3 Amendments of Ivo BELET related to 2018/0018(COD)

Amendment 272 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 3
3. The Coordination Group shall act by consensus, or, where necessary, vote by simplequalified majority. There shall be one vote per Member State.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 399 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 12
12. The Coordination Group shall approve the final joint clinical assessment report and summary report, wherever possible by consensus or, where necessary, by a simplequalified majority of Member States.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 486 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 12
12. The Coordination Group shall approve the final joint scientific consultation report, wherever possible by consensus or, where necessary, by a simplequalified majority of Member States, at the latest 100 days following the start of the preparation of the report referred to in paragraph 4.
Committee: ENVI