable forest management, which uses very broad social, economic and environmental goals, should be implemented in the EU; notes that sustainable forest management aims in the long term to increase the forest carbon stock; notes further that young, growing and well managed forests are good carbon sinks and hence considers that where forests are being cut down, new planting should be undertaken to replace those trees which are cut down; considers that simultaneously, more old forests should be protected, as they have vital role in maintaining biodiversity;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 97
97. Takes the view that strategic planning and integrated water management based on present and futureresources based on supply measures and hierarchy of water needuses are key to coping successfully with the effects of climate change on the availableility and variability of water resources;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 277 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 98
98. Considers that integrated water resources management should comprise strategies for the improvement of water use efficiency, water saving, rationalisation and limitation of water consumption, and improved consumer awareness on sustainable water consumption, and should respond to issues concerning the collection and storage of rainwater in natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as to those relating to the risk and impact of floods and droughts; considers that action should be encouraged to establish an effective hierarchy of water uses and recalls that a demand-side approach should be preferred when managing water resources;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 279 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 99
99. Calls on the Commission to assume an important cross-border coordinating role in water management, particularly by network creation and funding of research into innovative technologies for increased water efficiency, the desalination of sea water, new irrigation systems and agricultural and urban water consumption, and for pilot projects to reduce damage from drought or flooding; calls for the rapid establishment of the European Observatory on droughts, desertification, floods and other effects of climate change in order to gather information and ensure a more effective response by an early warning system;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 104
104. Recognises that the hierarchy of waste forms a leitmotiv in European waste policy; points out, however, that from the point of view of combating climate change the rigid application of this hierarchy is not necessarily helpfulinvites the Commission to propose percentage reduction targets on reducing, reusing and recycling waste; demands that the targets be reviewed and tightened when necessary;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 289 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 105
105. Notes that waste prevention, for example by using less packaging, is the best way of reducing the sector's direct emissions from waste collection; stresses however, that waste prevention in the long term demands change in production methods and consumption habits;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 307 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 114 a (new) (after subheading 'Health')
114a. Stresses the importance of green zones in urban areas for the health of the general public, air quality, carbon capture, and to help to tackle climate change; calls on the Commission, the Member States and local authorities to preserve and enlarge the existing - and to develop new - green zones in urban areas;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 318 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116 a (new)
116a. Calls on the Member States to earmark additional finance to health systems to cope with the impact of climate change on health as climate change is accelerating the rate of disease migration, which puts pressure on health systems;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 319 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116 a (new)
116a. Highlights that tropical illness spread by parasites or by mosquitoes and other pathogenic agents, usually encountered in tropical areas, could appear at higher latitudes and altitudes, representing a new threat to human beings;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 320 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116 b (new)
116b. Considers that there is a need for research in medical science and in the pharmaceutical sector in order to develop drugs and vaccines for new diseases, which should be made available to all affected populations at an affordable price;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 321 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 117
117. Considers that Europe enjoys an excellent starting position in the global race for a low-emission economy, and should make the most of this position to trigger greater innovation which will create new and competitive businesses and new jobs in the fields of clean technology in full accordance with the Lisbon Strategy, renewable energies and green enterprises and green skills in order to counterbalance possible loss of jobs in high CO2 emitting sectors, in full accordance with the Lisbon Strategy; calls on the Commission and the Member States to identify structural changes resulting from the implementation of climate change policies and calls on the Commission to propose periodically, measures to support the populations most affected;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 322 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 118
118. Warns against pessimism, which may lead to our missing the economic opportunity offered by climate change and political measures to combat it, thereby losingby stressing the need for optimism on the part of the social partners who will be directly involved in stimulating the economy and the possibilities of re- education and absorption of workers affected as a result of climate change adaptation and mitigation; considers that public and social consensus will be critical to win the global race for efficiency, innovation, raw materials and future technologies, and markets;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 323 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 119 a (new)
119a. Considers that, in order to manage in a socially effective manner adjustments and restructuring in the labour market which will become necessary as a result of climate change, measures should be taken to develop mechanisms based on a preventive approach with the involvement of the social partners;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 328 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 121 a (new)
