Activities of Elena SANCHO MURILLO
Plenary speeches (6)
Droughts and extreme weather events as a threat to local communities and EU agriculture in times of climate change (debate)
The crisis facing the EU’s automotive industry, potential plant closures and the need to enhance competitiveness and maintain jobs in Europe (debate)
Tackling the steel crisis: boosting competitive and sustainable European steel and maintaining quality jobs (debate)
The devastating floods in Spain, the urgent need to support the victims, to improve preparedness and to fight the climate crisis (debate)
Urgent need to tackle the gender pay gap (debate)
Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
Written explanations (12)
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for carbendazim and thiophanate‐methyl
Los socialistas españoles en el Parlamento hemos apoyado esta oposición al Reglamento de la Comisión que fija límites máximos de residuos (LMR) de carbendazima y tiofanato-metilo, ya que ambas sustancias están prohibidas en la Unión por motivos de salud pública.La legislación alimentaria debe perseguir los objetivos generales de protección de la vida y la salud humana. En este marco, aunque la Comisión propone reducir algunos LMR para ciertos usos, no todos los LMR propuestos garantizan un alto nivel de protección para la salud de los ciudadanos en Europa ni una producción de alimentos sostenible y saludable tanto dentro como fuera de la Unión.Además, la práctica de establecer LMR altos promueve un doble estándar entre los agricultores de la Unión y los de terceros países, que pueden seguir produciendo alimentos utilizando carbendazima y tiofanato-metilo y exportarlos a la Unión, lo que coloca a los agricultores de la Unión en desventaja competitiva.Por ello, respaldamos esta oposición que insta a la Comisión a presentar una nueva propuesta que reduzca todos los LMR para carbendazima y tiofanato-metilo al límite de detección relevante o al valor predeterminado de 0.01 mg/kg para todos los usos y a rechazar cualquier solicitud de tolerancias de importación.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for cyproconazole
Los socialistas españoles en el Parlamento hemos apoyado esta oposición al Reglamento de la Comisión que actualiza los límites máximos de residuos (LMR) de ciproconazol, al ser una sustancia prohibida en la Unión por motivos de salud pública.De acuerdo con los Reglamentos 396/2005 y 1107/2009, no deben establecerse LMR para sustancias activas que no estén aprobadas en la Unión por motivos de salud. Por tanto, no deben establecerse tolerancias de importación para esta sustancia que está clasificada como tóxica para la reproducción de categoría 1B.Además, la propuesta socava el objetivo de establecer una competencia justa a nivel global y en el mercado interno. En un contexto donde los agricultores de la Unión están preocupados por el riesgo de competencia desleal de productos importados desde terceros países, las regulaciones europeas deben garantizar que el uso de sustancias prohibidas en la Unión no sea apoyado ni amplificado por la importación de productos agrícolas de terceros países que autorizan estas sustancias.Por todo lo anterior, respaldamos esta oposición y pedimos a la Comisión que presente una propuesta nueva que reduzca todos los LMR al límite de detección relevante para todos los usos y rechace cualquier solicitud de tolerancias de importación.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for cyproconazole
Los socialistas españoles en el Parlamento hemos apoyado esta oposición al Reglamento de la Comisión que actualiza los límites máximos de residuos (LMR) de ciproconazol, al ser una sustancia prohibida en la Unión por motivos de salud pública.De acuerdo con los Reglamentos 396/2005 y 1107/2009, no deben establecerse LMR para sustancias activas que no estén aprobadas en la Unión por motivos de salud. Por tanto, no deben establecerse tolerancias de importación para esta sustancia que está clasificada como tóxica para la reproducción de categoría 1B.Además, la propuesta socava el objetivo de establecer una competencia justa a nivel global y en el mercado interno. En un contexto donde los agricultores de la Unión están preocupados por el riesgo de competencia desleal de productos importados desde terceros países, las regulaciones europeas deben garantizar que el uso de sustancias prohibidas en la Unión no sea apoyado ni amplificado por la importación de productos agrícolas de terceros países que autorizan estas sustancias.Por todo lo anterior, respaldamos esta oposición y pedimos a la Comisión que presente una propuesta nueva que reduzca todos los LMR al límite de detección relevante para todos los usos y rechace cualquier solicitud de tolerancias de importación.
Situation in Venezuela
Los socialistas españoles en el Parlamento Europeo no hemos apoyado esta Resolución escrita y firmada por el Partido Popular Europeo y la extrema derecha de Patriotas por Europa y ECR.El conjunto de los socialistas hemos apoyado una serie de enmiendas presentadas por varios grupos (S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE) denunciando la terrible situación que vive el país y la falta de transparencia y legitimidad de los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio publicados por las autoridades.Sin embargo, no hemos apoyado el conjunto del texto final, que incluye de forma apresurada un reconocimiento de Edmundo González como presidente electo y legítimo, por razones de legitimidad, coherencia y utilidad. Tampoco hemos apoyado la Resolución, puesto que supone la rotura del cordón sanitario a la extrema derecha, con la inclusión de la firma de Patriotas por Europa.El compromiso de los socialistas con el retorno de la democracia a Venezuela y con una transición pacífica, dialogada y negociada en el país continua intacto, y rechazamos cualquier tipo de instrumentalización política del sufrimiento del pueblo venezolano.
Devastating floods in Central-Eastern Europe, loss of lives and EU preparedness to act on such disasters
Los socialistas españoles en el Parlamento Europeo hemos apoyado esta Resolución, convencidos de que las catástrofes naturales como la vivida en Europa oriental y central son un recordatorio contundente de que no podemos retrasar la acción. Si bien es esencial centrarnos en el alivio inmediato y el apoyo a las víctimas, también debemos mirar hacia el futuro y a la forma en la que prevenir estos desastres.En este punto, hemos subrayado que los planes nacionales de restauración de la naturaleza que los Estados miembros tienen que desarrollar en el marco de la Ley de Restauración de la Naturaleza son cruciales, ya que representan una oportunidad única para restaurar ecosistemas clave como ríos de flujo libre y llanuras aluviales o humedales, que pueden mitigar de manera natural los impactos de las inundaciones al absorber el exceso de agua y reducir la severidad de los desbordamientos de ríos. La restauración no se trata solo de reparar daños, sino de prevenir futuros desastres.Asimismo, los socialistas ponemos de relieve la urgente necesidad de ser ambiciosos en nuestras políticas climáticas, ya que el cambio climático está agravando estos fenómenos extremos y, sin una acción decidida, solo se volverán más frecuentes y severos.
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections
El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado su Posición sobre el presupuesto de la Unión Europea para 2025.Los socialistas estamos satisfechos con el acuerdo sobre las cifras para aumentar la financiación para programas tan importantes como Erasmus+, Horizonte Europa, EU4Health, la ayuda humanitaria, la respuesta a los desastres naturales, más financiación para los jóvenes agricultores, para los programas de suministro de frutas y verduras en las escuelas, para el programa LIFE sobre acción medioambiental y climática, para el programa Ciudadanos, Igualdad, Derechos y Valores (CERV), incluidas las acciones contra la violencia de género y contra las personas LGTBI, entre otros.En cambio, en relación al texto que acompaña la Posición sobre las cifras, el PPE decidió ponerse del lado de los grupos de extrema derecha de esta Cámara, apoyando ideas y enmiendas que atentaban contra los valores en los que se basa la Unión. El PPE rompió el pacto alcanzado por los grupos europeístas. Por este motivo, he votado en contra de este texto.Hay mucho en juego para nuestros ciudadanos y nuestra economía. Los socialistas no lo consideramos un gasto, sino una inversión en las personas y las empresas en tiempos de creciente incertidumbre y populismo, tanto en Europa como en el mundo.
