2 Amendments of Richard HOWITT related to 2007/2268(INI)

Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Recalls that, at world level, most other states have in fact recognised this state under the constitutional name of 'Republika Makedonija', but that the European Union and the United Nations take as their starting point the 1993 interim agreement with Greece, which, for international use, lays down the temporary designation 'former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia', and calls on both parties to reach a final agreement as soon as possible with the help of ongoing mediation by the United Nations, under the direction of Mr Matthew Nimetz, and expresses the hope that this name issue will play no role in any decision on relations withaccession to NATO;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Notes that, of the three countries which have been European Union candidate Member States since 2005, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is the only country with which no accession negotiations have taken place to date, considers it desirable that this exceptional situation should end, and calls on the European Commissioncalls on the Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to ensure that the necessary reforms are undertaken, and calls on the European Commission following on from its Communication on the Western Balkans to develop a roadmap leading to commencement of those negotiations, after which, if there are no new domestic conflicts, the Council can take a decision in 2008 on a starting date for the negotiations;
Committee: AFET