121a. Proposes the use of incentives to help enterprises use green technologies which will create new jobs and will strengthen the economy; highlights that co-financing programmes using the European Social Fund should help promote green employment with a view to help re-train workers in green jobs; also proposes that part of the revenues from ETS should be used to promote green employment and to help the more sensitive groups in our society;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 330 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 123 a (new)
123. Recommends that Member States consider ways of accelerating the implementation of clean and energy efficient technologies, such as direct subsidies to consumers investing in technologies, for instance solar panels, ground heath pumps, air heath pumps, water heath pumps and cleaner burning hearth appliance stoves;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 331 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 125
125. Calls for the establishment of a European Climate Fund or corresponding funds in the Member States, to be financed by the proceeds of ETS auctions, and regards this as a way of creating a capital stock to fund a future climate policy, given that there are limits on how far one can plan now for the individual measures of that policy and the investment they will require;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 334 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 126
126. Proposes that this capital stock be used on the capital market to permit a backflow to the economic operators and (re-)investment in future technologies, thus leaving it to the market to decide which technologies should be used in future to achieve medium- and long-term climate objectives, instead of determining this by legislation;deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 336 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 126 a (new)
126a. Calls for the greater use of public procurement and public-private partnerships as means of promoting innovation in new technologies and ensuring their market access;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 337 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after paragraph 127
Intelligent computer systems and ICTdeleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 356 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 135
135. Regards it as urgently necessary to Calls on the Commission to develop communication strategies to spread information on the science of climakte change (based on the latest IPCC findings), energy saving strategies, energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources impinge much more strongly on the everyday consciousness of the publicto the general public, in addition suggests that EU youth exchange programmes focus on common climate change awareness projects and therefore calls on the Commission to commission annually, via Eurobarometer, an EU citizen survey measuring citizen's attitudes and perceptions towards climate change, and furtherefmore calls for general and simple efficiency standards for all areas of everyday life;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 370 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after paragraph 146 (new)
Agenda for action to combat climate change 2009-2014
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 371 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 146a (new) (after the new subheading)
146a. Calls for an agenda for action to combat climate change for the period 2009-2014 to be implemented as follows: At an EU level, the Commission and the Member States should: 1. lead discussions at a local and global level by taking action to combat climate change today, 2. develop, fund and introduce an EU- wide super grid which is accessible to all forms of electricity providers, 3. promote and fund efficient sustainable transport infrastructure which will reduce carbon emissions, and which should include hydrogen technology, and investment in high speed railways, 4. develop new communication strategies which will educate and provide citizens with incentives to reduce emissions in an affordable way, such as developing information on the carbon content of products and services, 5. develop legislative instruments to encourage all industrial sectors to become leaders in the fight against climate change, starting with a demand for transparency on carbon emissions, 6. establish stronger links between the Lisbon policy agenda, the social agenda and climate change policies; The European Parliament would welcome the promotion and exchange of best practice between local authorities on : 1. energy efficiency measures to combat energy poverty, with the objective of net- zero-energy performance targets in private, commercial and public buildings, 2. recycling and reusing of waste: for example, developing infrastructure for collection points, 3. the development of infrastructure for low emission passenger cars using renewable energies, as well as introducing incentives for the development of zero- emission vehicles used for public transport, 4. promote more sustainable mobility in cities and in rural areas, 5. implement adaptation activities;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 439 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Z
Z. whereas current policy on biofuels has resulted in a conflict of objectives marked on the one hand by a growing scarcity of food and rising food prices and on the other by increasing energy needs and the search for alternative fuels,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 442 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Z a (new)
Za. whereas the world is currently experiencing rising food prices and severe food scarcity; whereas any development of biofuels must take this into account and not aggravate the existing situation,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 455 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital AE a (new)
AEa. whereas decreasing energy consumption with energy efficiency at an individual and community level creates new commerce and jobs and combats energy poverty,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 459 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital AG
AG. whereas low-energy houses are often aesthetically unattraattractive, fashionable and cost-effective,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 461 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital AG a (new)
AG. whereas decoupling growth in energy consumption from economic growth by investing in energy efficiency in all sectors of society is a key objective of the EU,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 469 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital AV a (new)
AVa. whereas it should be stressed that in the long term the most efficient way of reducing transport-based emissions is to decrease transport growth as a whole by making public transport a more attractive alternative to passenger cars, increasing the volume of rail transport and ensuring that urban and infrastructure planning takes into account the absolute need to reduce the use of passenger cars,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 474 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after recital AY
