39 Plenary speeches of Stanisław JAŁOWIECKI
Explanations of vote
Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems (debate)
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Shipping disaster in the Sea of Asov/Black Sea and the subsequent oil pollution (debate)
Development of the Community's railways - Certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community - Rail passengers' rights and obligations (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
Explanations of vote
Via Baltica (debate)
Community vessel traffic monitoring - Investigation of accidents - Liability of carriers of passengers by boat in the event of accidents - Port State control - Ship inspection and survey organisations (debate)
Explanations of vote
Development of the Community's railways Certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community International rail passengers' rights and obligations (continuation of debate)
Driving licences (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
Inland waterway transport (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
Common rules in the field of civil aviation security (debate)
Measures to promote tourism (debate)
Road safety: bringing eCall to citizens (debate)
Question Time (Council)
Charging of heavy goods vehicles
Trans-European transport networks and energy
Community railways
Basic guidelines for sustainable European tourism
2004 Annual Report – ECB; Communication strategy on the euro
Preparations for the European Council, including the future of the Union after the referenda on the European constitution (Brussels, 16-17 June 2005)
One–minute speeches on matters of political importance
Financing the trans-European transport network
Reciprocity mechanism
Road transport
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Driving licences (continuation)
EU aid for tsunami victims in Asia (continuation)
Preparation of the European Council (17 December 2004)
Turkey's progress towards accession
Voting time