3 Amendments of Angéline FURET related to 2024/0275(COD)
Amendment 4 #
Paragraph 1
1. Recalls that the European Parliament has repeatedly called for more resources for the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) in view of the increasing number and intensity of natural disasters and the need to speed-up procedures so that support reaches Member States and regions hit by natural disasters more quickly; notes that the RESTORE proposal provides additional assistance and further flexibility to Member States affected by natural disasters for their cohesion policy programmes 2021-2027 to respond to such disasters; regrets that cohesion policy is again used as an emergency response tool and maintains that this approach risks undermining its longer-term policy and investment objectives and is a symptom of a lack of flexibility and crisis response capacity in the EU budget; calls for the RESTORE proposal to explicitly include a commitment to allocate a significant portion of the funds to support the creation or renovation of infrastructure for natural disaster risk prevention, which would help mitigate the impact of future disasters and consequently reduce the costs required for repairs;
Amendment 14 #
Paragraph 9
9. Fears that a broad definition of ‘natural disaster’ could lead to more than estimated programme amendments, thus potentially triggering higher than estimated payment needs that have not yet been factored in for the coming years; recalls the need for a more precise definition of the concept of ‘natural disaster’ to avoid ambiguous interpretations and to ensure that RESTORE resources are allocated exclusively to genuine emergencies and to supporting the creation or renovation of infrastructures for natural disaster risk prevention; calls on the Commission to revise this definition to prevent any misuse or improper reallocation of funds;
Amendment 17 #
Paragraph 10
10. Highlights the importance to prevent double financing and calls on the Member States and the Commission to ensure that support under RESTORE is in addition to support under Union programmes, including the EUSF; calls on the Commission to establish strict monitoring mechanisms to ensure the exclusive use of funds, limit redundancy in financing, and strengthen transparency;