Emission Trading Scheme and iIndustrial emissions
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 477 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital AZ
AZ. whereas the European Emission Trading Scheme is a unique instrument for achieving emissions reductions with maximum efficiency and may act as a model for similar schemes, though the compatibility of such regional schemes would have to be guaranteed,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 479 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BA
BA. whereas the formulation of further reduction objectives for emissions trading should also take account of investment cycles (availability of new types of production procedure, capital requirements, and the time factor),deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 480 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BA
BA. whereas the formulation of further reduction objectives for emissions trading should also take account of investment cycles (availability of new types of production procedure, capital requiindustrial sectors are key to meeting the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the European Council and whereas they should be encouraged to reduce their industrial grements, and the time factor)house gas emissions further, whilst remaining competitive,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 481 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BB
BB. whereas the idea underlying the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI), namely the dissemination of modern and efficient technologies, should be reinforced,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 483 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BC
BC. whereas it would be possible to substantially reduce the energy consumption of industrial electric motors and drives as required by means of adjustable motor speeds and optimised components,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 484 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading after recital BC
CO2 capture and storage (CCS)deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 485 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BD
BD. whereas CCS is already being applied on a small scale in various areas – e.g. in oil and gas extraction – but is still in the early stages as a major technology to combat climate change,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 486 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BE
BE. whereas the costs and risks still outweigh the economic advantages, and the effectiveness of power stations using CCS is diminishing in spite of the use of the latest technology,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 488 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BF
BF. whereas the technology for CO2 capture and storage (CCS), as a bridging technology on the way to the decarbonisation of the energy system, may make contribute to resolving the issue of sinking CO2 emissions from power stations and could serve to complement renewable technologies, but whereas CCS is an end-of-pipe technology,deleted
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 493 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BG a (new)
BGa. whereas agriculture is an emitter of greenhouse gases but also contributes positively to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and also suffers directly from the negative effect of climate change leading to different economic and social consequences across regions of Europe,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 494 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BG b (new)
BGb. whereas the increased consumption of meat and fish have had an impact on climate change as well as other environmental consequences, and may lead to conflicts about how best to use land and resources in order to reduce hunger in the world,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 499 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BL
BL. whereas forests are very valuable for the biosphere and yet have no market price as a whole in spite of theirhave many functions in the global eco-system,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 502 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BL a (new)
BLa. whereas forests have three- dimensional roles in climate change mitigation: as carbon stocks through sustainable use and protection of forests, as carbon sinks through forestation and as a substitute for fossil fuels and fossil products as a renewable raw material,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 508 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BO a (new)
BOa. whereas forest areas are destroyed because of fires caused by heat waves, flooding or deforestation,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 509 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BO b (new)
BOb. whereas there are not enough strategies and programmes for the reforestation of forests that have been cleared,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 513 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BR
BR. whereas the availability of water resources, drinking water and other water supplies, water consumption and the treatment of waste water are closely linked to economic and social conditions,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 514 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BS
BS. whereas the regional disparities in Europe with regard to available water resources, and the occurrence of floods and droughts, are being intensified still further by climate change,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 517 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BW a (new)
BWa. whereas waste hierarchy is a key principle guiding climate change mitigation in the waste sector,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 518 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital BW b (new)
BWa. whereas it should be acknowledged that waste disposal innovations and the increased use of recycled products have a positive impact on the environment,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 531 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital CE a (new)
CEa. whereas new jobs will be created in the renewable and related sectors and there will be possible job losses in sectors related to high CO2 emissions, and whereas there could be a movement of employees within these different sectors,
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 532 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital CF a (new)
CFa. whereas achieving climate change mitigation targets requires appropriate financial steering mechanism to endorse the development and application of energy-efficient and clean technologies,
Committee: CLIM