1 Amendments of Ton DIEPEVEEN

Amendment 14 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Deplores the European Commission proposal (2024/0060(COD)) aimed at cutting the budget of the EMFAF by 105.000.000 EUR, which would severely impact the funding of scientific advice, data collection, fisheries control, and the contributions to Advisory Councils and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations; particularly, notes that 70% of this budget cut will affect the BlueInvest Plan, a critical initiative for fostering technology, innovation, and start-ups within the fisheries sector. Emphasizes that innovation and technological advancement are essential for the future sustainability and competitiveness of the EU fisheries sector. Calls on the Commission to reconsider this budget cut and to ensure adequate funding for BlueInvest to support the growth of innovative start-ups and the development of new technologies in the sector;
Committee: PECH