35 Amendments of Kateřina KONEČNÁ related to 2023/2075(INI)

Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 12 a (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 16 February 2022 on strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy (2020/2267(INI);
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 12 b (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 12 July 2023 on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future (2022/2076(INI)),
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are diseases that are not passed from person to person; whereas non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) cause 90 % of all deaths in the EU4 ; and their prevalence continues to grow across the EU; _________________ 4 World Health Organization, ‘Monitoring noncommunicable disease commitments in Europe 2021’, 8 December 2021.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas premature deaths as a result of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), cancers, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases account for 68 % of all premature deaths in Europe; whereas other NCDs include mental and neurological disorders, kidney diseases, oral diseases, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and endometriosis among other conditions, whereas they are also increasing in prevalence and require urgent action; whereas existing data gaps in certain disease areas can result in a misevaluation of the prevalence of these diseases and their burden;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C a (new)
Ca. whereas investment in health promotion, chronic disease prevention and management remains limited, despite the learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas the increasing burden of NCDs on individuals and societies and the health needs of ageing populations represent challenges to the health systems of the Member States;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E
E. whereas most NCDs are impacted by four preventable risk factors: tobacco use, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and harmful use of alcohol; whereas behavioural risk factors lead to biological risk factors, the most common being overweight and obesity, high blood pressure, high blood glucose and high blood cholesterol6 and dental caries; _________________ 6 World Health Organization, ‘Monitoring noncommunicable disease commitments in Europe 2021’, p. 13, 8 December 2021.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)
Fa. whereas most NCDs are impacted by socioeconomic inequalities, notably low socioeconomic status having significant consistent impact on mortality and morbidity caused by NCDs;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H a (new)
Ha. whereas the development of NCDs and resulting health outcomes are linked to commercial and social determinants of health. These underlying factors correspond to substantial health inequities within and across EU countries;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Highlights that NCDs account for 90 % of all deaths in the EU8 , which leads to high levels of productivity loss and makes NCDs account for the largest share of countries’ healthcare expenditures; stresses that it is important to reduce the prevalence of NCDs and believes that enhanced health promotion and disease prevention can reduce the prevalence of NCDs by 70 %9 in conjunction with investment in health innovation and technologicare workforce and infrastructures; _________________ 8 European Commission, ‘Non- communicable diseases : overview’. 9 European Commission, ‘The EU ‘Healthier Together’ Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative’, 2022
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Acknowledges that tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets and environmental factors such as air, food, water and soil pollution and chemical exposure, and socio-economic determinants of health increase the risk of NCDs10 ; _________________ 10 nicable-diseases - :~:text=These%204%20groups%20of%20d iseases,of%20the%20response%20to%20N CDs The Pan American Health Organization, ‘Noncommunicable Diseases’.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Stresses that access to public health and social protection systems is crucial to preventing NCDs by addressing the impact of poverty and inequalities on prevention and access to care
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 – point a
a. implement measures to help tobacco users quit, including measures supporting the elimination or reduction of harm caused by modifiable risk factors;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 395 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – introductory part
8. Notes that an unhealthy diet is one of the major risk factors for NCDs, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, oral diseases and other conditions linked to obesity15 ; acknowledges that obesity is considered a risk factor for several NCDs; calls on the Commission and the Member States to: _________________ 15 World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, ‘Noncommunicable diseases’.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 507 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)
12a. Recall that endocrine-disrupting chemicals, pervasive in our environment—in foods, packaging materials, cosmetics, drinking water, and consumer products—have been linked to a myriad of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, thyroid disorders, neurodevelopmental disease, hormone-dependent cancers, and reproductive disorders.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 520 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Calls on Member States to consider the uptake of HPV vaccination in adolescents in the fight against HPV transmission;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 537 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Encourages the Commission and the Member States to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals that target communicable diseases in order to promote the prevention of NCDs such as cancer related to infectious diseases; welcomes vaccination programmes in this regard such as in the fight against human papillomavirus transmission, Identification of high-risk populations and early diagnosis of NCDs;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 578 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Encourages Member States to reduce undiagnosed NCDs by: fostering tailored approaches for the identification and continuous monitoring of patients at (high) risk of NCDs and/or co- morbidities, introducing targeted health checks for high-risk individuals addressing the main shared metabolic risk factors, ensuring quality care and support NCD patients’ self- management; Encourages the EU and member states to work collaboratively on the development of combined health checks across disease areas where relevant; Recommends to fund EU projects aimed at this purpose as well as at improving access to and participation in risk identification programmes for more vulnerable groups,;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 599 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Notes that some NCDs are closely linked such as diabetes, oral diseases and cardiovascular diseases and that important synergies can be achieved by improving diagnosis and integrated care19 ; _________________ 19 European Commission, ‘Healthier together – EU non-communicable diseases initiative’, p. 30, June 2022.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 617 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Stresses that nurses, doctors, general practitioners, dental health professionals as well as patient organizations and other primary care professionals have a significant role in referring patients for diagnostic tests and treating NCDs; encourages the Member States to offer competency-based, inter- proffesional training to healthcare professionals to better identify high-risk individuals, prevent and treat NCDs according to the latest evidence- based studies;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 636 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Calls for measures to address the shortage of health workers, which is essential to ensure access to care;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 637 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 b (new)