Deforestation Regulation: provisions relating to the date of application
Los socialistas hemos votado en contra de las enmiendas del PPE al Reglamento sobre la deforestación y al informe final, ya que debilitan de forma significativa el objetivo central del Reglamento: impedir que entren en el mercado de la Unión productos de ganado bovino, madera, cacao, soja, aceite de palma, café o caucho procedentes de la deforestación ilegal.La creación de una nueva categoría de zona de riesgo cero eximiría a estos productores de demostrar que no están implicados en la deforestación —lo que solo beneficiaría a productos de madera de ciertos Estados miembros— y representaría un peligroso retroceso normativo, al tiempo que agudizaría las tensiones con los socios comerciales de terceros países, que temen ser clasificados como de riesgo medio o alto, mientras que otros países europeos quedarían en una categoría de riesgo cero.Los socialdemócratas somos conscientes de que nuestros patrones de producción y consumo generan el 10 % de la deforestación mundial, y estamos comprometidos al 100 % con el Pacto Verde Europeo para revertir esta situación. Rechazamos la decisión del PPE de dar la espalda al Pacto Verde Europeo y aliarse con la ultraderecha para debilitar sus normas. Se trata de una elección irresponsable que pone en riesgo nuestros compromisos climáticos y la sostenibilidad del planeta.
UN Climate Change Conference 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan (COP29)
Los socialistas españoles hemos votado a favor de la Resolución que establece las prioridades del Parlamento Europeo en la CP29, celebrada en Bakú, del 11 al 22 de noviembre de 2024.Apoyamos la urgente necesidad de aumentar la financiación climática internacional, con un nuevo objetivo colectivo para 2025 que sea equitativo, accesible y basado en la ciencia, alineado con las repercusiones climáticas a las que se enfrentan los países en desarrollo. También subrayamos la importancia de avanzar en la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, mediante la actualización de las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional antes de la CP30 para cumplir los objetivos del Acuerdo de París.Además, insistimos en adoptar medidas sólidas de adaptación, mejorar las estrategias de gestión del agua y eliminar gradualmente los subsidios a los combustibles fósiles, redirigiendo estos recursos hacia energías limpias y resiliencia climática.Ante la crisis climática y el agravamiento de sus repercusiones, los socialistas españoles reafirmamos que la Unión Europea debe liderar con ambición y ejemplo. Este liderazgo debe impulsar objetivos más ambiciosos en descarbonización, adaptación y financiación, demostrando que es posible actuar con determinación frente a la mayor amenaza global de nuestro tiempo.
2025 budgetary procedure: Joint text
En la madrugada del sábado 16 de noviembre llegamos a un acuerdo para un presupuesto general para la Unión de casi 200 000 millones EUR para 2025: un acuerdo para un presupuesto que se centre en mejorar la vida de las personas, impulsar la competitividad y abordar los desafíos actuales impulsando programas vitales para abordar los retos sanitarios, apoyar a los jóvenes, la agricultura y las zonas rurales, impulsar la acción climática, gestionar las necesidades migratorias y de seguridad y reforzar el apoyo de la Unión a las regiones vecinas que experimentan crisis geopolíticas y humanitarias.Y este presupuesto también permitirá ayudar a las personas que han sufrido catástrofes naturales —como la DANA— apoyando a los Estados miembros afectados. El acuerdo incluye en la reserva un importe que asciende a 3 000 millones EUR, para que los fondos de la Unión puedan movilizarse rápidamente en apoyo de la recuperación posterior a las catástrofes.Es un acuerdo de apoyo a las inversiones en el desarrollo económico, que beneficia a los ciudadanos, las regiones, los agricultores, los investigadores, los estudiantes, las ONG y las empresas. En suma, un presupuesto de la Unión que genere crecimiento y oportunidades en toda la Unión Europea.
Deforestation Regulation: provisions relating to the date of application
He votado a favor del acuerdo alcanzado en trílogos sobre el Reglamento de Deforestación porque éste seguirá siendo una herramienta sólida para impedir que productos vinculados a la deforestación entren en el mercado de la UE, mientras otorga más tiempo a empresas y reguladores para adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias. Este enfoque asegura un equilibrio entre ambición y viabilidad.El Grupo PPE, con sus juegos políticos, generó una incertidumbre innecesaria para las empresas y dañó la reputación del Parlamento Europeo como un interlocutor serio en las negociaciones. Afortunadamente, el acuerdo final está en línea con los objetivos de los socialdemócratas, ya que ninguna de las enmiendas del PPE se incorporó al acto legislativo.Este logro refuerza la posición de los grupos progresistas y frena los intentos del PPE de retroceder en la legislación del Pacto Verde, ya que sus enmiendas sólo se reflejaron en una declaración no vinculante de la Comisión en la que se compromete a desarrollar las directrices, acelerar la evaluación comparativa y simplificar los procedimientos para países de muy bajo riesgo.Este acuerdo es un paso fundamental para combatir la deforestación y reafirma el compromiso de la UE con la sostenibilidad y el Pacto Verde Europeo.
Specific measures under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for Member States affected by natural disasters
He votado a favor de esta modificación que va a permitir a los Estados Miembros redirigir los recursos no utilizados del FEADER, destinándolos a aportar liquidez a los agricultores, los silvicultores y las pymes dedicadas a la transformación, comercialización o desarrollo de productos agrícolas o forestales que se hayan visto afectados por las catástrofes naturales ocurridas después del 1 de enero de 2024. Estas intervenciones pueden llegar a estar cubiertas en su totalidad por fondos de la UE y consistirán en un pago en forma de cantidad a tanto alzado con un máximo de 42 000€ por beneficiario.
Recommendation to the Council on the EU priorities for the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Se estima que serán necesarios 286 años para cerrar las brechas legales y eliminar las leyes discriminatorias de las mujeres en el mundo, balance que empeora en la medida en que las mujeres están perdiendo derechos que ya habían conquistado, incluso en países considerados democracias consolidada. Ante esta realidad, los y las socialistas han votado a favor de la Recomendación al Consejo sobre las prioridades de la Unión Europea en vísperas del 69º período de sesiones de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la ONU, que se ha aprobado, pero sin voto favorable del PP, que se posiciona en contra de los derechos de las mujeres. Europa tiene la responsabilidad de liderar la lucha por la igualdad de género y debe liderarla con políticas feministas que protejan y expandan los derechos de las mujeres y la propia democracia.
