5 Amendments of Markus PIEPER related to 2017/2052(INI)

Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Considers that cohesion policy’sthe share of the total EU budget that is set aside for cohesion policy infrastructure measures should be maintained post-2020, as the Cohesion Fund makes a major contribution to closing infrastructure gaps between regions;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Considers that the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) should allow for adequate EU funding, including structural and investment funds, for projects which contribute, in particular, to the completion of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) core network and its corridors; reiterates that financial instruments cannot replace grants for TEN- T projects, as only grants can maximise output on the groundsome modes of transport such as rail or waterways are not attractive for private investors; considers, furthermore, that better coordination of EU instruments related to transport, including blending of grants and innovative financial instruments, can facilitate project implementation and catalyse private financing;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 73 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Considers that an upgraded and more effective Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which covers all modes of transport, including road infrastructure, and focuses on interconnections, is necessary is necessary so that assistance is provided, above all, for infrastructure in need of public support and no freeriding effects arise, e.g. assistance for road infrastructure;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 115 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
9. Underlines the importance of secured funding to achieve an integrated maritime policy, as a flagship initiative for cross-sectoral and trans-national governance, as well as for optimising multimodal connections and shifting to digital transport services and sustainable transport modes, including inland waterways;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 132 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
10. Stresses the importance of shifting towards a sustainable tourism sector, which requires better coordination between tourism and infrastructure projects; considers that a specific heading for tourism should be created in order to move towards a genuine European tourism policy;
Committee: TRAN