5 Amendments of Adam BIELAN related to 2013/2045(INI)

Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas in January 2013 23 % of active young people were jobless, with the rates ranging from 15 % or less in Austria, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands to over 55 % in Greece and Spain, indicating marked geographical differences; whereas the most recent data and forecasts indicate a continued deterioration in the situation facing young people;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas SMEs, which are a driving force for economic growth and job creation and for achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy, have shed more than 3.5 million jobs and significantly cut recruitment as a result of the economic crisis, with workplace closures affecting all workers, including the young;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the decision of the EPSCO Council on 28 February 2013 to agree on a Council recommendation on implementing a Youth Guarantee; recommends extending eligibility to graduates aged under 30; stresses that the success of this measure will be highly dependent on other factors, e.g. the infrastructure and capacity of public and strengthened private employment services, the availability of student and graduate places, the provision of effective training and, apprenticeships, and the transferability and implementation of successful experiences from other Member States; stresses that the Youth Guarantee must be integrated within the broader framework of active labour market policies while ensuring high quality standards;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. CUrges Member States to engage in broad consultations with universities and other educational institutions, with a view to adapting their training provision to fit, as best as possible, the needs of the labour market; calls for an ambitious holistic policy approach which looks at education, training, employment and self-employment initiatives, for all young people at all the various levels, in an integrated way;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 316 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Calls on the Member States to develop personalised career counselling and guidance, starting already during grammar school and continuing at secondary school, with the aim of enabling young people to make well-informed choices about their higher education, while introducing mechanisms that can monitor the opportunities offered and assess the success rate of those young people’s subsequent transition to work;
Committee: EMPL