6 Amendments of Nicolae Vlad POPA related to 2008/0802(CNS)

Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1. The contact points, including the national correspondent, shall be active intermediaries with the task of facilitating judicial cooperation between Member States, particularly in action to combat forms of serious crime. They shall be available to enable local judicial authorities and other competent authorities in their own country, contact points in the other countries and local judicial and other competent authorities in the other countries to establish the most appropriate direct contacts. They may if necessary travel to meet other Member States' contact points, on the basis of an agreement between the administrations concerned in order to allow the exchange of useful experience and opinions concerning the functioning of the network.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 4 – paragraph 3
3. At their respective level the contact points, including the national correspondent, shall organise shall take part in and promote the organisation of training sessions on judicial cooperation for the benefit of the competent authorities of their Member State, in cooperation with the European Judicial Training Network.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 4 – paragraph 3 b (new)
3b. The national correspondents, in addition to their tasks as contact points as referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3, shall: (a) be responsible, in their respective Member States, for issues relating to the internal functioning of the network, including the coordination of requests for information and replies issued by the competent national authorities; (b) bear the main responsibility for contacts with the Secretariat of the European Judicial Network, including participation in the meetings referred to in Article 6;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 4 – paragraph 3 c (new)
3c. The national information contact points shall, in addition to their tasks as contact points as referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3, ensure that the information relating to their respective Member States and referred to in Article 8 is provided and updated in accordance with Article 9. They shall also ensure the coordination of requests for information and replies issued by the competent national authorities;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 6 a (new)
Article 6a The European Judicial Network shall organise, as a first step, a specialised technical department which will determine the minimum technical equipment (comprising hardware and software) essential for ensuring the necessary level of security for the secure telecommunication network.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)
(ca) During the meetings of the national correspondents, administrative matters relating to the network shall be discussed, including IT-related issues to optimise access to the secure telecommunications network for the national correspondents, national correspondents for terrorist matters, national members of Eurojust and liaison magistrates appointed by Eurojust.
Committee: LIBE