7 Amendments of Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT related to 2007/2145(INI)

Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 73
73. Calls for the harmonisatUrges the Commission, at European level of the criteria on the basis of which refugeend the Council in particular, to swiftly and ambitiously push Europe's forward looking stratus is granted, withegy in the field of asylum on the aim of equalising rates of recognition of that status across the Member States; notes that the current system is cplementation of Phase II, including revision of the directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status as well as the direacting an ‘asylum lottery’ as demonstrated by the way in which rve on minimum standards for the qualification and stateus of recognition of refugee status for similar groups of asylum seekers differ radically from one Member State to another; emphasises that these criteria must reflect high standards, not lowest common denominators, since the ability to receive and protect asylum seekers is an identifying featurethird country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted, and the establishment of oura European societiesAsylum Support Office;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 74
74. Is concerned at the practice employed by several Member States, which, by means of procedural restrictions applied to ‘Dublin transferees’, reject asylum applications lodged in absentia or presume that applications have been withdrawn owing to the absence of the asylum seeker, thus depriving what may be a large number of applicants of the opportunity to have the merits of their applications considered or even to lodge an appeal;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 76
76. Calls on all the Member States to apply the provisions of the reception directive to ‘Dublin transferees’ and to include the areas excluded from it, such as holding centres and transit zones; emphasises that appropriate reception arrangements are fundamental to the functioning of a fair and effective asylum procedure and that those arrangements must guarantee the well-being and dignity of each individual;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 77
77. Calls on the Member States to draw up practical reception arrangements which will ensure that all asylum seekers are provided with the basic necessities of life and health;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 79
79. Points out that migrants who do not submit an application for asylum must also be received in specific, suitable facilities where they can be informed – with the aid of interpreters and specially trained cultural mediators – of their rights and the possibilities offered by the law of the host country, Community law and international agreements; emphasises that reception facilities must not take the form of detention centres;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 87
87. Expresses serious concern at the ever more precarious situation of asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected in Europe as a result of administrative inefficiency, at lengthy asylum procedures, at premature return procedures or returns to unsafe countries, at the increasingly widespread use of detention prior to return, at inappropriate return procedures involving vulnerable individuals, at the withdrawal of welfare assistance in an effort to force applicants to return and at inadequate return procedures;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 88
88. Stresses that individuals should not be repatriated until after fair and comprehensive consideration of their application; takes the view that, where return would be impossible or inhumane because of a critical situation with regard to compliance with human rights in the country of origin, individuals should receive a residence permit allowing them to remain in the country of residence without being in breach of the regulations;deleted
Committee: LIBE