43 Amendments of Reinhard RACK

Amendment 13 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the Commission communication on greening transport as a first tentative partial step towards a more comprehensive approach making for environment-friendlier transport in its many and varied modes;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 20 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 – introductory part
5. RegretUnderstands that the Commission has failed to produce a plan to green transport, that is to say, every transport sector, and has instead a) adopting a piecemeal approach, submitted guidelines for estimatproduced specific proposals for some of the key problem areas ing the external costs of transport and for their internalisation in individual sectors, b) again opting for a partial solution, confined its specific proposals to higher road tolls for heavy goods vehicles, and even these would apply only in Member States that so wished, and c) as regards rail noise abatement, merely listed a range of options and future measuresgreening of transport, in order to ensure that demands for the full regulation of all internalisation measures do not result in the shelving of any improvement to the status quo;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 45 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Notes with dismayRecognises that the Commission communication did not make any substantive statements regarding's efforts, in its handbook on the calculation of external costs forin the different modes of transport, but merely referred to a ‘Handbook on estimtransport sector, are an important step towards producing calculations on the internalisation of external costs ion the transport sector’, which, given the disparate nature of its contributions, is more likely to cause confusion than to shed light on unanswered questiona scientifically sound basis;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 57 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Is disappointed in additexpects the Commission, that in its communication the Commission, narrowing downerefore, to take further steps to develop this pragmatic approach’ still further, has reduced it to the ‘polluter/user pays’ principle and that, as regards the contributions – broken down by Member State – already made by individual, recognise the contributions made to date by the various modes of transport in the form of general taxation, vehicle and oil taxes, and road tolls to balance out real infrastructure building and maintenance costs and, moreover, external costs, it has not even listed them, let alone set them off against the costs incurred view this as the point of departure for future work;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 68 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Notes with astonishment that the Commission is behaving inconsistently on several counts in that, on the one hand, it maintains that the internalisation of external costs should also apply to cars, but does not even supply related calculations, preferring instead to give Member States a completely free choice, and, secondly, it sees an essential need for European legislation enabling external costs to brecognises and supports the sensible step-by-step approach adopted by the Commission to the internalisation of external costs and is convinced that this approach is beneficial for future regulation in this field; also supports the Commission's intention to initially abide by the principle of freedom of choice for the Member States as regards the implementation of the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the charged toing of heavy goods vehicles, but is again leaving enforcement to the Member States’ discretion for the use of certain infrastructures (COM(2008)0436);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 53 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Calls on the Commission to intensify its efforts to ensure better European coordination of territorial development (Territorial Agenda of the European Union) and transport planning by taking account of regional accessibility through improved networks between the regions; large differences between mountainous, coastal/island, central, peripheral and other trans-border areas have to be taken into account;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 74 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Focuses on the need to boost the efficiency of existing infrastructure within TEN-T projects in the short term, in particular where the implementation of such projects has already started, in order to make the corridors more viable and efficient and without simply waiting for the long term realisation of mega-projects within these corridors;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 16 #


Draft report
Paragraph 6 – indent 1
- integrated information management and traffic management systems,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 17 #


Draft report
Paragraph 6 – indent 2
- reduction of nuisance factors (e.g.: pollution, noise, congestion, traffic jams,and accidents),
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 18 #


Draft report
Paragraph 6 – indent 4
- safety and security on public transport;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 19 #


Draft report
Paragraph 6 – indent 4 a (new)
- developing a new generation of urban vehicles;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 24 #


Draft report
Paragraph 7 – subparagraph 1
7. AdvocateRecommends the introduction and general application of integrated sustainable urban travel plans in conurbations with over 100 000 inhabitants, comprising:
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 25 #


Draft report
Paragraph 7 – indent 2
- a plan for the development and interconnection of transport networks coordinated with the regional transport plan and urban planning policies,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 27 #


Draft report
Paragraph 7 – indent 6
- a masterplan for freight provisioningurban logistics, including the possibility of using public infrastructure for freight transport,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 31 #


