Activities of Alexander SELL

Plenary speeches (1)

Statement by the candidate for President of the Commission (debate)

Written explanations (1)

The need for the EU's continuous support for Ukraine (B10-0007/2024)

Die Entschließung, die Orbáns diplomatische Friedensinitiative verurteilt, fordert eine deutliche Erhöhung und Beschleunigung der militärischen Unterstützung für die Ukraine durch die EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Sie verlangt außerdem langfristige finanzielle Hilfe, um den Beitrittsprozess der Ukraine zur Europäischen Union zu erleichtern und die Wiederaufbaumaßnahmen nach dem Krieg zu unterstützen.Wir können diese Entschließung nicht unterstützen, weil wir nicht glauben, dass die Anheizung des Konflikts durch militärische Hilfe der richtige Weg ist, und vor allem wollen wir nicht, dass der deutsche Steuerzahler die Kosten tragen muss, die nach diesem Vorschlag der Fraktionen der CDU/CSU, der Sozialisten, der Liberalen und der Grünen 10 Milliarden Euro allein für Deutschland pro Jahr an Militärhilfen betragen würden.Wir stehen auch einem Verhandlungsprozess für den EU-Beitritt der Ukraine, der aus emotionalen Gründen und angeblicher Dringlichkeit heraus gestartet wurde, sehr kritisch gegenüber. Auch in diesem Fall wollen wir nicht, dass Deutschland, die größte Volkswirtschaft der EU, den höchsten Preis für die langfristige finanzielle Unterstützung des Wiederaufbaus der Ukraine zahlen muss.Aus diesen Gründen habe ich dagegen gestimmt.

Amendments (11)

Amendment 2 #


Draft opinion
Recital A
A. whereas the growing instability and the rise of unprecedented challenges in the immediate European neighbourhood and the international environment increases the demands on the Union to act with a budget fit for that purpose and to significantly strengthen its security and defence capabilitinecessitate a careful and prudent allocation of resources, ensuring that the Union does not overextend its budgetary commitments or unduly prioritize security and defence capabilities which fall under the remit of individual EU Member States;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 7 #


Draft opinion
Recital B
B. whereas that sufficient funding is key toe judicious use of funding is essential for the EU’s credibility, as a stronger, more assertive, and morevoiding unnecessary budget increases while maintaining a balanced approach as a strategic actor on the world stage;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 16 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Calls to doublefor a thorough review of the budget allocated to the development of capabilities under the Common Security and Defence Policy in order to ensure the safety of its citizens, and maintain stability both within Europe and globally, ensuring that any increase is justified by clear and measurable outcomes, and avoiding unnecessary financial burdens on the Union;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 28 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Points out that the unprecedented challenges in the global environment, along with the threats the EU is facing must be met by a substantial EU reaction, matched by appropriate and sufficient budgetary means for the EU to protect itself and the citizens and live up to the geopolitical challenges; welcomes the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) earlier this year which led to an increase in Heading 6; furthermore welcomes the adoption of two new instruments, namely the Ukraine Facility and the Western Balkans Facility, which will provide additional targeted support to Ukraine and the six Western Balkans countrieshould be met with caution, ensuring that the EU’s reaction is proportional and budgetary means are allocated efficiently without overextending financial commitments;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 42 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Is particularly concerned about the approach taken in the MFF revision to only have a net increase of Heading 6 ofby EUR 3,1 billion whereas the other EUR 4,5 billion shall be covered through redeployments within this heading; is not convinced that these redeployments will actually materialise to that extent, emphasizing the need for greater scrutiny and justification of any budget increases;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 49 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Notes with concern that the Commission presented a budget proposal of EUR 16 258 million, close toapproaching the MFF ceiling in Heading 6 with a remaining available margin of EUR 44,8 million; notes furthermore that Council increased the budget for humanitarian aid by EUR 30 million, believes however that this amount will not be sufficient to be able to resp, and stresses the importance of maintaining a more substantial margin to ensure financial flexibility and avoid unnecessary strain ond to emerging criseshe Union’s budget;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 57 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Notes with concern the reductions for the Neighbourhood East in NDICI which is underfunded by EUR 150 million for the remainder of this MFF; considers it therefore necessary for the 2025 Union budget to increase this budget line by EUR 50 million; emphasizes the need to carefully assess and justify any increases to the 2025 Union budget, ensuring that resources are allocated based on clear priorities and not solely to address underfunding;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 67 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Believes that any further targeted reinforcements are needed in areas such as the fight against disinformation, capacity development, enlargement, election observation, nuclear safety, support for civil society organisations, even if this will require the use of flexibility instrumentsshould be carefully evaluated, ensuring that funds are used efficiently and effectively;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 82 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Recognises that is still necessary to increase the financial support of the EU to UNRWA in 2025, due to the agency’s critical financial situation that jeopardizes its ability to fulfil its important role effectively;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 102 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Believes that the European External Action Service is structurally underfunded and should not be treated like the other institutions regarding the approach to the administrative budget; notes that the requirements for an institution with 145 diplomatic missions and offices around the world is fundamentally different to institutions operating at a single locationshould operate within its current budgetary constraints, emphasizing the need for efficient use of resources rather than increasing its budget unnecessarily;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 115 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
9. Strongly believes that a considerable reinforcement of humanitarian aid, accompaniewhile humanitarian aid is essential, any reinforcement should bye clear objectives arefully calibrated, ensuring terms of the rule of law and governance, is needed for the Union to be able to respond to emerging crihat the Union’s response to emerging crises is financially sustainable and aligned with long-term strategic goals, rather than driven by immediate budgetary increases.
Committee: AFET