9 Amendments of Lambert van NISTELROOIJ related to 2014/0268(COD)

Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 1 – point b
(b) engines with a reference power of less than 560 kW used in place of engines of categories IWA, IWP, RLL or RLR;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 5 – point a
(a) engines exclusively for use in inland waterway vessels, for their propulsion or intended for their propulsion, having a reference power that is greater than or equal to 37 kW,
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 5 – point b
(b) engines with a reference power greater than 560 kW used in place of engines of category IWA subject to complying with the requirements of Article 23(8);
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 6 – introductory part
(6) 'Category IWA', comprising engines exclusively for use in inland waterway vessels, for auxiliary purposes or intended for auxiliary purposes, having a net power that is greater than 560 kW.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 23 – paragraph 8
8. In case of an engine of category IWP having a reference power greater than 560 kW that is intended for use in place of an engine of category IWA in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4, the requirements of paragraph 5 shall be met separately for each applicable steady- state test cycle set out in both Tables IV-5 and IV-6 of Annex IV, and the type- approval information document shall indicate each steady-state test cycle for which this requirement was fulfilled.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – Table I-5: Sub-categories of engine category IWP defined in Article 4 point (5)
Category Ignition Speed Displacement Power range Sub-category Reference y type mode range (kW) category power type mode (kW) 37≤P<75 disp. < 0.9 P < 19 IWP-v-1 disp. < 0.9 19 ≤ P <37 IWP-v-2 disp. < 0.9 37 ≤ P < 75 IWP-v-13 75≤P<130 IWP-v-2 ≤ P < disp. < 0.9 IWP-v-4 600 0.9 ≤ disp. < Maximum variable 130≤P<3 P ≤ 600 IWP-v-3 Maximum net power 300≤P<1000 IWP-v-45 1.2 net power 1.2 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWP-v-6 3.5 3.5 ≤ disp. ≤ P≥1000 P ≤ 600 IWP-v-57 IWP all 7.0 all P > 600 IWP-v-8 37≤P<75 disp. < 0.9 P < 19 IWP-c-1 75≤P<130 disp. < 0.9 19 ≤ P <37 IWP-c-2 constant 130≤P<300 IWP-c-3 Rated net power 300≤P<1000 disp. < 0.9 37 ≤ P < 75 IWP-c-3 75 ≤ P < Rated net Constant disp. < 0.9 IWP-c-4 600 power 0.9 ≤ disp. < P ≤ 600 IWP-c-5 1.2 1.2 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWP-c-6 3.5 3.5 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWP-c-47 7.0 P≥10all P > 600 IWP-c-58
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – Table I-6: Sub-categories of engine category IWA defined in Article 4 point (6)
Category Ignition Speed Power range Power Sub- Reference Category Ignition Speed mode Displacement Sub- Reference range (kW) category power type mode (kW) category 560≤P<1000 IWA-v-1 disp. < 0.9 P < 19 IWA-v-1 disp. < 0.9 19 ≤ P <37 IWA-v-2 disp. < 0.9 37 ≤ P < 75 IWA-v-3 75 ≤ P < disp. < 0.9 IWA-v-4 600 0.9 ≤ disp. < Maximum variable Maximum net power P≥1000 IWA-v-2 IWAP ≤ 600 IWA-v-5 1.2 net power 1.2 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWA-v-6 3.5 3.5 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWA-v-7 7.0 IWA all all P > 600 IWA-v-8 560≤P<1000 IWA-c-1 disp. < 0.9 P < 19 IWA-c-1 disp. < 0.9 19 ≤ P <37 IWA-c-2 disp. < 0.9 37 ≤ P < 75 IWA-c-3 75 ≤ P < constantdisp. < 0.9 IWA-c-4 600 Rated net Constant Rated net power 0.9 ≤ disp. < P≥1000 P ≤ 600 IWA-c-5 1.2 1.2 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWA-c-6 3.5 3.5 ≤ disp. ≤ P ≤ 600 IWA-c-7 7.0 all P > 600 IWA-c-28
