Activities of Ivo BELET related to 2011/2087(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

European dimension in sport (debate)
Dossiers: 2011/2087(INI)

Amendments (36)

Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2 a (new)
- having regard to the Commission communication on "Fighting Corruption in the EU" (COM(2011)308),
Committee: CULT
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 17 a (new)
- having regard to its Written Declaration 62/2010 of 16 December 2010 on increased support for grassroots sport,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B b (new)
Bb. whereas high-level sport is a showcase for certain core sporting values and conveys those values to society generally, encouraging participation in sport,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G a (new)
Ga. whereas the violation of sports organisations’ intellectual property rights and the upsurge in digital piracy, especially the unlicensed live transmission of sports events, puts the economy of the entire sports sector at risk,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G a (new)
Ga. whereas sport does not function like a typical sector of the economy because of the interdependence between opponents and the competitive balance needed to preserve the uncertainty of results,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I
I. whereas the European model of sport is based on a federation for each sports discipline, and mechanisms for sports and financial solidarity are organisedcharacterised by open sports competitions within a pyramid structure, based on a federation for each sports discipline with autonomous territory based self-regulating sports governing bodies, as the result onf an autonomous, democratic and territorial basis and in a pyramid structur longstanding democratic tradition and grassroots support in the community as a whole,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital J a (new)
Ja. whereas transparency and democratic accountability at sports clubs can be improved by the involvement of supporters in the ownership and governance structure of their clubs,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K a (new)
Ka. whereas EU action in the field of sport should always take the specificity of sport into account respecting its social, educational and cultural aspects,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital M
M. whereas the very nature of competitions between national teams implies that federations can enhance the training of their national sportspeopleyouth development is essential for the wellbeing of each sport and should be a priority for clubs and federations,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital N
N. whereas professional sport is vulnerable to financial instability, and it is the responsibility of the relevant federations to encourage clubs to adopt a culture of planning and sensible investment,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital O a (new)
Oa. Whereas the regulation of player's agents requires concerted action between sports governing bodies and public authorities so that effective sanctions can be imposed against agents and/or intermediaries who break the rules,
Committee: CULT
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Emphasises that the composition of sports organisations’ decision-making bodies must reflect that of their AGMs as well as the gender balance among their licensed players, thus affording men and women equal access to administrative roles;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Highlights the importance of education through sport and the potential of sport to help get socially vulnerable youngsters back on track and asks the Member States, national associations, leagues and clubs to develop and support initiatives in this respect;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Stresses the need to support the fight against doping, while respecting athletes' individual freedomfundamental rights and in full compliance with EU law; urges the Member States to treat trafficking in illegal performance- enhancing substances in the same way as trafficking in illegal drugs and to adopt national legislation to this end; calls on the World Anti-Doping Agency to create an accurate and easy-to-use whereabouts administration system in line with EU law; notes the importance of punishing the use of doping rather than missed tests;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Believes the accession of the EU to the Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe is a necessary step to coordinate a more uniform implementation of the WADA code in the Member States;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Takes a positive view of the Member States’, in consultation with the European sports federations, drawing up minimum safety standards for stadiums and taking all appropriate measures to ensure that players and supporters are as safe as possible;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Reiterates the importance of volunteers in sport; is in favour of creating a legal and tax framework that is suitable for the activities of sports associations; is also in favour of sponsorship in sportrecognises the importance of sponsorship in the financing of sport, with respect for the financial fair play principles;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 191 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Underlines the fundamental importance of commercial exploitation of audiovisual rights for sports competitions being carried out on a centralised, exclusive and territorial basis in order to have a fair distribution of revenues that ensures solidarity between sporting clubs and between professional and amateur sport;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Believes that sporting events which are regarded as being of major importance for society should be accessible to the widest possible range of people through free-to-air channels; welcomes the ECJ decision on the implementation of Article 3a of Directive 97/36/EC in this respect and calls on Member States who haven't done so, to take measures to ensure that broadcasters under its jurisdiction do not broadcast such events on an exclusive basis;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 209 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Considers that betting on sport is a form of commercial exploitation of competitions and calls on the Commission and the Member States to protect betting from unauthorised activities, in particular by recognising organisers' intellectual property rights with regard to their competitions, guaranteeing a significant contribution from betting operators towards funding mass-participation sport and by protection the integrity of competitions; however such property rights should not prejudice the right of short reporting as stipulated by Directive 2007/65/EC (Audiovisual Media Services Directive);
Committee: CULT
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Reiterates its request that the Commission draw up guidelines on state aid, indicating what type of public support is legitimate with a view to achieving the social, cultural and educational goals of sport;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 c (new)
10c. Urges the Commission and the Member States to provide the Union with a specific budget programme in the field of sport, as is now possible under Article 165 TFEU;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Reaffirms its attachment to the European model of sport, within which federations play a central role and which has clubs and volunteervarious actors, including supporters, players, clubs, leagues and associations at its base;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Recalls that good governance in sport is a condition for the autonomy and self- regulation of sports organisations, in compliance with the principles of transparency, accountability and democracy; underlines the need for appropriate representation of all stakeholders in sports institutions;the decision-making process
Committee: CULT
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Calls on Member States and sport governing bodies to actively stimulate the social and democratic role of sport fans who support the principles of fair play, by promoting their involvement in the ownership and governance structures at their sports clubs and as important stakeholders in sports governing bodies;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 241 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 b (new)
14b. Calls on FIFA to adopt a zero- tolerance policy on corruption, to create independent teams for internal investigation, set term limits for senior officials, address the lack of accountability and to establish close cooperation with law enforcement agencies;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 251 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 a (new)
16a. Asks the European Commission to recognise the legality of measures fostering the promotion of locally trained players; believes that efforts of sports governing bodies to encourage the local training of players and to protect young players and training clubs should go further, thus strengthening the competitive balance within competitions and the healthy development of the European sports model;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Welcomes the study carried out at the Commission’s request on the economic and legal impact of player transfers; also takes the view that the action taken by sports federations to make international transfers more transparent should be supported;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Calls on Member states to supplement existing regulatory provisions governing players’ agents / intermediaries with deterrent sanctions and to implement these sanctions rigorously;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 269 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 b (new)
19b. Calls on sport governing bodies, namely FIFA, to enhance transparency with regard to players agents activities and to cooperate with member states authorities to eradicate corruptive practices;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 270 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 c (new)
19c. Calls on the European Commissions to tackle the opacity of transfers and match-fixing, as announced in its EU anti-corruption strategy, by establishing minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences in this field;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 271 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Clearly states its support for licensing systems, squad size limits and financial fair play, as they encourage clubs to compete within their actual financial means;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Welcomes the efforts of sports federations to ban the ownership of more than one sports club engaged in the same competition; takes the view that betting operators should be prohibited from holding a controlling stake in a body which organises or participates in competitions, and that bodies which organise or participate in competitions should be prohibited from holding a controlling stake in an operator offering bets on the events they organise or in which they participate;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Considers that these measures are helping to improve governance, restore long-term financial stability and sustainability of clubs and contribute to financial fairness in European competitions, and therefore asks the European Commission to recognise the compatibility of such rules with EU law;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 a (new)
21a. Asks the Commission to support public-private partnerships between sport governing bodies, gambling operators and anti-corruption authorities and assist in the development of effective, preventive and repressive strategies to counter match fixing in relation to gambling activities;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 323 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 – indent 4
– to set up a mobility programme for young athletand relevant measures for young amateur athletes, clubs, associations, schools, and sport academies, to enable them to learn new training methods and develop their European awareness and to encourage intercultural dialogue;
Committee: CULT