1 Amendments of Gunnar HÖKMARK related to 2016/2009(INI)

Amendment 558 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Appeals that it is a part of the European legacy to restore justice in the aftermath of extreme hate crimes (such as Holocaust, genocides, ethnic cleansing, mass killing) through restitution, reconciliation and remembrance. Restitution is an inevitable part of restorative justice, as any extreme hate crimes aim not just in mass murder, but also in mass theft and destruction of cultural heritage of victims. Therefore, it is critical to ensure restoration of justice through recovering looted property and affiliated actions to restore victims' cultural heritage, as well as through reconciliation programs and commemoration of victims. Restorative justice enhances tolerance in the society, where the extreme hate crimes took place and helps to prevent them from being repeated. Restorative justice helps to face and accept responsibility for the past and is an important step in moving forward as a cohesive and integrated Europe.
Committee: LIBE