Activities of Andrzej GRZYB related to 2011/2032(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

EU external policies in favour of democratisation (debate)
Dossiers: 2011/2032(INI)

Amendments (10)

Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas the Union has at its disposal a wide range of instruments for supporting democracy and human rights (including: political, economic and trade agreements, which contain clauses on human rights and democracy; the special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance (GSP+); political dialogues; CFSP actions; ESDP missions; financing instruments; and election observation missions), but whereas it is essential to develop a coherent and more effective set of instruments tailored to the situation in each country, while removing existing inconsistencies and double standards in EU external policies in favour of democratisation and avoiding introducing any new ones,
Committee: AFET
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that the events unfolding on the southern shore of the Mediterranean have demonstrated the limitations of a focus on security and stability, which has failed to stamp out poverty and social injustice; believes that, although there has been economic growth, its benefits have not been distributed fairly; highlights the need for a paradigm shift aimed at the genuine consolidation of democracy on the basis of endogenous, sustainable development that benefits the population; stresses, at the same time, that the political changes currently under way on the southern shore of the Mediterranean must not diminish the EU's commitment to the eastern dimension;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Emphasises that priority is now being given to making greater and more vigorous practical use of the Union’s existing range of incentives, brought together in strategies tailored to the situation in each country, and to eliminating inconsistencies and double standards in their implementation, which undermine perceptions of Europe and the latter’s ability to implement a strong, consistent policy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Recommends, in the case of the most problematic partnerships, that the Union refrain from isolating the countries concerned, instead conducting relations with them on the basis of appropriate and effective conditionality serving as a genuine incentive to democratic reform, and that it verify that such cooperation genuinely benefits the population; endorses the ‘more for more’ approach outlined in the communication entitled ‘A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the southern Mediterranean’; believes that, by the same token, the Union should not hesitate to reassign funds previously earmarked for countries whose governments fail to honour their commitments in the area of democratic governance to countries that have made more progress in meeting the commitments entered into within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Eastern Partnership;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Acknowledges the efforts made by the Union, in many cases via the EIDHR, to support certain players working to effect democratic reform, including human rights defenders and independent media; stresses, however, the need to strengthen the organisation of political parties without taking sides; calls for systematic support for new, democratically elected parliaments, especially in countries in transition and those to which the EU has sent election observation missions; calls, to this end, on the Commission and Council to set up a European Fund for Democracy focused on supporting democratic change in non-democratic countries and countries in transition that will draw on the potential of and support EU non- governmental organisations and civil- society stakeholders working outside the EU’s borders to develop civil societies, independent media, democratic institutions and the rule of law and protect human rights and freedoms;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Emphasises the crucial role played by third countries’ parliaments in exercising democratic supervision over budgets; calls for all EU budget support to be coupled with technical and political consolidation of parliaments’ supervisory powers; maintains that the Union should actively inform third countries’ parliaments of the scope of EU cooperation; warmly welcomes, in this connection, the stepping up of cooperation with Eastern Partnership parliaments within the Euronest assembly, which held its constituent meeting on 3 May 2011, and has great expectations of such cooperation; draws attention to the significance of this European Parliament initiative as an important aspect of EU external policies in favour of democratisation;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Welcomes the Union’s decision to develop country strategies in the area of human rights, hopes that these will also cover democratisation, and calls for prompt implementation so that the Union can rapidly prepare a joint analysis of the situation and needs in each country, together with an action plan stating how the full use of EU instruments will complement these strategies; stresses, at the same time, that the new strategies and the way in which they are implemented must result in the removal of existing inconsistencies and double standards in EU external policies in favour of human rights and democratisation and must not introduce any new ones;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Proposes developing a more open and active policy of supporting – inter alia by setting up a European Fund for Democracy focused on supporting democratic change – social movements and those encouraging civic participation, such as trade unions, mutual societies, women’s groups, youth associations, farmers’ organisations, indigenous movements, NGOs and social networks, along with individuals promoting reform, including human rights defenders and emerging leaders, and enabling them to draw on the experience, potential and assistance of their counterparts in EU Member States; suggests fostering the influence of such movements and individuals by means of specific programmes and by incorporating this concept into existing programmes;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Applauds steps taken by EU Member States in support of democratisation around the world, such as the programme for cooperation between Ombudsmen from Eastern Partnership countries 2009- 2013 that was jointly set up by the Polish and French Ombudsmen with a view to enhancing the ability of Ombudsmen’s offices, government bodies and non- governmental organisations in Eastern Partnership countries to protect individual rights and build democratic states based on the rule of law; stresses the need for such action to be coordinated within the EU and for the EU institutions to draw on the experience gained in connection therewith;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 b (new)
18b. Recognises the importance of cooperation between the EU and the Council of Europe on democratisation around the world; welcomes the commencement of joint EU and Council of Europe programmes in support of democracy, good governance and stability in Eastern Partnership countries;
Committee: AFET