3 Amendments of Liam AYLWARD related to 2008/0103(CNS)

Amendment 267 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. Any amount of direct payments to be granted in a given calendar year to a farmer that exceeds EUR 510 000 shall be reduced for each year until 2012 by the following percentages::
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 562 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 68 – paragraph 1 – point a a (new)
a a) Introduction of additional support to EU sheep and goat meat and milk producers in order to develop a vibrant, self-sufficient, market-led and consumer- orientated sheep and goat sector in the EU.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 714 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 90 – paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Introduction of a mandatory EU labelling regulation system for sheep- meat products, with an EU wide logo.
Committee: AGRI