Draft report
Paragraph 8
8. Recommends that a permanent European forum on urban transport governance be created for representative transport- organising authorities, including user and citizens’ organisations and professional federations of transport operators, in order to promote the exchange and dissemination of best practices;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 39 #


Draft report
Paragraph 11
11. Proposes that a study be launched on experiences in the field of tariff integration (including the 'Interoperable Fare Management' project) and the provision of intermodal information and information between organising authorities in EU conurbations be evaluated, in order to assess andfacilitate the exchange of best practices;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 43 #


Draft report
Paragraph 13 – subparagraph 1
13. Strongly suggests that the possibility be examined, under the 2014-2020 financial perspective, of a European financial instrument for urban mobility (integrated programme of the type URBAN-T or priority Trans- European transport network projectMarco-Polo type) enabling the cofinancing of:
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 45 #


Draft report
Paragraph 13 – indent 1
- surveys of urban travel plans with a view to encouraging their widespread introduct(Does not affect English version,.)
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 54 #


Draft report
Paragraph 14
14. Calls for the Commission to draw up a report on urban charging and the case for guidelinezones with access regulations oin such charging, in order to reduce the current distortions between European conurbations, and notably cross-border conurbaturban areas in order to assess their impact on mobility, quality of life, emissions, and between railway and road tolls for accessing town and city centresexternal effects, health and security;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 64 #


Draft report
Paragraph 18
18. Suggests that a European policy be introduced for the standardisation and certification of equipment as regards safety and health, comfort (noise, vibrations, etc.), network interoperability (‘busways’, tram- train, etc.), accessibility for people with reduced mobility, soft transport and clean- engine technologies (buses, taxis, etc.), on the basis of a carbon audit and an impact analysis of the costs for operators and users;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 70 #


Draft report
Paragraph 20
20. Suggests that a significant proportion of the appropriations released by the European economic recovery plan be allocated to the financing of on-going urban transport and public transport investments and projects that can be financed immediately and implemented before 31 December 2009;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 4 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas urban centres are in many ways extremely important for the life of Europe’s citizens; whereas Europe’s cities face similar problems and challenges with regard to trafficurban mobility, in spite of the differences in their structure;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 13 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)
Aa. whereas there is an urgent need for new thinking on traffic and mobility in cities, to combat the negative effects that urban mobility is having on the climate, the environment in general and the inhabitants of cities,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 23 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
Ba. whereas the principles of the European single market should also be taken into account in the field of urban mobility,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 24 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas European towns and cities should be able to choose from a wide range of instruments so as to put together a tailor- made policy mix in order to solve their specific traffic and mobility problems; whereas better logistical solutions must be sought in all transport areas (passenger and freight transportareas (mobility of people and goods),
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 34 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas European policy on urban transportmobility must take into account aspects of regional and soceconomic, social and territorial cohesion; whereas attention must be paid to the particular needs of employees (commuters) and the least affluent, and to the special problems and conditions in the new Member States, Note: The term ‘urban transport’ should be replaced throughout the document with the term ‘urban mobility’.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 74 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 - Indent 1
- an integrated European global approach to urban transportmobility, based on the principles of a European single market in mobility, to be developed which will serve as a reference point for European, national, regional and local players (municipalities, citizens, businesses and industry); Note: The term ‘urban transport’ should be replaced throughout the document with the term ‘urban mobility’.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 83 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 - Indent 2
- reliable, comparable data on all aspects of urban and suburban transportmobility to be gathered, taking into account future changes in the framework conditions (e.g. demographic changes);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 161 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 - Indent 2
- implementation of multimodal transport and mobility concepts (road, rail, water) and introduction of integrated ticketing, Note: The term ‘transport concepts’ should be replaced throughout the document by the term ‘transport and mobility concepts’.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 164 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 - Indent 3
- drawing up customised sustainable mobility plans and supporting measures for regional and urban planning (‘city of short distances’), a process in which all parties concerned should be involved from an early stage,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 174 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 - Indent 6
- improvements in public local passenger transport with a focus on efficiency, attractiveness and, accessibility and safety,
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 220 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Considers that a study should be drawn up which throws light and contains significant information on all aspects of citizens’ urban mobility options (private versus public transport);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 32 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 12
(12) For ITS applications and services for which accurate and guaranteed timing and positioning services are required, satellite- based infrastructures or any technology providing an equivalent level of precisions, such as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) should be used.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 51 #


Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 3
3. For the purpose of ITS applications and services that require global, continuous, accurate and guaranteed timing and positioning services, satellite-based infrastructures, or any technology providing equivalent levels of precisions, such as DSRC, shall be used.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 80 #


Proposal for a directive
Annex II – paragraph 2 – point b
(b) The definition of the necessary measures to use innovative ITS technologies (RFID, DSRC or Galileo/EGNOS) in the realisation of ITS applications (notably the tracking and tracing of freight along its journey and across modes) for freight transport logistics (eFreight), in particular: – The availability of relevant ITS technologies to and their use by ITS application developers – The integration of localisation results (through e.g. RFID, DSRC and/or Galileo/EGNOS) in the traffic management tools and centres
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 50 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Recital 2
(2) The objective of reducing the negative impacts of transport should be achieved in such a way as to avoid disproportionate obstacles to the freedom of movement in the interest of sound economic growth and the proper functioning of the internal market. It should also be emphasised that the principle of internalising external costs is the equivalent of a management instrument and should encourage road users and the related industrial sectors to exploit and expand their respective capabilities in the area of environmentally-friendly transport, for example by means of changes in driving behaviour or further technological development. It is vital that ways and means should be found of reducing the damage caused by road transport, rather than simply using the resulting revenue to cover the relevant costs.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 64 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Recital 7
(7) The impact analysis shows that applying tolls calculated on the basis of the cost of pollution, and, on congested roads, on the basis of the cost of congestion, would have a positive effect on the transport system and contribute to the Community strategy to fight climate change. It would reduce congestion and local pollution by encouraging the use of cleaner vehicle technologies, optimising logistic behaviour and reducing empty returns. It would indirectly play an important role in reducing fuel consumption and contributing to the fight against climate change. In addition, better future use of the available capacity of the existing road infrastructure - for example as a result of changes in the times of day at which people habitually drive - should make it possible to deal more effectively with the forecast increase in traffic volumes and the related environmental pollution. Tolls which integrate a cost element related to congestion for using congested roads into their calculation will be more effective in reducing congestion if Member States include other road users outside the scope of this Directive in a scheme of a similar nature.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 113 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Recital 18
(18) In order to give the precedence to the construction of priority projects of European interest, Member States which have the possibility of applying a mark-up should use this option before levying an external cost charge. To avoid an undue charging of users, an external cost charge should not be combined with a mark-up unless the external costs exceed the amount of the mark-up already levied. In such a case, it is thus appropriate that the amount of the mark-up should be deducted from the external cost charge.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 265 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 1999/62/EC
Article 7c – paragraph 2
2. The amount of the external cost charge for each combination of class of vehicle, type of road and time period shall be set in accordance with the minimum requirements, the common formulae andor the maximumvalues for chargeable external costs in Annex IIIa.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 284 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 1999/62/EC
Article 7e – paragraph 5
5. On road sections where the criteria for applying a mark-up pursuant to paragraph 1 are met, the Member States may not levy an external cost charge unless a mark-up is applied.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 434 #


Proposal for a directive – amending act
Directive 1999/62/EC
Annex IIIa – point 1 – subparagraph 2 a (new)
In addition, steps shall be taken to ensure that the requirements to be met by the assessment to be carried out by the Member States do not give rise to disproportionately high administrative costs. For that reason, in the light of the general efforts to improve lawmaking, the requirements should first be subject to a stringent assessment of their effectiveness.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 21 #


Article 8 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
Within the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph, hauliers may carry out some or all of the cabotage operations permitted under that subparagraph in any Member State under the condition that they are limited to one cabotage operation per Member State within three days of the unladen entry into the territory of that Member State.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 14 #


Article 30 – subparagraph 2
It shall apply from …*, with the exception of Article 28a, which shall apply from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.
Committee: TRAN