4 Amendments of Frithjof SCHMIDT related to 2008/2171(INI)

Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Hopes thatCalls on the Chinese authorities willto live up to the promises they made before the Olympic Games in 2008 on human and minority rights, democracy and the rule of law; and remains deeply concerned about the continuing repression of Tibetans and other minorities in China, as well as the ongoing restrictions on freedom of expression in the media and politics in China; calls on the Commission to insist on the strengthening of the human rights clause in negotiations with China about a renewed Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA);
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Calls on the Commission to insist on a legally binding Sustainable Development Chapter when negotiating a Trade and Investment Chapter in the renewed Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with China;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Deplores the lack of regional and local implementation of ecological and environmental planning in China which has led to huge problems in air, water and soil pollution which are a major threat to the sustainability of industrial and agricultural activity as well as a threat to the health of the population; calls on the Chinese authorities to meet stricter targets for CO2 emissions and to impose tight restrictions on industrial and urban polluters; is aware of the EU's co-responsibility for the situation, given that a high share of Chinese industrial production is owned by EU firms or ordered by EU retailers for consumption in Europe; recalls the Joint Declaration on Climate Change of 2005 between China and the EU, which established a Partnership on Climate Change, and the need to speed up its implementation;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Welcomes Chinese investment in Africa and Latin America but is extremely concerned about the lack of any reference to existing social, environmental and human rights standards for foreign investments, as developed in the last few decades by international lending institutions, UN agencies and governmental donors; calls on the Commission to monitor developments closely to ensure that such activities are not to the financial, environmental or social detriment of the local populations in the least developed countries, whereas imports of Chinese consumer goods have proved to undercut local production and cost African jobs; therefore calls on the Commission to initiate a dialogue in this regard through the EU-China-Africa trialogue swiftly;
Committee: DEVE