18b. Recommend urgent actions, including a Commission level study on the current status and impacts of the EU’s health workforce shortage and increased investment in its availability measuring and mapping exercises at the EU level. Supports the proposed actions by the European Commission to address the pan-European problem of medicines shortages, encourage re-shoring of production, and specific examination in respect to generic medicine shortages. Recognises that health workforce shortage was a pertinent element of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and therefore recommends that that the European Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA) be provided with explicit mandate to map and propose remedial measures to combat health workforce shortage;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 661 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Underlines the impact of antimicrobial resistance on NCDs care and call for the accelerated implementation of the current action plans and specific global mechanisms for AMR surveillance, research and innovation and antimicrobial stewardship; highlights the need to support the development of novel antimicrobial agents, as well as to ensure their availability and affordability;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 676 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 b (new)
19b. Believes that the high interconnection between some NCDs, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases, obesity and mental health requires a holistic and integrated approach, complemented by disease specific priorities for action; notes the potential benefits of a comprehensive strategy, taking into account disease progression over the life course; calls on the Commission to develop an NCD prevention and management blueprint, complemented by disease-specific programmes including clear targets, benchmark indicators and a monitoring framework;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 706 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Recalls that patient empowerment and health literacy are crucial for an EU NCD strategy and that prevention, reduction of behavioral risk factors, treatment and care should be patient- centred; encourages the promotion of services resulting in well-informed patients who are actively involved in their own prevention, reduction of behavioral risk factors and treatment and calls for the therapeutic training of caregivers and patients, and their empowerment in the care programmes, including those focusing on reduction of risk;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 728 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Welcomes the pharmaceutical package and calls for the strengthening of the European medicines market to ensure access to medicines and alleviate medicine shortages, reduce barriers to cross-border business, while strengthening incentives for investment in innovation; underlines that data protection and intellectual property rights are crucial to ensure competitiveness in the EU by incentivising innovators to develop new products and further ongoing research efforts;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 741 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22a. Stresses that public production, through democratic public undertakings, with an active role for health system users and trade unions, should be part of an effective public health strategy; urges that public production of this kind should cover all health products;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 744 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 b (new)
22b. calls for the creation of a European Medicines Infrastructure for pharmaceutical R&D in the public interest, with a public-driven R&D agenda and laboratory capacity;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 746 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 c (new)
22c. recalls resolution WHO 72.8 on “improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines and other health products” which explicitly urges member states, through their national legislative framework, to take steps to enhance dissemination and access to the cost of clinical trials; calls on the EMA and the European Commission to take steps in this regards;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 754 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Welcomes public-private partnerships as a way of strengthening innovation in healthcare; highlights the European Health Innovation Collaborative, which promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in the healthcare sector and brings together academia, research, and industry to foster collaboration and investment in health technologies; encourages the Commission and the Member States to foster and accelerate public-private partnerships;deleted
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 761 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)
23a. Underlines the importance of public funding in medicinal research and development and stresses the importance of public return on public investment as well as enforceable access clauses on health technologies generated with public funding;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 772 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
24. Calls on the Commission to strengthen support and investment in the development of new innovative medical devices; believes that new technologies can lead to new and better treatments for NCDs and ensure the elimination or reduction of harm caused by preventable risks factors;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 802 #
26. Calls on the Commission to establish five EU NCD partnerships: ‘beating NCDs – children’, ‘beating NCDs – young people, ‘beating NCDs – adults’, ‘beating NCDs – elderly people’ and ‘beating NCDs – vulnerable groups’; believes that such partnerships should bring together Member States and national authorities to draft roadmaps and innovative proposals to ensure effective and targeted actions against NCDs;deleted
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 810 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 a (new)
26a. Stress the importance of the principle of open science to foster greater transparency and trust for the benefit of scientific research and for the benefit of EU citizens;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 812 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Calls on the Commission to create a European NCD Health Knowledge Centre to improve data collection and research on NCDs; stresses the need for further research in NCD co-morbidities and management;deleted
Committee: ENVI