1 Amendments of Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT related to 2008/2218(INI)

Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Urges the Commission to further integrate European environmental legislation into decision-making and planning for TEN-T projects, such as Natura 2000, SEA, EIA, Air Quality, Water Framework, Habitat and Bird Directives as well as the Transport and Environmental Reporting Mechanism (TERM)-reports on indicators for transport and; believes, as a consequence, that once TEN-T status is granted to projects this should be regarded as conclusive evidence of the presence of the (imperative reasons of) overriding public interest within the meaning of the Birds, Habitats and Water Framework Directives and as presumptive environment by the European Environment Agencydence of the absence of alternative solutions under the same Directives;
Committee: TRAN