5 Amendments of György SCHÖPFLIN related to 2012/2025(INI)

Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
H. whereas true reconciliation between different peoples and the establishment of good neighbourly relations between countries contribute substantially to a genuine European integration process, and are of key importance to the enlargement process; whereas a number of candidate and potential candidate countries continue to have unresolved issues with their neighbours, hence all affected parties should work overtly towards the resolution of bilateral tensions;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Strongly believes that enlargement needs to continue to be a credible policy; considers it, therefore, important for the EU to fulfil the promises already made and to create the conditions for ensuring that future enlargements are successful, hence it is vital to define the appropriate success criteria;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Takes the view that strict conditionality requires that the progress of a country is effectively assessed at every stage of the process, and that countries wishing to join the EU should proceed from one stage to the next only once all the conditions have been met at each stage; notes, however, certain tendencies to exaggeration, and recommends avoiding requiring of candidate and potential candidate countries higher standards than those applying in the EU; stresses the importance of setting transparent and fair benchmarks throughout the process; it should also be clear that a benchmark, once attained, should be sustained and that backsliding should elicit the appropriate response on the part of those setting the benchmarks;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Considers it important to give adequate priority within enlargement policy to the building of an efficient, independent and impartial judicial system and a transparent democratic political system that can strengthen the citizens' confidence in the rule of law; underlines, at the same time, the need to ensure freedom of the media in law and in practice, as well as to effectively fight corruption and organised crime;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Is of the opinion that, in order to maintain the support of the EU's citizens for further enlargement and the commitment of the citizens of the candidate and potential candidate countries to continue with reforms, it is crucial to present them with clear and comprehensive information on the political, socio- economic and cultural benefits of enlargement; considers it essential, in particular, to explain to the public how the pursuing of enlargement policy has brought in its wake new investment and export opportunities for the older Member States, and how it can help attain the EU's objectives in terms of tackling the economic crisis, creating jobs, protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change, and enhancing security and safety, while at the same time accelerating the reform agenda and improving living conditions in the enlargement countries for the benefit of all European citizens; stresses the need to target, as a priority in this regard, young people and trade unions, continued attention to education, the provision of the widest possible access to the internet, as well as key opinion-formers such as journalists, representatives of civil society and economic actors;
Committee: AFET