4 Amendments of Ivo BELET related to 2013/2045(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph A
A. whereas education and training policies play a crucial role in combating the high level of youth unemployment; whereas keeping up with a rapidly evolving labour market requires more investment in vocational education and training (VET), higher education and research; Member States with highly institutionalised interaction between the education system and the labour market have strikingly low levels of youth unemployment; whereas keeping up with a rapidly evolving labour market requires more investment in vocational education and training (VET), higher education and research; whereas dual education systems are dependent on close cooperation between the public and private sectors, with a high degree of involvement of the social partners;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph A a (new)
Aa. whereas traineeships are a useful instrument for facilitating and encouraging the transition by young people from the education system to the labour market; whereas a traineeship must be based on a training strategy; whereas on the other hand traineeships are regularly misused by employers to recruit cheap workers who have little protection; whereas more and more young Europeans often have to accept several traineeships which are either unpaid or underpaid before they can obtain permanent employment;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Calls for an increased use of dual education systems which combine theoretical and practical teaching; highlights the importance of VET in striking the right balance between education and labour market demand; considers that the promotion of VET should not be done at the expense of higher education; emphasises the importance of improving quality standards in higher educationstresses the importance of involvement of the social partners in building a qualitative dual education system; encourages the formation of public- private partnerships; considers that the promotion of VET should not be done at the expense of higher education; stresses that interaction between VET and higher education and the opening of pathways from VET to higher education need to be improved; emphasises the importance of improving quality standards in higher education and VET; calls on the European Commission to draw up qualitative guidelines for a modern dual education system, backed up by a list of broadly defined, non-academic European key occupations;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 76 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Expects the European Commission, after consulting the relevant stakeholders, to prepare a transparent European quality framework for traineeships;
Committee: CULT