1 Amendments of Corien WORTMANN-KOOL related to 2007/0297(COD)

Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1
This Regulation establishes CO2 emission performance requirements for new passenger cars in order to ensure proper functioning of the internal market and achieve the EU’s overall objective that the average new car fleet should achieve CO2 emissions of 120 g CO2/km in 2012 and 95 g CO2/km in 2020. The Regulation sets the average CO2 emissions for new passenger cars at 130 g CO2/km in 2012 and 95 g CO2/km in 2020 by means of improvement in vehicle motor technology as measured in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and its implementing measures. This Regulation will be complemented by additional measures corresponding to 10 g/km as part of the Community’s integrated approach. The 2020 objective only applies if the Commission presents an impact assessment by 2012 which shows that this objective is realistic and attainable.
Committee: TRAN