Activities of Marie PANAYOTOPOULOS-CASSIOTOU related to 2008/0047(COD)

Plenary speeches (1)

Protecting children using the Internet and other communication technologies (debate)
Dossiers: 2008/0047(COD)

Legal basis opinions (0)

Amendments (3)

Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex I - Title 1- point 4
4. Promoting cooperation and exchange of information, experience and best practices between stakeholders at national and European level. Activities will aim to improve the coordination of stakeholders involved inthose in charge of countering the distribution of illegal content and harmful conduct online and encourage the participation and engagement of these stakeholderspopulation groups, irrespective of their social and geographical background.
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex I - Title 3 - point 3
3. Encouraging enhancement of efficient and cost-effective awareness-raising methods and tools. Actions to prevent gender stereotyping will be aimed at improving relevant awareness-raising methods and tools with a view to making them. The objective is to render actions more efficient and cost- effective, by harnessing both the potential for cooperation between the public and private spheres, and activities concerning the social responsibility of undertakings, in a long-term perspective.
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 9 #
Proposal for a decision
Annex I - Title 4 - point 5 a
5a. Promoting awareness of how effectively to balance use of the on-line environment, its dangers and its impact at local and regional level, as well as within small social groupings (family, school, etc.).
Committee: FEMM