10 Written questions of Carmen CRESPO DÍAZ
Measures to support the Spanish and Portuguese fleets affected by the proliferation of the invasive species of Asian seaweed ( Rugulopteryx okamurae )
Review of agreements with third countries to introduce mirror clauses
Reinforcing checks on imports from non-EU countries in the face of the rising number of consignments affected by citrus black spot
Compensatory measures for the fishing fleet following the ruling by the CJEU suspending the agreement with Morocco
Measures and action following the ruling by the CJEU suspending the agreement with Morocco
Transposition of Directive (EU) 2018/851
Extraordinary measures to help the livestock sector to deal with bluetongue disease, bovine tuberculosis and epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD)
Labeling and designation of non-animal origin products
Urgent activation of the agricultural crisis reserve to mitigate the devastating impact of torrential rainfall on the agricultural sector in affected areas of Spain
EU recognition of the uniqueness of Brandy de Jerez