Activities of Jelko KACIN related to 2009/0162(COD)
Shadow opinions (1)
OPINION Proposal for a Council Decision providing macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
Amendments (1)
Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 5
Article 5
The CommunityUnion financial assistance shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities6 and its implementing rules7. In particular, the Memorandum of Understanding and the Loan Agreement to be agreed with the authorities of Ukraine shall provide for appropriate measures by Ukraine in relation to the prevention of, and the fight against, fraud, corruption and other irregularities affecting the assistance. They shall also provide for controls by then Commission, including the European Anti- Fraud Office (OLAF), with the right to perform on-the-spot checks and inspections, and for audits by the Court of Auditors, where appropriate, to be carried out on the spot. The Commission shall conduct an Operational Assessment of the financial circuits and administrative procedures in Ukraine no later than three months after the first instalment is made available.