2 Amendments of Inger SEGELSTRÖM related to 2007/0228(CNS)

Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 5 - paragraph 2
2. In addition to complying with the conditions stipulated in paragraph 1, Member States shall apply one or several of the following criteria as appropriate: (a) the gross monthly salary specified in the work contract or binding job offer must not be inferior to a national salary threshold defined and published for the purpose by the Member States which shall be at least three times the minimum gross monthly wage as set by national law1.7 times average gross pay under national law; (b) in Member States where wages and employment conditions are established through collective bargaining between the social partners, and where there are no minimum wages set by law or generally applicable collective agreements, the working and employment conditions, including wages, shall not be inferior to the wages which apply or would apply to a comparable worker in the host country. In these Member States, in order to avoid wage competition, the trade unions or their local representatives shall be informed of and have a real influence on setting wages for migrant workers.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 154 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 19 - paragraph 4
4. The applicant shall be responsible for the costs related to the return and readmission of him/her self and his/her family members, including by reimbursing costs incurred by public funds where applicable, pursuant to paragraph 3(b).deleted
Committee: LIBE