2 Amendments of Claire GIBAULT related to 2008/2035(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that women are not over- represented where undeclared work is concerned, but when compared with men they nevertheless account for a larger proportion of jobs in a number of areas of the labour market that are characterised by low skills, poor job security, low wages and low or non-existent social protection, which often places them in a particularly vulnerable position;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Points out the generally weaker position of women on the labour market, which is often due to their family obligations, as a result of which access to the official labour market is hampered, and underpaid and undeclared work more readily accepted; points also tonotes that in some cases extremely straitened financial circumstances force women to take on undeclared work in addition to a low-paid job; considers that this highlights the resulting serious consequences for the career advancement of women, but also for the proper functioning of the labour market and the capacity for financing social security schemes;
Committee: FEMM