Written questions (1)
Continued availability of operating grants under the 2025 EU4Health work programme
Amendments (121)
Amendment 8 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 21 a (new)
Citation 21 a (new)
– having regard to the UNFCCC Second report on the determination of needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement of January 2024,
Amendment 20 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 63 a (new)
Citation 63 a (new)
– having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), as well as the General Comment No. 26 (2023) on Children’s Rights and the Environment with a Special Focus on Climate Change’ from the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, as well as the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2022),
Amendment 40 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas the 2023 UNFCCC synthesis report on NDCs states that the total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions level in 2030 is projected to be 2 % below the 2019 level; whereas the first global stocktake (GST) completed in 2023 at COP28 highlights the critical need to limit global warming to 1,5ºC to significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change; whereas the IPCC concludes that in scenarios limiting warming to 1.5 °C, GHG emissions need to be 43 % below their 2019 level by 2030;
Amendment 55 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)
Recital F a (new)
Fa. whereas water is a fundamental resource for human life, agriculture, and ecosystems, and its availability is being severely impacted by climate change, leading to increased droughts, floods, and water scarcity across the globe; whereas the degradation of water-related ecosystems, including rivers, wetlands, and lakes, exacerbates the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and human livelihoods;
Amendment 60 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital G
Recital G
G. whereas the ocean plays a vital role in regulating the climate by absorbing around 25% of human-caused CO2 emissions and over 90% of the excess heat generated by these emissions; whereas marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds act as crucial carbon sinks that support global climate regulation; whereas the degradation of these ecosystems weakens the ocean’s ability to sequester carbon and adapt to climate change, exacerbating climate impacts; whereas marine biodiversity is seriously endangered, despite the ocean playing athis unique and vital role as a climate regulator;
Amendment 70 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital H
Recital H
H. whereas methane has been responsible for around 30 % of the rise in global temperatures since the industrial revolution; whereas rapid and sustained reductions in methane emissions are crucial to limiting near-term global warming, as methane is around 80 times more powerful than CO2 over a 20-year period;
Amendment 80 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital I
Recital I
I. whereas the OECD’s seventh assessment of progress towards the UNFCCC climate finance goal finds that in 2022 developed countries provided a total of USD 115.9 billion in climate finance for developing countries, a figure still well below the actual needs; whereas developing countries face the double challenge of simultaneously investing in development and in climate mitigation and adaptation, while addressing the costs of loss and damage;
Amendment 84 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital J
Recital J
J. whereas the UNEP’s 2023 adaptation gap report highlights that the current adaptation finance gap is estimated at USD 194 billion to USD 366 billion per year, a gap that will be increasing as climate impacts intensify;
Amendment 86 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital K
Recital K
K. whereas the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change highlights the need to urgently and fully phase out harmful fossil fuel subsidies across the EU; whereas the elimination of these subsidies is critical to accelerating the transition to renewable energy, ensuring a fair allocation of resources, and meeting the EU’s climate targets under the Paris Agreement;
Amendment 97 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital K a (new)
Recital K a (new)
Ka. whereas cities, which cover only 2% of the world's surface, are responsible for around 70% of global CO2 emissions, primarily due to industrial activities and transportation systems reliant on fossil fuels1a; _________________ 1a Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (2022). Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate.
Amendment 102 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital K b (new)
Recital K b (new)
Kb. whereas people in the richest 1% of the global population are set to generate per capita consumption emissions in 2030 that are still 30 times higher than the global per capita level, while the footprints of the poorest half of the world population are set to remain several times below that level1a; _________________ 1a Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Oxfam. (2021). Carbon Inequality in 2030. n-inequality-2030
Amendment 104 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital K c (new)
Recital K c (new)
Kc. whereas the most vulnerable populations, including infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, indigenous communities, and people with disabilities, are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change, facing greater risks of food and water insecurity, health threats, displacement, and loss of livelihoods;
Amendment 107 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recital K d (new)
Recital K d (new)
Kd. whereas climate change is increasingly becoming a major driver of migration and displacement, with millions of people forced to flee their homes due to rising sea levels, extreme weather events, droughts, and resource scarcity; whereas by 2050, as many as 216 million people could be internal climate migrants across the regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific and Eastern Europe1a; _________________ 1a World Bank. (2021). Groundswell Part 2: Acting on Internal Climate Migration. Washington, DC: World Bank. ties/publication/2c9150df-52c3-58ed- 9075-d78ea56c3267
Amendment 114 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Takes note ofWelcomes the outcome of the first GST at COP28, which recognises that limiting global warming to 1.5 °C with no or limited overshoot requires deep, rapid and sustained reductions in global GHG emissions of 43 % by 2030 and 60 % by 2035 relative to the 2019 level, reaching net zero GHG emissions by 2050;
Amendment 119 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Supports the COP28 call on the Parties to the UNFCCC to contribute to the global effort of tripling renewable energy capacity globally and doubling the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030; calls on the EU and Member States to lead by example by enhancing investment in renewable energy infrastructure, promoting innovation in energy storage technologies, and implementing strong regulatory frameworks to ensure rapid deployment and equitable access to renewable energy; emphasises the importance of providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries to facilitate their contribution to this global effort, in line with the principles of climate justice and equitable transition;
Amendment 131 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Supports the COP28 call on the Parties to accelerate efforts towards the phase-down of unabated coal power, and to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner, with a view toensuring that the transition prioritises social justice and leave no one behind; highlights the urgency of accelerating action within this critical decade, so as to achieve net zero by 2050, in keeping with the science; reiterates its call on all Parties to work on developing a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty; at the latest, as scientific evidence continues to show that delays in reducing fossil fuel reliance will lead to increasingly severe climate impacts1a; reiterates its call on all Parties to work on developing a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty; _________________ 1a International Energy Agency (IEA). (2023). Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap. roadmap-a-global-pathway-to-keep-the- 15-0c-goal-in-reach
Amendment 142 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Expresses concern at the findings of the UNEP’s 2023 emissions gap report that fully implementing current unconditional NDCs would put the world on track for 2.9 °C global warming while the additional implementation and continuation of conditional NDCs would lead to 2.5 °C global warming by the end of the century; draws attention to the fact that this trajectory is far from the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, putting the world on a dangerous path toward irreversible climate changes and the crossing of critical tipping points;
Amendment 147 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Calls on all Parties to scale up their climate targets and accompanying policies and raise the ambition of their NDCs to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C; stresses that these revised NDCs must be aligned with the latest climate science to close the emissions gap, and should include transparent mechanisms for monitoring and accountability to ensure progress is tracked effectively;
Amendment 159 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Urges all Parties to ensure an outcome at COP29 with robust rules for cooperative mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and calls on the EU and its Member States to strictly defend a high level of climate integrity, based on the best available science, in the negotiations; stresses that these mechanisms must prevent loopholes that could undermine climate ambition, while promoting real and verifiable emission reductions and supporting the transition to renewable energy, particularly in developing countries;
