4 Amendments of Panayiotis DEMETRIOU related to 2006/2209(REG)

Amendment 19 #
Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Rule 192 – paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Admissible petitions shall be considered by the committee responsible in the course of its normal activity, either through discussion at a regular meeting or by written procedure. Petitioners may be invited to participate in meetings of the committee if their petition is to be the subject of discussion, or they may request to be present. The right to speak shall be granted to petitioners at the discretion of the chair. The provisions laid down in the first subparagraph are subject to the condition that the preliminary consideration of the petition may be referred to a subcommittee of five to seven members who thereafter will present their conclusions to the committee for final consideration and decision.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 22 #
Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Rule 191 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Where a petition is signed by several natural or legal persons, the signatories shall designate a representative and a deputy representative who shall be regarded as the petitioners for the purposes of implementation of the subsequent provisions. Where no such designation has occurred the first signatory or another appropriate person shall be regarded as the petitioners.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 25 #
Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Rule 191 – paragraph 5
5. Petitions entered in the register shall be forwarded by the President to the committee responsible, which shall first ascertain whether the petitions registered fall within the sphere of activities of the European Unionby consensus or by a majority establish the admissibility or otherwise of the petition in accordance with Article 194 of the EC Treaty, following a proposal by the coordinators.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 28 #
Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Rule 191 – paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in paragraph 8, the petitioner may request that his or her name be withheld in order to protect his or her privacy, in which case Parliament must respect such a request. Where the petitioner's complaint cannot be investigated for reasons of anonymity, the petitioner shall be consulted as to the further steps to be taken.
Committee: AFCO