11 Amendments of Anna ZÁBORSKÁ related to 2009/2103(INI)

Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Recital D b (new)
Db. whereas men also contract cancer, and the prevention and treatment of cancer in men must also be continued,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Recital D d (new)
Dc. whereas the medical instruments used in cancer screening and treatment are too expensive for regional hospitals in the new Member States, and whereas the medical industry is not prepared to make an effort on pricing, because it is too intent on making a profit,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Recital D e (new)
De. whereas husbands, fathers and children are also affected by specifically feminine diseases,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Recital D f (new)
De. whereas men also experience cancer- related health problems; whereas although in men cancer is easier to detect, it is detected at a later stage, by which time the tumours have become too large; whereas men accordingly require specific screening and information,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Recital D g (new)
Dg. whereas special measures should be available under national labour law to make it easier for current and former cancer sufferers to return to work, and should involve rehabilitation and the adjustment of working hours to fit in with courses of treatment,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Considers that more research on the connection between cancer and gender is needed as well as specific, not fragmented, research on the impact of the working environment on cancers contracted by women and men, including research on the effects of harmful chemicals and environmental pollution, nutrition, hormone treatments, lifestyle, genetic factors and the interaction of all these;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 c (new)
3c. Calls on the Member States to ensure that women and men have unrestricted access to high-quality early diagnosis and treatment, irrespective of their origin, social status and level of education;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 d (new)
3d. Calls on the Member States, the Council and the Commission carefully to consider the possibility of funding cancer prevention and treatment under the European Structural Funds;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 e (new)
3e. Welcomes the debate on cancer held within national parliaments and the European Parliament; encourages its competent parliamentary committees and the relevant intergroups to continue to cooperate closely with representatives of representative associations engaged in combating cancer in men and women;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 f (new)
3f. Considers combating cancer in men and women to be one of the rare issues on which the European Parliament is united, with its committees and political groups presenting a common front in the face of what is a rare disease, in that it is related not to poverty but to growing prosperity;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 g (new)
3g. Calls on national statistics offices and Eurostat to publish statistics showing the link between women's use of hormonal contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy and abortion, and cancer;
Committee: FEMM