1 Amendments of Marian-Jean MARINESCU related to 2018/2046(BUD)

Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Believes that the EU budget contribution to the transport-related agencies should reflect their tasks; notes that the budget allocated for EASA is stable, that the budget for EMSA has slightly increased and that the budget allocated for ERA has decreased compared to the previous budget year; recalls that the scope of competence for ERA, EASA and EMSA has recently been broadened which requires adequate funding and staffing to ensure the successful uptake of their new responsibilities; recalls, within this context, the very significant evolution of the EASA mandate resulting from the recent adoption of its revised basic regulation with new competences (e.g. drones, ATM/ANS, environment, cyber security, research, international presence), and therefore the budget proposal on EASA should be increased in terms of human and financial resources to be adequately resourced to maintain a high level of safety for EU citizens and increase the Europe leadership in support of the competitiveness of the EU industry worldwide;
Committee: TRAN