2 Amendments of Anneli JÄÄTTEENMÄKI related to 2012/2318(INI)

Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
31. StressBelieves that the opening of the Arctic route is a direct consequenceNorth East Passage is opening up as a result of climate change, and; highlights the fact that, first and foremost, the EU should invest itself in the preservation and conservation of the region, its resources and critical environmental assets; underlines the importance of overall stability and peace in the region; stresses, therefore, the need for a united, coordinated EU policy on the region, in which the EU’s priorities, potential challenges and strategy are clearly defined the resources of the Arctic region must be exploited in keeping with the principle of sustainable development and in a manner respecting the local population; underlines the importance of overall stability and peace in the region; stresses, therefore, the need to pursue an EU common Arctic policy and draw up an EU Arctic strategy; highlights the fact that, alongside the DanDanish, Finnish, and Swedish interests in, the Arctic, a futurpossible accession of Iceland to the EU would deepen the Union’s transformation into an Arctic coastal entity, underlining the need for an ever more coordinated Arctic policy at EU levelArctic dimension;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
32. Underlines the potential importance of the safety and security of new worldnew trade routes through theArctic sea passage opened in the Arctic, includings for the EU and its Member States’ economies; underlines the fact that the EU and its Member States should actively uphold the freedom of the seas and the right to free passage through international waterways; stresses that existing long-standing territorial disputes between Arctic states call for greater EU involvement in the region and an assessment of what tools and capabilities might be needed to respond to conflict in the area; highlights, in any case, the need to avoid the militarisation of the Arcticconsiders that territorial disputes should be resolved peacefully and takes note of the Barents Sea delimitation treaty between Norway and Russia; calls on the Commission to put forward proposals as to how the Galileo Project could have an impact onbe turned to account in EU Arctic policy and how it could be developed to enable safer navigation in Arctic waters, thus investing in the safety and accessibility of the North East Passage in particular;
Committee: AFET