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex II –Table II-5: Stage V emission limits for engine category IWP defined in Article 4 point (5)
Emission Engine Power Engine CO HC Net Engine Emission Displacemen NOx PM PN A stage sub- range ignition PM sub- Power ignitio CO HC NOx A Stage t mass category range n type kW g/kW g/kW g/kW g/kW #/kW (L/cyl) kW g/kWh h h h h h h IWP-v-1 37≤P< Stage V disp. < 0.9 P < 19 all 6.6(1) (HC+NOx≤7.5) 0.4 6 IWP-c-1 IWP-v-2 19 ≤ P (HC+NOx≤4,.7) Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 5,00 5.5 (2) 0,30 - 0.3(2) 6 6,00 IWP-c-1 75 2 70)<37 IWP-v-2 75≤P<3 37 ≤ P < (HC+NOx≤5,4.7) Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 5,00 all 5.0 (2) 0,14 - 0.3(2) 6 6,00 IWP-c-2 130 3 40)75 IWP-v-3 130≤4 75 ≤ P < Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 3,50 1,00 2,10 0,11 - 6,00 5.0 (HC+NOx≤4.7) 0.14 6 IWP-c-4 600 IWP-c-3v-5 <3000.9 ≤ disp. < Stage V IWP-v-4 300≤P all 3,50 0,19 1,20 0,02 1x1012 6,00 P ≤ 600 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤5.4) 0.12 6 IWP-c-5 1.2 IWP-v-6 1.2 ≤ disp. ≤ Stage V P ≤ 600 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤5.6) 0.10 6 IWP-c-46 <1000 3.5 IWP-v-5 P>1007 3.5 ≤ disp. ≤ Stage V P ≤ 600 all 3,5.0 0,19 0,40 0,01 1x1012 6,00 IWP-c-5 0 (HC+NOx≤5.8) 0.10 6 IWP-c-7 7.0 IWP-v-8 Stage V all P > 600 all 5.0 0.19 1.8 0.045 6 IWP-c-8 _____________ (1) 8.0 g/kWh for ≤ 8 kw (2) Optionally, these categories may be certified to a NOx +HC level of 5.8 g/ and a PM level of 0.2 g/
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 60 #
Emissio Engine Power Net Engine CO HC NOxEmission PM PN A n stage sub- range ignitionDisplacem PM sub- Power ignition CO HC NOx A Stage ent mass category type range type kW g/kW g/kW g/kW g/kW #/kW g/kW g/kW (L/cyl) kW g/kWh h h h h h h IWA-v-1 560≤P<1 Stage V disp. < 0.9 P < 19 all 6.6(1) (HC+NOx≤7.5) 0.4 6 IWA-c-1 IWA-v-2 19 ≤ P (HC+NOx≤4.7) Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 3,50 0,19 1,20 0,02 1x1012 6,00 IWA-c-1 000 5.5 (2) 0.3(2) 6 IWA-c-2 <37 IWA-v-3 37 ≤ P < (HC+NOx≤4.7) Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 5.0 (2) 0.3(2) 6 IWA-c-3 75 IWA-v-4 75 ≤ P < Stage V disp. < 0.9 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤4.7) 0.14 6 IWA-c-4 600 IWA-v-25 0.9 ≤ disp. Stage V P≥1000 all 3,50 0,19 0,40 0,01 1x1012 P ≤ 600 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤5.4) 0.12 6 IWA-c-5 < 1.2 IWA-v-6 1.2 ≤ disp. Stage V P ≤ 600 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤5.6) 0.10 6 IWA-c-6 ≤ 3.5 IWA-v-7 3.5 ≤ disp. Stage V P ≤ 600 all 5.0 (HC+NOx≤5.8) 0.10 6 IWA-c-7 ≤ 7.0 IWA-v-8 Stage V all P > 6,00 all 5.0 0.19 1.8 0.045 6 IWA-c-28 ______________ (1) 8.0 g/kWh for ≤ 8 kw (2) Optionally, these categories may be certified to a NOx +HC level of 5.8 g/ and a PM level of 0.2 g/
Committee: IMCO