Amendment 171 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Notes that the EU and its Member States are the largest providers of public climate finance, with all EU climate finance reaching an all-time high in 2022 of EUR 28.5 billion; expresses concern that a large part of this contribution was extended through non-grant instruments, particularly loans, which risks exacerbating the already critical debt crises in many developing countries;
Amendment 180 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Notes that developed countries provided and mobilised a total of USD 115.9 billion in climate finance for developing countries in 2022, of which a significant share (over two thirds) was extended as loans, exceeding the UNFCC annual USD 100 billion climate finance goal for the first time, two years after the target year of 2020; points out that this delay resulted in a cumulative shortfall of approximately USD 32 billion between 2020 and 2021;
Amendment 189 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Calls on all Parties to agree on a post-2025 nNew cCollective qQuantified gGoal (NCQG) on climate finance at COP29 with safeguards to reach the agreed quantum and timeframe; stresses that this new goal must exceed the outdated USD 100 billion target and should be set in a science- based manner, in line with developing countries’ climate finance needs; recognises that post-2025 climate finance needs will rise substantially; highlights that the NCQG must be ambitious enough to mobilize the necessary funds, while ensuring robust accountability and transparency mechanisms in the allocation and tracking of resources;
Amendment 204 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Notes that many developing countries, particularly climate-vulnerable countries, are in debt distress or at significant risk of debt distressfacing a dual crisis of unsustainable debt levels and escalating climate impacts, with many already in or at significant risk of debt distress; stresses that this situation exacerbates their vulnerability to economic instability and severely undermines their capacity to invest in climate action; calls for a shift in international climate finance towards prioritizing public, grant-based and non- debt inducing instruments and measures to ensure that these countries can implement necessary mitigation and adaptation measures without increasing their debt burden;
Amendment 213 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Considers it essential to advance the Bridgetown Agenda without delay; believes that the NCQG represents a pivotal opportunity to not only scale up climate finance but also to promote reforms in the international financial system by incorporating the principles of the Bridgetown Agenda; calls on all the major international financial institutions and multilateral development banks to align their portfolios and lending policies with the Paris Agreement;
Amendment 220 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Recalls that fossil fuels are responsible for over 75 % of all GHGs and are therefore the largest contributor to climate change; notes that despite this, fossil fuels still meet over 80% of the world's energy needs; stresses that the phase-out of fossil fuels is both necessary and technologically feasible, and that renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind, have seen costs drop by nearly 90% over the last decade, making them a viable alternative for a sustainable energy transition;
Amendment 237 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Is concerned that governments worldwide spent USD 620 billion in 2023 on subsidising the use of fossil fuels, which is over five times more than the 115,9 billion reported as international climate finance to developing countries, and significantly more than the USD 70 billion that was spent in 2023 on support for consumer-facing clean energy investments; encourages all Parties to end all direct and indirect fossil fuel subsidies as soon as possible, reallocating these harmful subsidies toward climate action, including toward international climate finance for the most vulnerable developing countries;
Amendment 245 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Recognises that developed countries, including the EU, should lead by introducing innovative taxes in line with the polluter pays principle, such as wealth taxes and levies on high-emitting sectors like fossil fuels;
Amendment 248 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Underlines the need to significantly step up adaptation action within the EU and globally to minimise the negative effects of climate change and biodiversity loss; points out that while mitigation finance and implementation have progressed, adaptation efforts continue to lag behind, with a widening gap in both funding and concrete action; recognises that without immediate action, the costs of adaptation will continue to rise, with Europe already experiencing economic losses of EUR 650 billion between 1980 and 2021 due to weather and climate- related extremes1a; _________________ 1a European Environment Agency (EEA). (2023). Economic losses from climate- related extremes in Europe. icators/economic-losses-from-climate- related
Amendment 261 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
Paragraph 16
16. Welcomes the agreement on the framework for the global goal on adaptation (GGA) at COP28, namely the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience; highlights the need to translate the GGA into measurable outcomes and to track progress towards achieving the goal; stresses that the GGA must be translated into clear, measurable outcomes with robust tracking systems in place to monitor progress, particularly in the areas of climate finance, nature-based solutions, and resilience-building;
Amendment 265 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 a (new)
Paragraph 16 a (new)
16a. Welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on "Managing Climate Risks: Protecting People and Prosperity", which highlights the need for resilience in the face of escalating climate risks; regrets that the communication lacks concrete and actionable measures, relying instead on general recommendations that fail to fully address the urgency of the crisis; calls on the Commission to propose legislation that mandates concrete actions, particularly regarding infrastructure resilience, water management, and nature-based solutions, while prioritizing the protection of vulnerable communities;
Amendment 269 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 17
17. Stresses that early warning systems are critical to effective adaptation and, as they can save lives and significantly reduce the socioeconomic impacts of climate change; calls for the rapid implementation of both the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative, which focuses on vulnerable countries such as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and the "Early Warnings for All" initiative, which seeks to ensure global access to early warning systems by 2027; emphasises that these systems must be robust, people-centered, and multi- hazard, ensuring the protection of lives, livelihoods, and critical infrastructure from increasing climate risks;
Amendment 274 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 a (new)
Paragraph 17 a (new)
17a. Calls on the EU Member States and the Commission to ensure the EU is contributing its part to achieving the COP26 commitment of doubling public adaptation finance provision from developed countries to developing countries by 2025, compared to 2019 levels, which implies reaching an aggregate level of at least around USD 40 billion1a; _________________ 1a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Standing Committee on Finance. (2023). Report on the Doubling of Adaptation Finance. ce/231120%20BLS23393%20UCC%20Ad aptation%20Finance%20v04.pdf
Amendment 288 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Appreciates the progress in operationalising the Fund since COP28 including through the acceptance of the offer of the Government of the Philippines to host the Fund;
Amendment 301 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
Paragraph 21
21. Stresses that climate goals cannot be achieved without the support and involvement of the public, involvement and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of the public, including indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children and youth, persons with disabilities, and people in vulnerable situations; calls on all Parties to raise awareness of climate change and related issues, combat misinformation and work with public representatives to gain public support for mitigation and adaptation measures; encourages Parties to include children and young people in their national delegations to ensure that future generations have an active role in shaping decisions concerning their future;
Amendment 315 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22a. Recognises the leadership of local and regional governments in accelerating and broadening climate action; stresses the need for enhanced cooperation with local and regional governments in the process of preparing, financing, and implementing NDCs ahead of COP30, as well as other key national climate and environmental strategies, ensuring cohesive and comprehensive planning across all levels of governance;
Amendment 349 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 25
