3 Amendments of Eric MINARDI related to 2024/0056(BUD)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Welcomes the proposal to mobilise EUR 4,8 billion from the newly created Ukraine Reserve to enable the payment of grants to Ukraine; recalls that the payment of loans does not require an amending budget and therefore that the Union is already providing support to the Ukrainian government so that it can maintain essential services; stresses that grant- and loan-based financial support through the Ukraine Facility will help Ukraine on its path to reconstruction, recovery, reform and membership of the Union and reform;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Welcomes the fact that the Union will be better able to respond to crises as a result of the increased financing for natural disasters and other emergencies included in Draft amending budget No 1/2024; notes that Draft amending budget No 1/2024 creates new lines in accordance with the decision to split the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve into two parts - the European Solidarity Reserve for natural disasters and public health emergencies within the Union and in accession countries and the Emergency Aid Reserve for rapid response to emergencies inside and outside the Union; considers that the new architecture will make the funds easier to manage;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Underlines the need for additional resources for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (the ‘EPPO’) given Poland’s planned accession in 2024 and the future accession of Sweden and in the context of accelerated implementation of NextGenerationEU funding; regrets that those additional resources were not included in Draft amending budget No 1/2024; calls on the Commission to include reinforcements for the EPPO budget in the next draft amending budget to ensure the EPPO can deliver fully on its mandate;deleted
Committee: BUDG