1 Amendments of Gunnar HÖKMARK related to 2011/0418(COD)

Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 8
(8) Social undertakings include a large range of undertakings, taking various legal forms, that provide social services or goods to vulnerable or marginalised persons. Such services include access to housing, healthcare, assistance for elderly or disabled persons, child care, access to employment and training as well as dependency management. Social undertakings also include undertakings that employ a method of production of goods or services with a social objective, but whose activities may be outside the realm of the provision of social goods or services. Those activities include social and professional integration by means of access to employment for people disadvantaged in particular by insufficient qualifications or social or professional problems leading to exclusion and marginalisation. A further benefit would be the increased plurality of providers of those services which would foster development and new ideas on how best to organise the work and enhancing the quality of the social services provided.
Committee: ECON