10 Amendments of Michl EBNER related to 2008/2015(INI)

Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Calls on the Member States to support a sense of ownership among regions and citizens and to promote the increased use of locally available renewable energy sources by means of legal and fiscal incentives;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65
65. Expresses its concern that cultural heritage and traditional landscapes in Europe (e.g. glaciers) are threatened by extreme weather phenomena and long-term climate change;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 67
67. Calls on the Member States and regions, in climate-sensitive seasonal tourist areas where there are no real alternatives on offer, to take comprehensive adaptation and preventive measures – such as securing water supplies, protecting against forest fires, taking precautions against the melting of glaciers and improving coastal defences – to reflect the economic importance of tourism and of the necessary infrastructure for jobs and incomes, and to counteract significant economic damage along the whole length of the value chain;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 68
68. Considers that in some regions the further growth of tourism is only economically sensible and environmentally justifiable when likely effects of climate change – such as more serious water shortages or, lack of snow or the disappearance of glaciers – are taken into account at local level when considering future development;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 82
82. Calls for economic analyses of the profitability of certain regional cultivation practices under different climatic conditions in order to identify possibilities of adaptation and facilitate switching to other cultivars, as far as geographical conditions permit;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 308 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 115
115. Stresses the coordinating role of the EU, in particular in creating automatic or continuous pollutant monitoring and early warning systems for heat waves, prolonged frost and flooding, and in improving the systematic collation of health, meteorological and, environmental and statistical data;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 316 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116
116. Notes that possible measures may include improving preparedness for natural disasters, public health services and emergency planning, support for measures to promote health in all sectors, and measures to increase awareness, particularly public information about new types of dangers to health, warnprevention and awarness-raising measures, including public information about continuings and specific tips on avoiding exposurenew types of dangers;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 357 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 135
135. Regards it as urgently necessary to make energy saving, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources impinge much more strongly on the everyday consciousness of the public, and therefore calls for general and simple efficiency standards for all areas of everyday life, and for the creation of incentives (e.g. of a fiscal nature) for responsible energy consumption;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 360 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 139
139. Stresses in particular the need to inform and consult citizens on the ground and to involve them in decision-making processes, and encourages urban centres, regions and greater urban areas to aim for specific reduction targets and implement them by means of local or regional innovative financing programmes with support from the public authorities;
Committee: CLIM
Amendment 521 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital CA
CA. whereas many of the effects of climate change on health may be kept at bay by preparing and strengthening health systemsinter alia through the use of automatic systems for monitoring atmospheric pollution and water levels, by preparing and strengthening health systems, with particular reference to the issue of vaccination, and by appropriate preventive measures,
Committee: CLIM