25. Takes note of the EU’s updated NDC; highlights that the EU’s current climate legislation will reduce the EU’s net GHG emissions by around 57 % compared to 1990; stresses that, according to the ESABCC, additional efforts to increase the Union’s ambition beyond reaching a 55 % reduction in net GHG emissions by 2030 would considerably decrease the Union’s cumulative emissions until 2050 and thereby increase the fairness of the Union’s contribution to global mitigation;
Amendment 360 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 a (new)
Paragraph 25 a (new)
25a. Highlights the importance that the EU moves forward to adopt an ambitious climate target for 2040 of at least 90 % and up to 95 % reduction in net GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels, in line with the recommendation of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change;
Amendment 365 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 b (new)
Paragraph 25 b (new)
25b. Recalls that the Paris Agreement requires the revision of NDCs every five years, with the next revision due in 2025; underlines that this new NDC must reflect the findings of the first global stocktake and align with the EU’s fair share in limiting global warming to 1.5°C, as agreed at COP28;
Amendment 414 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29 a (new)
Paragraph 29 a (new)
29a. Recognises that achieving the Paris Agreement targets will require substantial decarbonisation of urban areas; emphasises the importance of ensuring that financial support reaches the local level to continue advancing climate action while protecting local economies; welcomes the efforts of EU cities and regions in the Mission on 100 Climate-Neutral Cities, Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, the Covenant of Mayors, and other initiatives; calls on the Commission to continue supporting and expanding these initiatives;
Amendment 417 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29 b (new)
Paragraph 29 b (new)
29b. Reiterates that COP28 noted the importance of transitioning to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production in efforts to address climate change, including through circular economy approaches, and encourages further efforts in the EU in this regard as a critical contribution towards achieving climate targets;
Amendment 423 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
Paragraph 30
30. Underscores that the climate and biodiversity crises are interlinked; emphasises the importance of protecting, conserving and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems and of managing natural resources sustainably in order to enhance nature-based climate change mitigation and adaptation;
Amendment 454 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
Paragraph 33
33. Stresses the need toat all climate actions must protect, respect, promotect the rights and interests of indigenous peoples and local communities; stresses the need to support and protect environmental defender and fulfil human rights, including the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, and the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children and youth, persons with disabilities, and people in vulnerable situations; emphasises the importance of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and intergenerational fairness in addressing the climate crisis; stresses the need to support and protect environmental defenders; calls on all Parties to uphold these values and ensure meaningful public participation, access to information, and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for affected communities;
Amendment 466 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
Paragraph 34
34. Stresses the importance of implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; recalls the failure in achieving the Aichi targets; welcomes the submission of EU targets under this Framework to the Convention on Biological Diversity based on the Nature Restoration Law;
Amendment 472 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35 a (new)
Paragraph 35 a (new)
35a. Stresses the critical link between air pollution and climate change, noting that air pollution is responsible for around 7 million premature deaths annually, with fossil fuel combustion accounting for a significant share of these deaths; welcomes international efforts to address both climate change and air quality through initiatives like the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC); calls on all Parties to enhance cooperation on this matter and align air quality policies with climate action to protect public health and the environment globally;
Amendment 477 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 36
Paragraph 36
36. Emphasises the importance of protecting, conserving and restoring water and water-related ecosystems as vital components of climate resilience and biodiversity conservation; highlights the devastating environmental, social and economic impacts of desertification, droughts, floods and water pollution; calls for enhanced international cooperation to address the growing water crisis, promote sustainable water management, and implement nature-based solutions that can mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events and support long-term water security;
Amendment 518 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 42
Paragraph 42
42. Highlights the fact that the transport sector is the only sector in which emissions have risen at the EU level since 1990 and that this is not compatible with the EU’s climate goals, which is not compatible with the EU’s climate goals; stresses that achieving the EU’s climate objectives will require greater and faster emission reductions from all sectors of society, including the aviation and maritime sectors; welcomes the inclusion of maritime and aviation emissions in the EU ETS as a crucial step toward decarbonisation, which should inspire greater ambition at the international level, including within the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); calls for the EU to advocate for the adoption of stricter global targets and timelines within these organisations; is concerned by the slow progress achieved in the IMO and ICAO in addressing emissions from international shipping and aviation;
Amendment 526 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 43
Paragraph 43
43. Calls on the International Maritime Organization to adopt measures to reduce maritime emissions; calls on the Commission and the Member States to restart UNFCCC negotiations on attributing international shipping emissions to national inventories in line with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5ºC target, requiring a 37 % reduction by 2030, 96 % by 2040, and full decarbonisation by 2050; recognises that if the IMO negotiations fail to achieve action in line with the Paris Agreement, the EU should revise its shipping legislation to enlarge its scope and to align it with the Science Based Targets; notes that recently approved EU shipping legislation is a step in the right direction, but acknowledges that further efforts are needed to achieve zero emissions from shipping; calls on the Commission and the Member States to restart UNFCCC negotiations on attributing international shipping emissions to national inventories on a 50-50 % basis, mirroring the scope of the ETS and FuelEU Maritime; notes with concern the rise in black carbon emissions from Arctic shipping and the insufficient IMO ban on heavy fuel oil; calls for immediate action to address these emissions by requiring ships operating in or near the Arctic to switch to cleaner fuels and install particulate filters to protect the region from further harm; calls for the EU to engage in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy to support other countries in setting up their own national and regional legislation to decarbonise the shipping sector;
Amendment 530 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 43 a (new)
Paragraph 43 a (new)
43a. Stresses the urgent need for the aviation sector to align with global climate goals, particularly the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, as aviation accounts for 2.5 % of global CO₂ emissions but has a total climate impact of around 4 % due to non-CO₂ effects; calls on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to adopt more ambitious measures under CORSIA to reduce these emissions; highlights the disproportionate climate impact of private jets, which are up to 14 times more polluting than commercial flights, and urges leaders to choose the least polluting transport options, including for COP29;
Amendment 535 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 44
Paragraph 44
44. Acknowledges the significant potential for GHG emissions reduction in the agricultural sector;, which globally accounts for 10-12 % of anthropogenic emissions and 11 % of total EU emissions in 20201a; notes that EU agricultural emissions have stagnated since 2005, with only a 1.5 % reduction projected by 2040 under current policies; stresses that a transition towards more sustainable agricultural practices, shorter supply chains, and shifts towards healthier foods, diets, and lifestyles would significantly reduce agricultural emissions, enhance mitigation and adaptation, release pressure on land, and help restore soil quality and ecosystems; reiterates that the overconsumption of meat and ultra- processed products needs to be addressed; emphasises the importance of developing more sustainable agriculture by providing farmers with alternatives to reduce the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides; highlights that reducing the production and use of synthetic fertilisers and increasing natural carbon sequestration in soils and soil organic matter can offer multiple benefits by increasing soil fertility, restoring biodiversity, and providing substantial mitigation potential; _________________ 1a European Environment Agency (EEA). (2023). Progress and prospects for decarbonisation in the agriculture sector and beyond. rogress-and-prospects-for- decarbonisation/progress-and-prospects- for-decarbonisation.
