Activities of Gaetano PEDULLA'
Plenary speeches (3)
Facing fake news, populism and disinformation in the EU - the importance of public broadcasting, media pluralism and independent journalism (debate)
Seven years from the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia: lack of progress in restoring the rule of law in Malta (debate)
Need to enforce the Digital Services Act to protect democracy on social media platforms including against foreign interference and biased algorithms (debate)
Shadow reports (1)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 806/2014 in order to establish a European Deposit Insurance Scheme
Oral questions (2)
The Commission’s plans to include the revision of the outstanding proposals on animal welfare in its work plan for 2025
ICC arrest warrants issued on 21 November 2024
Written questions (25)
Barriers to aggregator access to the electricity market in Italy
Need for a united and decisive legislative response to tackle homophobia in Europe
Plans to build a waste incineration plant with a capacity of 600 000 tonnes/year in Santa Palomba (9th administrative subdivision of Rome Capital)
Acciaierie d’Italia (formerly ILVA): state aid, environmental compatibility and protecting public health
Energy communities prevented from accessing dispatch markets
Italian Government’s moves against ‘gender ideology’ and respect for EU fundamental rights
Discriminatory and inconsistent award of sustainable mobility grants in Valle d’Aosta
Use of Pegasus and other types of spyware in Slovakia
Compatibility of Italy’s draft security law with the principles of the rule of law and fundamental rights in the EU
Transposition of Directive (EU) 2016/343 in Italy and freedom of the press
Compliance of the Italy-Albania protocol with EU law
Jobs under threat at SIAE Microelettronica SpA
Destruction of urban woodland in Gallarate (VA) and the Grow29 project
Waste management, clean-up and redevelopment of the Crotone-Cassano-Cerchiara site of national interest (SNI)
Protecting the rural development programme and the impact of Italy having decriminalised abuse of office: the case of Umbria
Italian Government’s failure to comply with public consultation obligations regarding the PNIEC
Blatant disregard of International Criminal Court decisions by the Hungarian Prime Minister
‘Urgency’ (but only of a secular nature) of the procurement procedure without publication of an EU contract notice for the Rome incinerator
Incompatibility between the list of safe countries of origin made by the Italian Government and the criteria laid down in EU law
Checking the conformity of the cohesion agreement signed between the Italian Government and Puglia Region with the EU’s guidelines on territorial cohesion
New works on Lake Idro: compliance of extensions of EIA procedures with the principles of access to environmental information and public participation
New measures adopted by the Italian Government that restrict freedom of information
Providing EU resources and support to improve operating conditions for the Italian National Fire Brigade
Leaks, emergency management and lack of planning in Basilicata (Italy)
Violations identified by the Council of Europe anti-torture committee in detention and return centres in Italy