1 Amendments of Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS related to 2006/0129(COD)

Amendment 64 #

Article 5 – paragraph 5
5. The Commission shall, by 2025, verify verify by 2015 that emissions, discharges and losses as reflected in the inventory are making progress towards compliancecan be expected to comply, by 2025, with the reduction orand cessation objectives laid down in Article 4(1)(a)(iv) of Directive 2000/60/EC, subject to Article 4(4) and (5) of that Directive. . The Commission shall submit a report on this verification to the European Parliament and the Council. If the report shows that compliance is unlikely to be achieved, it shall propose the necessary Community measures pursuant to Article 251 of the Treaty by 2016. Or. en (Reinstatement of Parliament's amendment 69 from first reading)
Committee: ENVI