Amendment 565 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 45
Paragraph 45
45. Stresses that all sectors must contribute to the reduction of emissions; calls for a UNFCCC COP29 outcome of a strengthened Mitigation Work Programme that accelerates action pre- 2030 and complements the Global Stocktake, with a focus on sector-specific partnerships to implement outcomes and promote the rapid, equitable shift to renewable energy;
Amendment 582 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 47
Paragraph 47
47. Stresses the urgent need to address the significant climate and environmental impact of the textile sector;, which is responsible for around 8-10 % of global GHG emissions and substantial resource consumption, particularly water and energy1a; calls for the adoption of circular economy principles, including sustainable production, waste reduction, and increased recycling, while tackling challenges such as microplastic shedding, overproduction, and water usage; urges the EU and international bodies to set ambitious targets for reducing emissions, phasing out harmful chemicals, and promoting eco-friendly materials, and to establish global standards for verifiable sustainability claims to prevent greenwashing and help consumers make informed choices; _________________ 1a International Finance Corporation (IFC). (2023). Strengthening Sustainability in the Textile Industry. reports/2023/strengthening-sustainability- in-the-textile-industry
Amendment 598 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 49 a (new)
Paragraph 49 a (new)
49a. Highlights the fact that the Mediterranean is one of the regions most affected by climate change, warming 20 % faster than the global average, with projections of 250 million people facing water scarcity within 20 years1a; notes that the Mediterranean Sea is becoming the fastest warming sea globally, with severe consequences for marine ecosystems, economic sectors, and biodiversity; calls on the Commission and Member States to act urgently, cooperating with Mediterranean partners to implement ambitious adaptation measures and lead mitigation action, focusing on water management, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable economic transitions; _________________ 1a Mediterranean experts on climate and environmental change, ‘Risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region’, 2019. content/uploads/2019/10/MedECC- Booklet_EN_WEB.pdf
Amendment 605 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 49 b (new)
Paragraph 49 b (new)
49b. Recognises the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and girls, particularly in developing countries where they are more reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods; notes that climate-induced disasters exacerbate gender inequalities, as women often face greater obstacles in accessing resources, land rights, and decision-making processes; believes that gender balance and the empowerment of women and girls are key to an inclusive and just transition; stresses the need for gender-responsive climate policies that ensure women’s participation in climate action and leadership roles at all levels;
Amendment 610 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 50
Paragraph 50
50. EUnderscores the importance of inclusive approaches in the UNFCCC Process, including the Just Transition Work Programme; calls on all Parties, including the EU and its Member States, to increase efforts to integrate gender equality in their revised NDCs, as well as in climate and environmental policies, in particular those related to mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage, and to increase the meaningful involvement of women’s groups in their design and implementation; emphasises the need for more concrete actions by all Parties to deliver on the commitments of the renewed Gender Action Plan agreed at COP25; urges the Member States and the Commission to increase efforts to achieve the goals set out in the EU Gender Action Plan III;
Amendment 611 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 50 a (new)
Paragraph 50 a (new)
50a. Highlights the importance of aligning climate finance with gender equality, noting that women receive disproportionately less access to financial resources for climate adaptation and mitigation projects; considers that increasing women’s access to inclusive climate finance is critical for a just transition, and emphasises the need for a gender-transformative approach in climate finance; urges the EU and Member States to report on the gender responsiveness of their climate finance contributions and to enhance coherence between gender and climate support through external action instruments and the European Investment Bank (EIB), including through enhancing the participation of women in governance, decision-making, and programmes that support women’s role in climate governance;
Amendment 616 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 50 b (new)
Paragraph 50 b (new)
50b. Highlights the importance of increasing women’s participation in decision-making in the climate diplomacy context, including in COP delegations and leadership at all levels of climate action; regrets that women made up less than 34 % of country negotiating teams at COP28, with only 2 % of delegations achieving gender parity, and notes that some Party delegations still consist of up to 90 % men; calls on all Parties to aim for gender parity in their delegations and at all levels of climate change decision- making and negotiations; urges all Parties to nominate a national gender and climate change focal point and increase their resources, training, and support, including within the EU;
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas investments in R&D are essential for EU societal progress, innovation and competitiveness; whereas the report on the Future of European Competitiveness (the Draghi report) and the report by the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe (the Heitor report) recommended a budget for the 10th framework programme for research and innovation (FP10) of EUR 200 billion and EUR 220 billion respectively;
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
Recital B a (new)
Ba. whereas the Letta report proposes the establishment of a “Fifth Freedom” to encompass research, innovation and education as a new dimension of the Single Market as the four original freedoms are fundamentally based on 20th-century theoretical principals.
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 (new)
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Recalls that we are at a crucial moment for R&I, and President Ursula Von der Leyen stated that Europe needs to put “research and innovation at the heart of our economy” during the presentation of her program in the European Parliament in July 2024 for her second term as president of the European Commission.
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 a (new)
Paragraph -1 a (new)
-1a. Notes that the Draghi, Letta and Heitor reports put R&I in a central place to achieve European competitiveness and stress the urgency to act not to fall behind. Thus, a strong commitment is needed to achieve a future Framework Programme that constitutes a crucial contribution to the competitiveness of Europe and the well-being of the entire European project.
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Recalls that the Draghi and the Heitor reports are a wake-up call for Europe to face global competition and the significant rise of Chinese science in recent years; welcomes the higher success rate of HEU compared to Horizon 2020 (H2020); appreciates HEU’s responsiveness in crises, such as COVID-19 and geopolitical challenges, but regrets not only the lack of additional funding but also the continuous funding cuts , which compromises original priorities; notes that national spending for research should not be cut with reference to EU research funding; highlights that a joint effort of European and national funding for research and innovation is needed;
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Regrets that there have been negative experiences with the implementation of HEU because the shift from H2020 to HEU has mostly been experienced as an increase in complexity and bureaucracy; underlines that the success rates in some parts of the programme are still so low as to discourage potentially excellent applications;, especially from researchers of research institutions with smaller budgets and SMEs considers that the high cost of strategic planning (due to increased complexity, time and resources invested, as well as slowed-down implementation of the framework programme (FP)) is not compensated by any substantial benefits;
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights the importance of an agile FP; notes that the Heitor report outlines the importance of responding to the fast-changing field of science and innovation and recommends more self- governance in the FP through the establishment of councils as well as less prescriptive calls; recalls that the Draghi report notes that the current governance of the FP is slow and bureaucratic, that its organisation should be redesigned to be more outcome-based and evaluated by top experts and that the future FP should be governed by people with a proven track record at the frontier of research or innovation; notes that innovative ideas can not always be predicted and programmed and underlines the need for sufficient funding that is not pre-programmed in order to tap the full potential of developing innovation;
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Is deeply convinced that EU spending on science, research and innovation is the best investment in our common European future and for increasing competitiveness; agrees with Mr Draghi that all public R&D spending in the EU should be better coordinated at EU level and that a reformed and strengthened FP is crucial in achieving this; underlines that, in order to ensure a real added value, R&D spending should also be better coordinated at national level between member states; reiterates that the reformed fiscal rules exclude national co- funding of programmes funded by the Union to be excluded from its scope; calls on the Member States to make fully use of this possibility in order to boost EU research funding.
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Is deeply convinced that EU spending on science, research and innovation is the best investment in our common European future and for increasing societal progress and competitiveness; agrees with Mr Draghi that all public R&D spending in the EU should be better coordinated at EU level and that a reformed and strengthened FP is crucial in achieving this;
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Considers that administrative simplification stagnated under HEU and might even have reversed, given that transaction costs rose significantly; underlines that simplification must be for the benefit of the applicants;
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Recalls that, while acknowledging concerns about the perceived complexity and bureaucracy of some Horizon Europe requirements, gender equality measures are a critical mechanism for fostering inclusivity, which in turn delivers higher excellence research results.
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Notes that a large number of beneficiaries do not consider the introduction of lump-sum funding to be a simplificationthe introduction of lump- sum funding received different assessment from different beneficiaries; also notes that simplification efforts at EU level should be implemented with coherence at national level;
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7 a (new)
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Underlines that research projects funded under Pillar 1 should adhere to the principle of ‘high risk/high gain’; suggests clarifying evaluation criteria to strictly ensure the realization of ‘high risk/high gain’ when evaluating research proposals; observes that ‘high risk’ also means employing new research methods; highlights the need for low-threshold applications in order to attract talent; suggests introducing a new anonymized evaluation method for individual research grants, according to which only research proposals are evaluated without considering the person of the applicant and the research institution s/he belongs to;
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading 4 a (new)
Subheading 4 a (new)
7a. Asks for an adequate share of the budget for Pillar 1, amounting to at least 30% of the total programme’s budget, in line with the allocation in Horizon 2020.
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading 4 b (new)
Subheading 4 b (new)
7b. Supports the Letta report right to stay to avoid internal brain drain and the Heitor report initiative “Choose Europe” to foster research careers and turn the current “European Brain drain” into a “brain gain” by 2035. Notes that this pilot should be implemented from 2025 using the unique moment for Europe after the US elections.
