83 Written questions of Emmanuel MAUREL
Respecting all EU official languages
Impact assessments and precautionary measures relating to the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement concerning the mutation of transgenic insects in Brazil
Extraterritorial application of US law
Exempted copyright-protected products under Regulation (EU) 2018/302 on geo-blocking
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) — Zolgensma — Novartis
Transparency in agri-food production and labelling of processed products
Presence of petroleum-derived mineral oils in food
Commission’s intentions concerning Nord Stream 2
Measures to strengthen European industrial sovereignty
Effectiveness of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex).
Collusion and conflicts of interest regarding the Commission’s choice of BlackRock to draft a report
The European Union must free itself from the US sanctions regime
How can BlackRock advise the EU on its environmental policy?
EU response to the American deployment in the Caribbean
Revision of the conditions of access to the current zero-duty quota open to New Zealand sheep meat in the European Union
Measures enabling tracing of ingredients in processed products
Food fraud, mislabelling and modification of food in the EU
Comments by Cecilio Madero – what action will be taken?
REACT-EU programme to step up European aid for the most deprived
Air France — state aid and job cuts
Presence of mineral oil hydrocarbons in baby and infant milk products
Warning over products that do not comply with European standards and may be dangerous, particularly toys
EU response to the situation in Lebanon
Sale of the Alstom plant in Reichshoffen
European response to deindustrialisation
Reaction to sanctions imposed by the United States on the International Criminal Court
Date of suspension of CETA agreement following its rejection by Cyprus’ Parliament
Non-compliant lighters
Export licenses for European pesticides the use of which is banned within the EU
Closure of the Bridgestone factory in Béthune, redundancy for 863 employees and unfair competition within the European Union
CJEU decision of 8 September 2020 and its damaging impact on artistic creation
Research, the poor relation in the multiannual budget
Renegotiation of the Energy Charter Treaty: alignment with the Paris Agreement before the 2021 COP and next steps envisaged by the EU
Energy Charter Treaty renegotiation: the EU’s position regarding fossil fuels protection, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism and public information
Poland’s abortion ban ruling
Food safety risks of imported meat from stolen and unidentified horses from Argentina
Decision of the European Ombudsman regarding the Commission’s decision to award a contract to BlackRock for a study on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives into EU banking rules
Streaming platforms
Cross-border family disputes
COVID-19 vaccines and the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies
COVID‑19 vaccines and transparency
Privatisation of hydroelectricity generation in France as a result of Project Hercules
The dismantling of France’s public energy service through the Commission- and French Government-run Project Hercules
Possibility that France could set up an SGEI for the whole of the electricity system and thus drop Project Hercules
Relevance of delegating the public electricity generation service to the private sector (Project Hercules)
Goals pursued by the Commission and the French Government with the dismantling of EDF (‘Project Hercules’)
Managing excessive amounts of plastic waste following the introduction of new EU rules on shipments of plastic waste
Democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament of the governance of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Risk of fiscal dumping in the UK: what safeguards does the EU have against it?
How to protect the EU against possible social dumping in the UK
Bamboo tableware
Clarification concerning the COVID-19 vaccine supply cuts in the EU
Armenian captives in Azerbaijan
UK freeports
Future of U-Shin plant in Nevers
Origin labelling of milk
AstraZeneca vaccine production and black market in vaccines
Huge number of seamstresses exploited by authorities during the COVID-19 crisis
Will the product environmental footprint (PEF) method for apparel and footwear measure up to the net zero by 2050 strategy?
Protecting the cultural diversity of Europe’s audiovisual sector: definition of ‘European works’
US authorities’ refusal to grant a visa to an MEP
Tackling the hoarding of European wood by non-European players
The Commission’s use of new information concerning Amazon’s anti-competitive practices in India
European self-sufficiency in the production of FFP2 masks
Marine pollution in the depths of Mediterranean
Zero tolerance of child labour in EU trade
Submarine cables and digital sovereignty
Obstacles towards EU-China reciprocity on standardisation
Hindrances to EU autonomy and sovereignty in standardisation
Recrudescence of the situation in Nagorno‑Karabakh through words and actions
The situation of taxis in the European Union
An evening in the Metaverse – Cost and participation
Failure of Member States to comply with Directive 2002/49/EC and Regulation (EU) No 598/2014 on noise impact and pollution
Next steps for the Energy Charter Treaty
Works of art generated by artificial intelligence and artists’ rights
EU support for food aid
Retail alliances
Repercussions of Ms Scott Morton not accepting the position as Chief Economist of DG Competition
Attack on Stepanakert by Azerbaijan
Following the adoption of the resolution on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan’s attack and the continuing threats against Armenia
Large quantities of fraudulent food and pesticides circulating in the internal market
Armenian detainees in Baku
Protection of the most strategic and sensitive European data from extraterritorial foreign laws