Activities of Šarūnas BIRUTIS related to 2008/0018(COD)

Plenary speeches (1)

Toys Directive (debate)
Dossiers: 2008/0018(COD)

Amendments (10)

Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 3 a (new)
(3a) Another important objective of the new system to be established by this Directive is to encourage and in certain cases to ensure that dangerous substances and materials used in toys are replaced by less dangerous substances or technologies where suitable economically and technically viable alternatives are available.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 8
(8) AThis Directive is based on the principle that all economic operators intervening in the supply and distribution chain should manufacture, import or place toys on the market with such responsibility and care as may be required to ensure that, under normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, children's health and safety and the environment are not adversely affected. Economic operators should take the appropriate measures to ensure that they make available on the market only toys which are in conformity with the applicable legislation. This Directive provides a clear and proportionate distribution of obligations which correspond to the respective role of each operator in the supply and distribution process.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16
(16) In order to ensure a high level of protection of children against recently discovered risks, ind the environment against risks, dangerous substances, in particular carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) and allergenic substances and elements, should, in accordance with the precautionary principle, be subject to careful attention. It is also necessary to adopt new essential safety requirements. In particular, it is necessary to complete and update provisions on chemical substances in toys. These provisions should specify that toys should comply with the general chemicals legislation, in particular Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC16. These provisions should, however, also be adapted to the particular needs of children, who are a vulnerable group of consumers. Therefore, new restrictions on substances that are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) according to Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances17 and fragrances in toys should be provided for on account of the special risks that these substances may entail for human health. The specific limit values laid down in Directive 88/378/EEC for certain substances should be updated to take into account of the development of scientific knowledge.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 b (new)
(16b) It is necessary to apply a general harmonised transition period of two years after the entry into force of this Directive for compliance with its provisions, and a specific transition period of three years after publication of the revised harmonised toy safety standard in relation to chemical properties, to allow toy manufacturers and economic operators sufficient time to adapt to the new technical requirements on chemicals, and to ensure consistent application of this Directive throughout the European Union.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 7
7. Manufacturers who consider or have reason to believe that a toy which they have placed on the market is not in conformity with the applicable Community legislation shall take the necessary corrective measures to bring that toy into conformity or withdraw it from the market and recall it from end users, if appropriate. They shall immediately inform the national authorities of the Member States where they made the toy available to this effect, giving details, in particular, of the non- compliance and of the corrective measures taken. Manufacturers shall immediately suspend the placing on the market of these toys until they comply with the applicable Community legislation.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a directive
Annex II – part III – paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Manufacturers may continue placing toys on the market containing the substances classified as CMR according to Directive 67/548/EEC for which a request has been submitted, until a decision has been adopted.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 3 a (new)
(3a) Another important objective of the new system to be established by this Directive is to encourage and in certain cases to ensure that dangerous substances and materials used in toys are replaced by less dangerous substances or technologies where suitable economically and technically viable alternatives are available.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 8
(8) AThis Directive is based on the principle that all economic operators intervening in the supply and distribution chain should manufacture, import or place toys on the market with such responsibility and care as may be required to ensure that, under normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, children's health and safety and the environment are not adversely affected. Economic operators should take the appropriate measures to ensure that they make available on the market only toys which are in conformity with the applicable legislation. This Directive provides a clear and proportionate distribution of obligations which correspond to the respective role of each operator in the supply and distribution process.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 b (new)
(16b) It is necessary to apply a general harmonized transition period of two years after the entry into force of this Directive for compliance with its provisions, and a specific transition period of three years after publication of the revised harmonized toy safety standard in relation to chemical properties, to provide toy manufacturers and economic operators with sufficient time to adapt to the new technical requirements on chemicals, and to ensure consistent application of this Directive throughout the EU.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 156 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 7
7. Manufacturers who consider or have reason to believe that a toy which they have placed on the market is not in conformity with the applicable Community legislation shall take the necessary corrective measures to bring that toy into conformity or withdraw it from the market and recall it from end users, if appropriate. They shall immediately inform the national authorities of the Member States where they made the toy available to this effect, giving details, in particular, of the non- compliance and of the corrective measures taken. Manufacturers shall immediately suspend the placing on the market of the toy until such time as it complies with the applicable Community legislation.
Committee: IMCO