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Concludes that Pillar 2 remains too complex; believes that the implementation of this pillar should be improved, simplified and streamlined; notes that the number of instruments involved, the unsuccessful implementation of missions, and the many budgetary shifts have resulted in unnecessary complexity which discourages applicants, and especially newcomers, from participating;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Concludes that Pillar 2 remains too complex; believes that the implementation of this pillar should be improved, simplified and streamlined; notes that the number of instruments involved, the unsuccessful implementation of missions, and the many budgetary shifts have resulted in unnecessary complexity which discourages applicants, and especially newcomers, from participating;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 a (new)
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Suggests to use a modern concept of innovation and that comprehensively consider the various facets of innovation, for example, social innovation.
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading 6 a (new)
Subheading 6 a (new)
8c. Notes that EIT contributes to strengthening links between Higher Education and Business closing the ‘skills gap’ and that synergies should be explored with the academies introduced in recent EU legislation (e.g. Net Zero Industry Act, Critical Raw Materials Act, Cybersecurity Package).
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading 6 b (new)
Subheading 6 b (new)
8d. Moreover, highlights that the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) activities contribute to reducing the European innovation capacity divide. Recalls that more synergies to bridge the innovation divide should be created between the EIT and other actions such as the EU Preparatory Action 'Innovation for place-based transformation'1a _________________ 1a https://place-based- 0/preparatory-action-2024-2026_en
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution
Subheading 6 c (new)
Subheading 6 c (new)
8b. Recognises the vital role of universities as drivers of place-based innovation.
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Welcomes the fact that there has been an increase in the number of participants, from widening countries, in HEU; Acknowledges that the innovation divide persists despite a slight decrease in the disparities in innovation performance across Europe. Notes that Widening should be taken into account by region, not by member state.
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 a (new)
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Notes that a thriving European innovation ecosystem requires strong and well-connected place-based innovation ecosystems. Better connected European innovation ecosystem will be essential for enhancing the competitiveness of Europe, its resilience and strategic autonomy. Collaboration among territorial ecosystems enables European regions to leverage their combined strengths to develop innovative solutions more efficiently. This collaboration also accelerates the commercialisation and scaling of technologies, bolstering the EU’s competitiveness also globally.
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Recalls that the Commission communication entitled ‘EU Missions two years on: assessment of progress and way forward’ did not positively evaluate missions and concluded that missions had failed on core objectives such as crowding, hence their execution needs to be improved to fully access their potential to contribute to achieving climate-neutral cities by 2030 and on climate change adaptation in extgenernal funding;
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Recalls that the Commission communication entitled ‘EU Missions two years on: assessment of progress and way forward’ did not positively evaluate missions and concluded that missions had failed on core objectives such as crowding in external funding;concluded that missions need to improve their governance, impact and crowding in external funding to live up to the potential of the concept to tackle ambitious societal challenges.
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Calls on the Commission for a thorough evaluation of the missions, including their governance and impact, to assess the next steps and before new missions are introduced in FP10.
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 b (new)
Paragraph 10 b (new)
10b. Supports the Heitor Report call for the need to “elevate” the “political ownership” of the current (and future) Missions and Partnerships, in order to facilitate the coordination among different DG’s and national administrations, as well as to attract funding beyond the framework programme.
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 c (new)
Paragraph 10 c (new)
10c. Highlights the need to strengthen the science communication role of the missions. This will bring research results closer to society and help address the challenge of mistrust in R&I, while simultaneously helping gain societal approval for public investments in R&I.
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Notes that no significant changes have taken place in the implementation of the missions since the publication of the communication; concludes, therefore, that further funding of missions under the 2025, 2026 and 2027 work programmes would not be an effective use of the limited resourceremains availuable to HEU and should therefore be stopped; encourages the Commission to find funding for the continuation of missions in other parts of the EU budget and at national levelbut adjustments of missions need to be made;
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Insists that the Commission should reduce the use of lump-sum funding under HEU until there is substantial evidence that lump-sum funding provides a simplification for the beneficiaries over the full life cycle of the project, including the audit, as well as for the programme as a whole, reflected by lower administrative and transaction costs for beneficiaries with lump-sum projects; ; supports the recommendation of the European Court of Auditor11a to define the scope of ex post controls for lump-sum grants; _________________ 11a ns/AIB-2022/AIB-2022_EN.pdf
Amendment 189 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Although some efforts have already been made, regrets that synergies between the European Innovation Council (EIC), the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and the European Research Council are not enough developed.
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 b (new)
Paragraph 13 b (new)
13b. Notes that inclusive gender equality in R&I is a crucial driver of a sustainable research environment that lays the foundation for high standards of the research profession in the European Research Area (ERA) with improved career prospects and working conditions. Without effective measures to promote inclusive gender equality in Europe, research quality and competitiveness suffer, hindering potential scientific advancement and resulting in the loss of valuable talent.
Amendment 194 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 c (new)
Paragraph 13 c (new)
13c. Significant advances have been made in the framework of Horizon Europe with Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) as an eligibility criterion, the gender dimension in the content of R&I as an award criterion by default across the programme, and gender balance as a ranking criterion for ex aequo proposals. Recent analyses confirm that the GEP eligibility criterion has had a catalytic effect. Therefore, the Gender Equality Plans as eligibility criteria for funding should be kept in FP10 as a permanent and integral element of EU research funding requirements.
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 d (new)
Paragraph 13 d (new)
13d. Recognising that inclusive science is foundational to excellent science, calls on the Commission to safeguard the requirements for sex and gender consideration in FP10 and further strengthen intersectional considerations; build upon existing policies to enhance participation of women and other population groups in science; and to fund research aimed at closing the gender health gap and delivering innovations in women’s health.
Amendment 197 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 e (new)
Paragraph 13 e (new)
13e. Considers that gender as a research topic from an intersectional perspective is essential for understanding the development of our gendered societies, addressing current societal challenges such as anti-gender discourse in Europe, and identifying effective solutions.
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 f (new)
Paragraph 13 f (new)
13f. Prioritising inclusive gender equality provisions in Framework Programme 10 will enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the ERA. By embedding inclusive gender equality in R&I policies, we maximise the potential of diverse talents, ensuring that Europe remains at the forefront of scientific excellence. Promoting inclusive gender equality serves as a catalyst for innovation, driving creative solutions and enhancing the relevance of R&I outputs. The higher productivity and innovative outcomes produced by diverse teams can translate into potential economic benefits for the EU and an additional competitive edge in the global research environment. Primarily, however, promoting gender equality makes the fundamental values of the EU a reality. Therefore, a steadfast commitment to inclusive gender equality is both a matter of social justice and a strategic investment in the future of research and economic prosperity in Europe
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 g (new)
Paragraph 13 g (new)
13g. Calls on the Commission to report on the Horizon Europe Key Impact Pathways, including the scientific, societal and economic/technological impacts, which analyse the overall societal impact of research and innovation projects in order to assess the Program's progress towards the achievement of its objectives.
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Insists on the need for strong political commitment to ensure adequate financial resources and a specified budget for FP10.
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Calls for FP10 to be a stand-alone EU programme dedicated to EU research excellence, with a substantially higher budget of at least EUR 220 billion that is sufficient for achieving the 3 % GDP spending target and for funding at least 75 % of the excellent proposals submitted; recommends that FP10 focus on three core objectives: (i) advancing the European Research Area (ERA) with specific measures that address regional disparities and support under-represented Member States in their innovation capacities, (ii) creating a European competition of ideas, and (iii) supporting strategic, large-scale collaborative research initiatives; recommends that FP10 be structured in three parts, each addressing one of the three core objectives;
Amendment 219 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Considers that sustained investments in R&I at both EU and national levels are important to ensure adequate national investments in R&I. Moreover, firmly believes the need to mobilise more private investments in R&I all over the Union.
