7 Amendments of Panayiotis DEMETRIOU related to 2008/2331(INI)

Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Indent 13 c (new)
1 2- having regard to its resolution of 5 February 2009 on the implementation in the European Union of Directive 2003/9/EC laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees: visits by the Committee on Civil Liberties 2005-20082, Or. en Texts adopted, P6_TA(2009)0069 Texts adiopted P6_TA-PROV(2009)0047
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 h (new)
12h. Calls on the Member States to ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (United Nations General Assembly resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990);
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Expresses its shock at the human tragedy that is caused by illegal migratory sea routes, notably in the Union’s southern maritime borders, where boat people leave the African shores on perilous journeys towards Europe; strongly calls for urgent action to stop this human tragedy once and for all; considers the bilateral agreements with neighbouring countries for readmission of illegal immigrants who enter or try to enter into a Member State as an effective measure which has to be enhanced and calls upon neighbouring countries to fulfil their commitments;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Calls on FRONTEX and the Commission to carry out a study, with estimates, on the possibility of FRONTEX acquiring its own equipment and on the possible transformation of FRONTEX into an EU coast and land borders guard;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Supports the establishment of specialised offices of the agency to take account of the diversity of situations, particularand better assess the specific situations in borders of particular sensitivity, especially for the land borders to the East and the maritime borders to the South;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 a (new)
28a. Calls on the Council to consider enacting legislative provisions with a view to establish a European “Laissez Passer” issued to illegally residing third-country nationals with a view to facilitating readmission to third countries. Action should be taken to incorporate the European “Laissez Passer” in the Union’s Readmission Agreements to render it binding on Third Countries concerned;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Stresses that all agreements with countries of origin and transit should include chapters on co-operation on immigration and calls for an ambitious policy with third countries on police and judicial co-operation to combat international criminal organisations engaged in human trafficking and to bring the persons concerned to justice; calls also on the Commission to intensify its support, including financial and technical assistance, in favour of third countries; so as to create economic and social conditions discouraging illegal immigration, drug activities and organized crime;
Committee: LIBE