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 b (new)
Paragraph 14 b (new)
14b. Considers crucial to keep funding basic research and applied research.
Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 c (new)
Paragraph 14 c (new)
14c. Recommends the improvement of synergies with cohesion funds. Also highlights to strengthen and coordinate synergies between innovation programmes managed by different administrations.
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 d (new)
Paragraph 14 d (new)
14d. Urges the Commission to launch from 2025 a task force to guarantee a better efficacy of the European Semester, in line with the Union’s share towards the 3% target, as clearly described in the Draghi and Heitor reports;
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 e (new)
Paragraph 14 e (new)
14e. Notes that Horizon Europe has seen an increase in bureaucracy compared to Horizon 2020 and efforts for simplification should be taken for FP10 for the benefit of beneficiaries and the contribution of excellent research. However, simplification cannot erode the progress made in previous framework programs such as the advances achieved thanks to green and gender conditionalities.
Amendment 231 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – introductory part
Paragraph 15 – introductory part
15. Highlights that the 10th Framework Programme should be guided by the excellence principle in R&I. Recommends that the Commission ensure user-oriented, science-led, effective and efficient implementation of the programme, including by:
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – point a – point ii
Paragraph 15 – point a – point ii
ii. be less dominated by policy objectivesin line with the general policy objectives defined at EU level;
Amendment 249 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – point a – point ii
Paragraph 15 – point a – point ii
ii. be less dominated by policy objectives;Recalls the need to keep policy objectives as guiding principles
Amendment 259 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – point a – point iv
Paragraph 15 – point a – point iv
iv. be based on the principle of self- governance, through which top experrecognized specialists from the relevant field can determinethat act in the public interest, excluding any sort of conflict of interest, can advise on how research and innovation can best contribute to the achievement of the policy priorities set by policymakers;
Amendment 268 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – point b
Paragraph 15 – point b
(b) setting up the four councils proposed by the Heitor expert group, composed of eminent experts from the field, to decide that act in the public interest, excluding any sort of conflict of interest, to recommend on the strategic direction of the different parts of FP10, and in particular a European technology and industrial competitiveness council and a European societal challenges council;
Amendment 278 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 – point c a (new)
Paragraph 15 – point c a (new)
(ca) establishing an experimental unit to test new programmes and instruments with fast track to funding as recommended by the Heitor report;
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
Paragraph 16
16. Recommends that the objective of the part of FP10 on advancing the ERA be to build an excellent, unified ERA; underlines that this requires attracting talent, integrating newcomers, providing access to leading research and technology infrastructures whilst remaining open for excellent research proposals irrespective of the supporting research institution, supporting joint early research programmes with national funders, and developing European universities alliances into European scientific institutes;
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 a (new)
Paragraph 16 a (new)
16a. Calls for a strong ecosystem of research and technology infrastructures (RIs) throughout the Union as a fundamental prerequisite for excellent R&I to be performed in Europe.
Amendment 292 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Believes that an expanded European Research Council (ERC) and European Innovation Council (EIC) should be at the heart of the part of FP10 dealing with a European competition of ideas and that this part should receive half of the FP10 budget; recommends that these programmes be designed so that they create a European, bottom-up funnel for innovation to develop quickly from fundamental science to innovation scale- up; considers that the EIC can only succeed if it can both offer blended finance as a single project and act with the same speed and agility as private actors on the venture capitalist market through a tailor-made legal entity for implementation; underlines that the strengthened autonomy and self- governance of both the ERC and the EIC are crucial to achieving this; holds the opinion that basic research should go beyond ERC and EIC and that funding basic research must also be considered when tackling the EU’s strategic objectives; is therefore convinced that the ultimate source of innovation is the creation of new information through basic research, which must coexist (with other forms of research) with an emphasis on high-risk breakthrough research and innovation;
Amendment 302 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Believes that an expanded European Research Council (ERC), the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and European Innovation Council (EIC) should be at the heart of the part of FP10 dealing with a European competition of ideas and that this part should receive half of the FP10 budget; recommends that these programmes be designed so that they create a European, bottom-up funnel for innovation to develop quickly from fundamental science to innovation scale- up; considers that the EIC can only succeed if it can both offer blended finance as a single project and act with the same speed and agility as private actors on the venture capitalist market through a tailor-made legal entity for implementation; underlines that the strengthened autonomy and self- governance of both the ERC and the EIC are crucial to achieving this;
Amendment 313 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
Paragraph 19
19. Urges the Commission to design the part of FP10 on strategic deployment such that it focuses on a limited number of pan-European research initiatives with 2040 set as the time horizon and which require cross-border collaboration due to the scale and complexity of the issue in question; believes that this part should consider that these initiatives could take the form of societal missions which address socio-economic and/or ecological challenges, technology missions to accelerate the development of strategic technologies in Europe, or joint undertakings to secure joint investments by industry, Member States and the EU to support research-based competitiveness and the resilience of key sectors in the European economy; believes that all of these initiatives should receive a budget of between EUR 2.5 and 5 billion;
Amendment 322 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Notes that the allocation of at least 35% of the programme Horizon Europe expenditures to climate objectives served the general EU objective of mainstreaming climate actions into its sectoral policies and funds. Calls to ensure that FP10 pursues the effort to fund adequately science research and innovation that support the EU climate objectives
Amendment 324 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Considers that collaboration is key for excellent research and innovation and highlights that international collaboration should continue in the next FP10, as open as possible and as closed as necessary to tackle global challenges jointly.
Amendment 325 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Reiterates the need for sufficient funding for research projects that address societal challenges and that fall within the area of social sciences;
Amendment 332 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 b (new)
Paragraph 19 b (new)
19b. Recalls the important participation of SMEs in Horizon Europe and their central role in the European R&I ecosystem and highlights the need to maintain measures reinforce their presence in the next Framework Programme.
Amendment 333 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 b (new)
Paragraph 19 b (new)
19b. Calls for making data from FP10 funded projects more accessible in order to maximise the research impact of FP10;
Amendment 338 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 c (new)
Paragraph 19 c (new)
19c. Calls for additional measures to reduce the geographic divide, making the programme more accessible for entities located in low-income countries and promoting interest and capacity for applying to the EIC for companies in less advanced regions.
Amendment 339 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 c (new)
Paragraph 19 c (new)
19c. The programme should recognise the role of interdisciplinary research in addressing societal challenges, also including a better integration of Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (SSHA).
Amendment 343 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 d (new)
Paragraph 19 d (new)
19d. Leverage the programme’s capacity to strengthen society’s trust in science. FP10 should provide more opportunities for the engagement of citizens and society as a whole, raising awareness of the role they can play in contributing to research activities.
Amendment 344 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 d (new)
Paragraph 19 d (new)
19d. Urges the European Commission to increase efforts to boost women's involvement in high-risk innovation by expanding targeted initiatives such as Women TechEU and the Women Leadership Programme.
Amendment 359 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Notes that FP10 should take into account the use of AI as a way to foster European research development while identifying specific risks of an abusive use of AI in the scientific environment and the corresponding mitigation measures.